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Sportcross Holiday To Scotland. Wife Traveling As Well. . .

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About to hit 390 miles for the last quarter notch on the fuel tank. I think this may be the first time I pass 500 miles on one tank. Edinburgh tomorrow, Saint Andrews on Wednesday.

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I will also be making a little picture diary of my trip to Paris in July. So you reckon 500 miles of motorway is achievable? mines a auto and will have 4 passengers and a boot full of luggage! ill be happy for it to get 400 miles out of a tank, anything more would be a bonus. whats your cruising speed? im thinking 80mph

Anyway enjoy your time Stu, couldnt think of a better car to use :D

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Yeah, I have been cruising at a speed slightly above 70mph. Soft pressure on the accelerator to try and keep the mpg monitor around 40 mpg where possible. The passed couple of weeks, the low fuel light hasn't come until after 400 miles have passed.

The car is currently holding my wife and I, plus a medium amount of luggage. We are staying (traveling) in Scotland until June 5th. Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Inverness, Isle of Skye, Ayrshire and Glasgow.

MMmmm Lexus driving ness . . .

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I think I got my timing wrong in the first post, it must've been 2 and a half hours, there's no way I was traveling fast enough to complete 185 miles in 90 mins . . . . .

Anyway, due to set off for Edinburgh around 10:00 , with 378.3 miles completed and the gauge not yet on the final quarter notch. I'm aiming for the fuel light to come on at 450 miles and needing to stop for petrol at 500 miles.

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Glad you said that cos I was thinking you must be driving FireballXL5 for a minute there. You were averaging over 100 mph.....nothing short of remarkable!!

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Yeah about 75mph if i remember is 3000rpm, prob the optimum speed. Im going to be setting off about 1am to avoid M25 traffic so could bomb it but think ill just sit back, set the cruise put the heated seat on and relax

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I managed to get 25mpg out of my four litre Jeep on a run out to the BMW meet.....Problem was it took me so long to get there everyone else had gone home...

We're taking the IS on a road trip to the Czech Republic in September so I might give it a wash..

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I managed to get 25mpg out of my four litre Jeep on a run out to the BMW meet.....Problem was it took me so long to get there everyone else had gone home...

We're taking the IS on a road trip to the Czech Republic in September so I might give it a wash..

wow thats far! by Croatia isnt it?

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I managed to get 25mpg out of my four litre Jeep on a run out to the BMW meet.....Problem was it took me so long to get there everyone else had gone home...

We're taking the IS on a road trip to the Czech Republic in September so I might give it a wash..

wow thats far! by Croatia isnt it?

Nahh, not as far south as Croatia..... We're off to a village about 100km outside Prague but I'm not too sure which one, my beloved hasn't told me yet.. We'll be taking a steady drive down through Germany and visiting a few places on the way... It'll be a rare treat for me to be able to stop off and have a good look round as whenever I used to visit that area I was against the clock, delivering stuff for the Army in Split (Croatia) and last time the Lex was in Germany we were driving down to a funeral so not a fun trip but I did discover that the IS200 would redline in sixth gear

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I managed to get 25mpg out of my four litre Jeep on a run out to the BMW meet.....Problem was it took me so long to get there everyone else had gone home...

We're taking the IS on a road trip to the Czech Republic in September so I might give it a wash..

Nice one! Picking up passengers from Rotherham on the way? I like it there!

Didn't make it to the meet. Carries grandad just died before..... We'll have to meet up for a beer another time again mate.

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Photograph of the 500 mile tank please Stuart!

You'll be the first person I know to get 500 miles from a tank in an IS, but if anybody was going to do it it's was always going to be you :lol:

Enjoy the rest of your holiday, Scotland is a beautiful place. :)

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I managed to get 25mpg out of my four litre Jeep on a run out to the BMW meet.....Problem was it took me so long to get there everyone else had gone home...

We're taking the IS on a road trip to the Czech Republic in September so I might give it a wash..

Nice one! Picking up passengers from Rotherham on the way? I like it there!

Didn't make it to the meet. Carries grandad just died before..... We'll have to meet up for a beer another time again mate.

I'm sorry for your loss Ray..

We'll be starting off from Bradfordistan so will be going past Rotherham, if you can find space in the car after Tanya has packed it then you are welcome to come with us.....It's funny how a bloke can go away for two weeks with a wallet, mobile phone, a pen and a small flight bag yet the car will be packed to the gunnels with stuff.....Most of which the average bloke couldn't even begin to identify..

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We decided to stop for fuel as we were near a petrol station. 491.1 miles. My wife was getting concerned that there would be no more petrol stations and we would run out. 63.78 litres went in and the average mpg was 35mpg. I could've done it, maybe on the return trip home, I'll push for 500 miles again with pics.


This was the bed and breakfast we stayed in, in Jedburgh.

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