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How To Transfer Tel Contact Nos From My Iphone

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Can anyone help advise how to transfer my Iphone list of contacts to my 2005 RX400H Bluetooth phone book? I follow the instructions in the handbook and press "start transfer" button, but the next screen doesn't come up which should say "transfer phone book data. Select transfer method" either Overwrite or Add. This is the second RX400H with which I've had the same problem, and a different Iphone. There is only the one phone registered to the car's Bluetooth.

Anyone else had the same problem as me - and what do I do about it? Thanks in advance


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yeah I have the same problem as you exactly, but my research has concluded that there is no solution I'm afraid. I'm just going to manually put in about 20 of my most dialled numbers. And I'm considering a Brodit mount so the phone's in sight and can be used probably in place of the car's sat nav too.


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Many thanks for your prompt response Mike. I was afraid you would say that and will have to resign myself to inputting my main numbers manually. One would hope that the RX450H has realised that iPhones are here and are able to communicate with them!


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the way the Lexus system pulls contacts isn't compatible with the Iphone. There are a couple of computer programs which allow the transfer via a PC/Mac but it is a bit convoluted to say the least.

I think the later systems can pull contacts correctly but I don't think Lexus have issued an update for the older systems.

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There is a way around - you can send all your contacts to the car's phonebook, but... you cannot do it directly from Iphone. I did transfer all my 450+ contacts like that:
Exported all contacts from Iphone 4 to Nokia 6210 Navigator and then all atonce to the car.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I use the link i get about a thousand Mac software items. Any clue as to the relevant one? Thanks in advance....... :hocus-pokus:

The Prius one needs a portable Mac - so it looks like it's manual entry for me............

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Must say i am frustrated over the phone scenario. I am an Iphone fan and have a windows 8 work phone they are both now paired but cannot sync either. have had trouble trying to,fathom out how to manually input into the phone book and still dont know.Then I manage to programe 5 numbers into one touch dialing and it wont let me use it on the move.

On my Rover 75's I fitted a parrot MK9200 I fit and dont know if to try and do the same or if it will mess the highly complex electrics up.

Why seamless connection even with my two phones connected at the same time.

Easy sync with phone book

The clever bit for me though was the music it streamed direct via Bluetooth to,the Harmin Kardon sound unit and I have I Tunes Match and subscribe to EE. With the coverage I could stream my entire music collection most of the time. Voice recognition for the whole phOne book was also very good.

Anyone already done this with a Navigator or does the two lots of Bluetooth and complex electrics mean its a no no. Or maybe its me just doing things wrong but the manual is a nightmare and I like to think I embrace technology.For someone who is not used tom electronics and computers it must be nigh on impossible to work the Nav and phone.

Views appreciated on getting a new Parrot and training it to,talk Lexus please


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for the latest via a Lexus dealer or the Lexus Europe website:

however you could get a year or two out of date one from somebody else who has just upgraded. You see them on eBay now and again however you need to be careful to get a compatible disc as there are multiple generations of nav unit that Lexus have used over the years.

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Genuine Lexus disc 2014 version on eBay

Found a German supplier for DVD E17 2013/2014, west europe


£70.99 inc postage

There are other German suppliers around the £66-70+ 'joesoe' is one with 100% feedback

On booting the new disc I found I could now use the system while moving.

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