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Towing With An Is250 Automatic

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I have done a search on here and have found a few people who have towed a caravan with their IS but, they all seem to be the 220d.

Has any member, or does any member, tow a caravan with their IS250 Automatic?

Thanks for any input.

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Thought I read something in the owners manual, when I had mine, along the lines of 'not recommended'?

Thought I read something in the owners manual, when I had mine, along the lines of 'not recommended'?

Yes, page 171 of the owners manual does say that it is not recommended but that statement is written beneath the heading "Vehicles for Singapore"

For vehicles outside of Singapore it doesn't say that it's not recommended.

I'm hoping to come across someone who actually does it or, has done it in the past and can offer their thoughts.

Thanks for your input Tango.

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Why would you even think of towing a caravan in Singapore? Does it also say Malaysia :lol: ? Same model in Singapore as in the UK, including RH drive so don't understand why it's only 'not recommended' in Singapore.

Anyway found this on LOC USA which may (or not) be useful

Lexus UK have a detachable tow hitch available on their site for approximately £479

I notice we were all a bit cruel with our comments the last time someone asked the same question :whistling:

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an AWD work horse like this will be cheaper than a new Auto gearbox from Lexus. I will say don't risk your IS250 Auto for towing the pulling power comes above 4500rpm so will have to be revved to pull anything which might result in transmission heating. get a £500 cheap AWD car like this Subaru and you can scrap it if it breaks and would only have lost £500 compared to maybe £2000 for a new Lexus transmission.

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