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Sat Nav Issue - 'unable To Read Data - Check If Map Dvd Is Correct

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Hi there,

Sat Nav is on the blink. Keep getting above error message. It kept freezing but occasionally if I went over a speed bump it would work again, but after I took it to the Lexus garage for repair and they took the disc out, did some reset nonsense that achieved nothing , it doesn't even show the local area map now, I just have the error message - so its worse than it was before I took it in! Their unhelpful solution was for me to get a new one at £2.5k. I have the following questions please so I can try and solve by elimination:

1. does the DVD go in printed side up or down?

2. I was advised to get a head cleaner, does the head cleaner go in with brushes up or down?

3. I have also been advised to get a new disc in case its scratched/old (although is only 2009), I recall on here when I bought the '09 disc someone had a super useful link to a European distributor of Satnav discs for half the price the UK dealership is flogging them for - can I have it please?

4. Can anyone recommend a good Lexus technician within M25 who isnt just going to just recommend a new unit?

5. has anyone solved this error message ?

many thanks


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If you have complete set of discs (usually four of them) - try one of the others - this will eliminate disc as a cause of the problem.

(if normal - should be read the disc - and of course you will be out of the coverage - then you'll just have to buy a new disc).

In case it is not reading the disc - probably lens issue - it is plastic, not glass - therefore it gets old. Lexus repair man couldn't be very helpful (except to take the DVD reader unit out). AV tech would be much more handy.

Last resort is to buy a second hand DVD unit - crashed vehicle or else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for responses - I have now tried some other discs and still no joy so am booking into auto audio specialists in park royal London to get them to look at the DVD lens. Cant believe I'm the only one with this problem though - any further advise would be greatly appreciated......

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi there, just to confirm that the DVD drive was kaput - I managed to buy one off a breakers yard on eBay for £130 incl postage, Lexus have just fitted it for me for £75 and bingo all working fine. Im gong to get the faulty one repaired too . Thanks for advice above - appreciated!

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  • 11 months later...

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