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Disc Problem


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Since owning car for less than a year, its warped 4 pairs of front discs. Garage done first 3 changes under warranty. They tested all caliper and carriers and reckoned they were working fine. brake pads EBC greenstuff, new slider pins in carriers, Blueprint discs . I just fitted the forth set and rebuilt front calipers to see if they were causing discs to warp but they are working fine.

So if its not the calipers or carriers or pads, then what the hell is warping the front discs every 2 months?

Both wheels and discs get to the same temperature so cant see how the warping is happening.

Anyone got any ideas????

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Thanks for your suggestions. The EBC pads work really well and dont appear to be wearing discs at all so am happy to eliminate them. My mechanic reckons the next thing to do is replace both rubber brake pipes as they can break down inside causing brake fluid fluctuation, if not that then one of the hubs is slightly warped, but how can a hub be checked?

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Also check the hub is perfectly clean before the disc is fitted.

Any debris left on here will cause the disc to run 'out of true' accelerating any tendancy to warpage

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Also check the hub is perfectly clean before the disc is fitted.

Any debris left on here will cause the disc to run 'out of true' accelerating any tendancy to warpage

So that being the case, if the alloy wheels are not totally straight that would cause the same affect? (I know that wheels are slightly out)

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