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Warning tone

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I have had my UX coming up 18 months now and was wondering if any body else has noticed or heard this warning tone. It’s the parking censor tone I think and I have had it 5 or 6 times over the 18 months including twice today. A while back I glanced down at the dash quick enough to see a rectangular box over the top of the Battery charge symbol disappearing so I had no chance of reading what it said. First time today going along a country road not near or passing any cars. The second time there was a van parked on our left facing us in a lay-by off the road. 
Phoned Lexus and they think it could be the forward facing censor that tells you are getting too close to cars in front and you must brake. I am not to concerned other that it was twice today but Lexus did suggest calling in and they can illuminate all the warning signals on the dash so we can see which it is. 
It maybe be getting worse in which case it will have to go in but wondering if anybody else has noticed or heard an unexpected warning tone.

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Sounds like the "BRAKE!" warning you get when the car thinks you're going to hit something and wants you to either change direction or brake. I get it sometimes threading through town and nipping around parked cars. The radar doesn't know I'm going to turn in a half-second and panics, throwing up the warning on the dashboard (and the HUD if you have one) and blaring a warning note. I assume if you continue to ignore it the emergency brake system kicks in and slams on the brakes, but I haven't opted to test it...


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I guess it must be that but it is normally quite loud and is very obvious on the HUDs on my GS and wife's Prius - maybe without a HUD it isn't so easy to see.

Drive at a parked car and swerve out the way at the last second (with nothing else around), that will trigger it 😉 



My wife's car is quite sensitive when I turn right into a side road if I start moving as the car I'm waiting to pass is level or just passed - it triggers the Rear crossing Traffic Alert which beeps and displays a small warning symbol on the dash - but your description doesn't sound like that scenario, and your UX would need the RCTA feature.

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No worries whatsoever,

You are driving too close to Road Furniture that is triggering your Auto Brake System that has saved me twice rear-ending the car in front stalled.


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