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Posts posted by hector-uk

  1. Thanks for the info.

    The car was bought new from Lexus Glasgow around 2 and half years ago, so still under warranty. All servicing completed by Lexus Glasgow too. In the servicing, do they check sensors etc coz then they really should have picked this up earlier?

    They will contact the garage tomorrow morning, which is the only other place my car has had any work done, and I will see from there.

    Here's hoping.

  2. Hi, an update of my situation with the warning lights, is still unresolved and has become worse !! Not the car but what was discovered.

    My car was seen to just before christmas regarding the "Check VSU" warning light and they found that one of the ABS sensors had been cut !! :crying:

    So they turned round and said that I have had work done to the car, invalidating the warranty and refuse to pay for a new sensor.

    Well the only work done to the car was done by a Lexus approved Garage recommended by Lexus Glasgow themselves, since they dont have a bodyshop of their own. This was done a couple of years ago when unfortunately I had a nasty accident where someone smashed into the back of me and then I hit the guy infront. I informed them of this and they contacted the Garage, who play the innocent party saying that they did no work to the front of the car!! What absolute liars !! :tsktsk: When infact they had repared the front bonnet which was involved in the initial accident and also said they had to put the car on a "jig" not sure what that means?

    Anyway, i'm left now with the warning light constantly on, the car is safe to drive i'm told but the thought now i'm gonna have to fork out and pay for a new sensor, which i'm not even sure how much is gonna be. Oh, they also meantioned that someone had tried to stick the sensor back on with black tape!!

    Lexus Glasgow say they will contact the Garage again on Monday first thing, but I get the feeling that no one is gonna admit to this and i'm gonna be left with the bill!!

    I've tried to keep the car in the best condition possible and any work required has been done at the garage recommended by Lexus. It just feels unfair !!

  3. Hi guys, good to here you got yours sorted Greig.

    Unfortunately coming home tonight my dashboard lit up with the same "Check VSC"

    Thankfully i managed to get home safely, didn't really notice any problems driving the car while the warning lights were on.

    I too am in Glasgow, just wanted to ask how good they were and how long did they have the car for?

    Tomorrow is a Saturday and think the Service dep is closed, will the other staff be able to help? I dont wanna sit all weekend with the car sitting in the drive, like Martin, would rather get this sorted before Christmas.


  4. Hi, just been reading through this and appears that prices are going crazy.

    Sorry if its going a little off topic, but i currently have an 06 IS250 auto with MM + 18" wheels and was looking at possibly changing my car, not particularly lexus maybe something else. It will be 3 years in July since having the car, so do you guys think it best to try and get a deal now within the next few months or wait until next year?

    I'm still unsure as to what to go for, was thinking audi A5 or porsche cayman?? Wouldn't buy new, but just not sure whether to wait until next year when the prices will probably go down further however wont get as much for my Lexus, or try now??

    Any suggestions??


    Car sals are down >23% in Oct compard to last.

    Now is probably a good time to do it - there are a plethora of nearly new exdemo's and management cars everywhere and November is normally a very quiet month....which means you get a huge choice...

    Porsche - history has shown that brands like Porsche will not get hit-overall-so they might offer you a crap deal. Audi too are seeing a sales bonanza - so again you might struggle on an A5 which is in demand...

    the longer you leave it, the less interested dealrs will be in taking a Lexus...which they have to pass on again through the you will be offered £500-1000 less than CAP to cover any losses they incur, unless they can pre-sell (which many can and do).

    Like I've said - best to go to a dealer (any make) who have Lexus within group...

    Good luck

    Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately it doesn't ideally suit me to sell just now and like you said the cars i'm interested in dont seem to be coming down in price too much.

    Someone said to me that it would be better to trade in my car around March or September, something to do with the new reg etc coming out, dont know if any truth to it though?

    However i may hold off just a little while longer, surely better deals on the A5 will be available since it only came out this year.

    May just pay a visit to the Audi garage and see what they say??

  5. I had a similar incident to one of my wheels a while back, however when i got round to sorting it out, found that due to the colour of the Hoshi wheels it was extremely difficult to match. Chips Away here in glasgow, said they couldn't do it. I phoned Lexus and they gave me the number of a guy they use, he managed to do it, however it still wasn't perfect. I think its too hard to get it back to its original shine and colour.

  6. Hi, just been reading through this and appears that prices are going crazy.

    Sorry if its going a little off topic, but i currently have an 06 IS250 auto with MM + 18" wheels and was looking at possibly changing my car, not particularly lexus maybe something else. It will be 3 years in July since having the car, so do you guys think it best to try and get a deal now within the next few months or wait until next year?

    I'm still unsure as to what to go for, was thinking audi A5 or porsche cayman?? Wouldn't buy new, but just not sure whether to wait until next year when the prices will probably go down further however wont get as much for my Lexus, or try now??

    Any suggestions??


  7. I was looking to get this too. I was wanting to ask those of you who have this, is the quality just as good as CD. I found with having my ipod plugged via the AUX the sound was a little lower and not as clear, however if the same tracks were put on CD it was much more clear and louder.

    So any info regarding quality would be much appreciated and whether it is really worth it??

    Thanks guys

  8. Sorry for the late reply, but got this sensation/noise sorted and it turned out to be my front tyre. Apparently i had a "swelling" in the was of the tyre due to possibly going over pot holes etc causing a break in the lining and therefore swelling !! So got a couple of Toyo's to replace and all is back to normal !!

    However my issue of lowering the car seems to continue and to anyone who has lowered the car i need some help. I went for a set of Eibach Pro Kit to lower the car 30mm and when fitted only the front lower 5 mm and rear 0mm. The garage found this to be strange so contacted Eibach who sent another set of springs and no change.

    I have spoken to Eibach about this and they have no idea why it hasn't lowered and say they cant offer any other suggestion but to go back to stock, which is what i'm intending to do. I have an IS250 SE. I was also told that it didn't matter where i got the Eibach Springs US or UK they are all the same and should lower the car the same way.

    I'm now stuck because i dont know whether to get another set of springs incase they dont lower the car either??

    Anyone any ideas as to which ones i should go for or should enquire about?

    Eibach also did mention that other IS250's lowered fine with the Eibach Pro Kit, so i guess i have to be special !!

  9. Thanks for the reply. However i have to say it is more of a sensation than a noise and can be felt. Like i said especially when driving faster and on a smooth road with no bumps it is very clear. I tried today again driving at 30mph on a smooth surface and there is definitely something "ticking" what feels is under the car but definitely exterior ! I just cant find the right words to describe it as i have never really experienced this before !!

  10. Hey guys, i recently got my car, an IS 250SE new springs. I went for the Eibach Pro Kit which when fitted did not even lower the car !! Very strange !! Eibach are gonna send another set to have fitted so will see if it makes any difference !!

    Anyway, back to the main concern which is a rattle coming from the car. I know this has been talked about to death, but this is not a rattle from within the car and not your average rattle. It is very prominent when driving on a smooth road and feels as though it is a bumping noise/sensation from possibly under the car as though you are going over bumps. When i hit the gas it becomes more frequent. I'm sorry about the vague description but i have never heard or felt this in the car and find it really difficult to pinpoint what and where its coming from? I will ofcourse call Lexus about it but just thought if anyone else has experience something like this or may know what it may be??

    I had vaguely noticed something a while back but because i rarely do motorway driving didn't think much of it. It was only when i went on a long drive today and was accelerating faster did i notice the sensation. I'm not sure if it is the springs. Like i said you can really notice it when driving on a smooth road no bumps, you get the bumpy sensation which gets faster the faster the car goes??

    Any ideas??

    Thanks for any help

  11. Hi guys,

    Just a quick question, especially to those who have the boot spoiler from lexus. I was looking to get this fitted, hopefully soon but when i went to the body shop, which is separate from lexus they told me that if i get the boot spoiler installed, Lexus highly recommend in getting a new brake light as the spoiler would obstruct the current brake light.

    This would increase the cost by around £200 for the extra part and installation.

    Although there would be the usual brake lights at the rear on either side, Lexus say that most people look at the central brake light and if it is covered by the spoiler then may cause accidents?? I didn't know if they were being serious or if it was an early April Fools joke??

    What do you guys think?

    Thanks for any advice

  12. Hey guys,

    I was hoping for some advice from some of the more experience members here. I am currently enjoying my 18 month old IS 250 SE Auto + MM, however, ever since i placed the order back then i had always really wanted the Sport in Auto. As it is now an option, i am in 2 minds whether to trade in my SE and go for the Sport. The other thing about the "old IS 250" that i'm not really too keen on is the leg room for passengers at the back. For a four door car, i have to say the IS has to be the worst i've seen, although it doesn't help that i have long legs and my seat is far back, but there still should be enough room for someone to sit. I saw the newer IS250's and noticed they have tried to improve this, however will need to investigate further.

    I have just passed the 13k mile mark and was wondering what kinda deal should i be going for if i was to go ahead with the sport. For those who have done something similar, have you found the newer IS to be worth it??

    Any help as usual is much appreciated

  13. I asked about it a while ago when i was passing by, and the person i spoke to said it would cost around ~£250, i think incl. installation. He said however that if you have the ML system that would not be able to display the track/title, but then checked his computer and said the ML sysatem would have full integration.

    Would like to see, from people who have it what they think?

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