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Oil Type and Quick Oil Filter Question

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Hello Lexus Family 👋

So I bought my Lexus GS450H 2008 recently, very lovely car, at the moment I am very happy with it 👌 So I started buying all the stuff to do the service for her. First question would be: I know on original manual Lexus recommends 5w30 oil but I have also red in forums that you can use 0w20 oil and its actually the best you can give to her. Is that right? I'm looking to get her Mobil 1 0W-20 oil. Also does anyone know the differences between This Mobil 1 0w20 and this MOBIL 1 0W-20 ESP X2 ? As I accidentally bought the 2x one - thinking I would get two bottles of normal 0w20 but that was not the case apparently 😅 and I got charged a lot for at the end so I'm thinking of returning it and exchange to normal Mobil 1 0w20 like in the first link.

Also today I have received my Oil Filter and usually on all other cars I was getting a metal rounded thing with filters inside but this time they send me exact filter without the metal thing which I was always getting before. Wtf? Is this is Lexus type of filter or did I received again not exactly what I was looking for 🤦‍♂️

P.s. Sorry for the different Fonts - its because of pasted oil name and it doesn't let me change it now at least on the phone...





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The difference I can see is that the X2 one comes from Australia and the 'normal' one from ECP in UK.

Quite frankly, IMHO you are wasting money buying very expensive 0W-20 oil. It might be best for fuel economy but you get just as good protection with any fully synthetic 5W-30 oil such as Mannol fully synthetic 5W-30 (eg eBay 5L Mannol ENERGY 5w30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil SL/CF ACEA A3/B3 WSS-M2C913-B).

The official test fuel consumption figures are arrived at with 0W-20 oil which is why Lexus push it so hard. I doubt you will notice any real world difference if you use 5W-30 (but be sure to get the fully synth version - they do a non synth version too.)

Many other 5W-30 oils are available!

The fuel filter is correct - it fits inside an aluminium filter cover. You need a special tool to remove the cover - the tool engages with various flats and lugs. Beware - if the cover is overtightened as is often the case you risk damage if you try and remove it with anything other than the correct item - I have one for an IS250 but am not at present doing my own servicing on my GS300h and I'm not sure if the one you need is the same. Someone will point you in the right direction. BTW - you won't need the white plastic thingy and the smaller o-ring.

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1 hour ago, K1LaS said:

I know on original manual Lexus recommends 5w30 oil

I also have a GS450H of 2007 vintage with close to 150,000 miles on the clock. I have used up until the last oil change 0W20 oil, but have now gone further, and have changed to 0W16 oil "Petronas". I cannot as yet say what improvement in fuel consumption is as with lockdown I have only covered a little over 100 miles.
There was a reasonable fuel saving of around 2 plus mpg going from 5W30 to 0W20 when I first bought the car, and this saving in itself pays for the oil at 10,000 mile oil change interval.
According to the  information I have looked at the 0W16 oil gives better protection against ware, and even better fuel saving than 0W20 oil.


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Thanks for very informative response johnatg👍

Well they do have X2 version here in UK too but I was thinking too that its just one of the marketing tricks to get more money out from the customers as no one was able to answer this question too how they are better even the seller. 

As for the type of oil I noticed that if you look harder there is not so much difference in the price you could pay 0w20 or 5w30 for the same brand I want and if they add extra engine wear support and some extra economy on fuel consumption I thought its worth it (just not this 2x stuff) Of course you can save even more by just changing the brand but I always go for higher know brands for this type of thing.

Thanks a lot for clearing up things with the filter, I'm glad I don't need to return this one.. 😄

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14 minutes ago, Britprius said:

I also have a GS450H of 2007 vintage with close to 150,000 miles on the clock. I have used up until the last oil change 0W20 oil, but have now gone further, and have changed to 0W16 oil "Petronas". I cannot as yet say what improvement in fuel consumption is as with lockdown I have only covered a little over 100 miles.
There was a reasonable fuel saving of around 2 plus mpg going from 5W30 to 0W20 when I first bought the car, and this saving in itself pays for the oil at 10,000 mile oil change interval.
According to the  information I have looked at the 0W16 oil gives better protection against ware, and even better fuel saving than 0W20 oil.


Thanks for sharing that buddy 👍 Glad someone have tested it properly. Well that does sound like its worth it to go from 5w30 to 0w20. So will stay then with 0w20 version just change that 2x version as it is even more expensive and one knows why.. 

I will also keep in mind 0w16 version. Never heard anyone using this version before. Probably won't give much differences from 0w20 but if the price not much higher or higher at all it should be worth it

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