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RX450h 2011 catalytic converter theft

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We recently had our catalytic converter stolen from our 2011 RX450h. 

Has anybody else had a catalytic converter stolen from an RX450h? 

Has anybody had an effective Catloc fitted on an RX450h?  I understand there are some garages which do this bespoke service.

With thanks. 

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The cat from my RX400h was stolen in October last year. Insurance company stumped up for new cat + lock after much haggling and convincing them that Lexus supply & fit new cat for £750. First catloc was rubbish, it enclosed the exhaust pipe and was attached to the chassis with a chain that rattled continuously. Due to COVID nothing happened but in the middle of August Lexus fitted for free version 2 which is a steel cage bolted to the chassis with snap off bolts. Nothing is 100% but this will deter most of the crims. BTW Lexus Customer Relations were amazing throughout, and this with a 12 year old car. BTW2 my RX400h is the best car by far in over 50 years of driving and owning about 30 cars. Just did a 2k round trip to France and averaged 40+ mpg not driving particularly slowly. 

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56 minutes ago, Jackyboy said:

The cat from my RX400h was stolen in October last year. Insurance company stumped up for new cat + lock after much haggling and convincing them that Lexus supply & fit new cat for £750. First catloc was rubbish, it enclosed the exhaust pipe and was attached to the chassis with a chain that rattled continuously. Due to COVID nothing happened but in the middle of August Lexus fitted for free version 2 which is a steel cage bolted to the chassis with snap off bolts. Nothing is 100% but this will deter most of the crims. BTW Lexus Customer Relations were amazing throughout, and this with a 12 year old car. BTW2 my RX400h is the best car by far in over 50 years of driving and owning about 30 cars. Just did a 2k round trip to France and averaged 40+ mpg not driving particularly slowly. 

Thanks.  I believe a Catloc for the RX450H is in development, but not yet to market.  Other garages have been mentioned on this forum, who provide their own bespoke welded plate solution.  However,  I am nervous of altering the car in this way and hoped someone may have feedback on this.  

Because the converters are being targeted on the RX, we are reluctant to pay for a replacement and expose ourselves to likely future theft.  It is prevalent in our area.

I am in touch with Lexus customer services who have been wonderful, but are currently unable to provide a solution like they have developed for the RX400.  

With thanks,



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1 hour ago, Lager shandy said:

May I suggest Emily just have piece of exhaust pipe welded in the offending space until you decide to replace the cat or not .

Thanks for your suggestion.  Unfortunately we have to consider our MOT shortly.  

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If emissions aren't tested on hybrids then it sounds to me that we'd all be better off getting the cats cut off ourselves and replaced with exhaust pipe. They could be stored in our garages ( or on the mantelpiece ) and sold with the car when the time comes. 

Has anyone done a comparison test to see how much effect they have on overall emissions ? 

I can't imagine how horrible it must be to start your Lexus up and find you are now driving a tractor.


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Just keep in mind that modifying the emission control systems in any way technically renders the car illegal on UK roads, with knock on consequences for ones insurance should the unfortunate happen and the insurance company takes a closer interest in the car.

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  • 6 months later...

My yard was broken into an they robbed 10 cataylic from different cars ,one of them was a Lexus Rx450h 2011,to replace it costs 3800plus vat from Lexus,an they cut lambda sensor also which is another few hundred,I didn’t price,just wonderin is the an alternative type you can fit ,they cut out both cataylics ...prices of the precious metals have peaked so any chance these people/scum get they rob...

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My yard was broken into an they robbed 10 cataylic from different cars ,one of them was a Lexus Rx450h 2011,to replace it costs 3800plus vat from Lexus,an they cut lambda sensor also which is another few hundred,I didn’t price,just wonderin is the an alternative type you can fit ,they cut out both cataylics ...prices of the precious metals have peaked so any chance these people/scum get they rob...

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