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Posts posted by Lexmas

  1. Flags themselves are not chavvy, it's what they impliedly represent. There is nothing wrong with having national pride and supporting your country's sports team. There is something wrong with national pride becoming bigoted and unrespectful of others.

    An example:-

    I was playing cricket on Saturday and stopped between innings to watch the match at the local village hall. Some of the village was there and apart from cricketers, they were all wearing FULL England kits and the cars outside ALL had England flags on them. When someone light heartedly said Come on Paraguay they shouted back saying "F*** off you greasy wop, seriously F*** off before you get hurt."

    That's why the flags are associated with chavvs.

    Good luck to England and I'll support them in my own way, whether ostentatiously or not. Flags are ok in my book, the secondary association with unqualified patriotism is not.

    Talking about chavvs is about as racist as talking about toffs.

  2. I have developed the art of listening without paying attention. catch a few key words and tune out for the rest. It means that you can listen and sympathise (you'll certainly never empathise!), without having your soul ripped from your body as it cries stope the torture!! :winky:

  3. I thought the latest X-men was entirely rubbish. They tried to squeeze in too much into one film and as such the the audience didn't get to know any of the characters any better. It just didn't work, too much going on to really get stuck in to any particular part i.e. rogue and iceman, storm and (the other woman), spike?, juggernaut and colossus etc. Where did other characters go like nightcrawler?

    Also - what is the obsession with Wolverine, why does every film centre around him!?! It gets a bit tedious.

    The last scene could have been a concept for an entire film, not a fifteen minute broad brush stroke. A shame.

  4. Wealth and class do not go hand in hand.

    For work, I wear either my one bespoke suit or Jaegar suits which are excellent for off the peg fit. I have tried the designer labels, maybe not the type Pip talks of, but the High Street stuff, and it is generally overpriced tosh. Shirts I buy from Jermyn Street. Ties I buy from anywhere as long as I like the style. Shoes from anywhere, but it is getting increasingly difficult to find a good pair of Oxford shoes. Most shoes these days tend to be the pointy kind - not for me. Underwear from M&S :D

    Casually - I buy my trousers from Lester Bowden in the main and shirts from anywhere the colour and cut suit me.

    Trainers - New Balance, never anyone else.

    Football boots - Puma Kings (the daddy)!

  5. Due to my own stupidity and slight intoxication I accepted a lift home from someone way more inebriated than myself. I told them to let me out of the car 5 miles from home just after we rocketed around a bend at 50mph, struck a curb and two wheels left the road for a while. Never again!!!!!

    Bizarrely, the girl's name who was driving was Portia (I kid not).

  6. I showed the article to my girlfriend over the weekend to see what she had to say about the myths etc. She found it quite amusing, but didn't reveal much! :D

    Having said that, not much of it applies to us, fortunately. I know I sound a bit smug and for that I apologise, but there are great girls out there. I promise.

  7. As for CV's, that's a black mark straight away. I once received one stating the applicant had good 'Attentoin to detail' for Gawds sake!

    Bring back the three R's, whatever they were???? :blink:

    As for CVs, that's a black mark straight away. I once received one stating the applicant had good 'Attentoin to detail' for Gawd's sake!

    Bring back the three Rs, whatever they were???? :blink:

    Just some punctuation mistakes I spotted! :P :tomato:

  8. Does anyone know how you can use the "garage" and get the avatar area updated with "Gold Memeber" or other words? Mine just says Established member, and I have no idea how others have changed theirs...

    I sent an email to admin asking them to update me to Gold :D

  9. Just as I was reading this, my housemate took a peak and says that he is living proof of all the myths identified. He is now determined to go back to his bad boy dating ways. Look out ladies! :o

    Personally, it makes very interesting reading. I haven't done much dating, as I have found the right person straight away. I know I'm fortunate and on reading this stuff, i know that Lady Love has certainly been kind to me. :D :D :D

    The man that wrote that article is living proof men think more than women think men do!

  10. I remember the Mail ran a poll last year or something about this with readers voting in.

    I disagreed with the final outcome.

    So who do you guys think? I think it could be titled the greatest artist/entertainer ever. We are talking influential and who set the bench marks for everything there after.

    Mine without doubt, the King: Elvis Presley. :winky:

    I agree that Elvis was certainly a fantastic entertainer - one of the best. Many will say he was/is the best entertainer ever, but I think not. He did set benchmarks, but does that mean this automatically disqualifies all those that come thereafter? It shouldn't be the be all and end all.

    This leads me to say that in my opinion - Michael Jackson is the greatest entertainer of the last century. Remember I am too young to have been involved in the Elvis hysteria, so this may cloud my judgement on him.

    Equally you could chose a fantastic film star - but they aren't as good in concert! :lol:

  11. Having just switched from a Pug 106 to an IS, I would say that the research is probably correct.

    I think in that particular comparison it would skew the statistics anyway... I know I would certainly be far less stressed out an IS than a Pug 106... I feel much safer driving a vehicle that can at least withstand the impact of something a bit larger than a common house fly.


    How did you know the reason why the Pug was given "uneconomical repair" status forcing me to change to the IS? :lol:

  12. Having just switched from a Pug 106 to an IS, I would say that the research is probably correct.

    I now enjoy my surroundings a bit more, even when annoyed by fools on the road, including young, idiot drivers that shouldn't be allowed on the roads in the first place (just in case anyone thought I was ageist). :winky:

  13. It's really refreshing to see everyone here is so tolerant of others on the road. Such tolerance of course only comes from such drivers that are perfect in every respect.

    Fair enough, I take your point. :P . "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.." etc and I admit that I'm a sinner.

  14. I have a lot so I'm not going to list them all. I agree with all the above comments, but everyone has missed out the most annoying, irritating, makes me incandescent with rage, motoring bug bear - old people.

    Old people should get off the road when they start sitting so close to the steering when their chest is touching it. Compulsory test after the age of 70, every 5 years. Their offences include:-

    Never signalling or signalling 500 metres too early

    Only using the middle lane on the motorway no matter what speed they are going.

    Driving 10mph under the speed limit.

    Not being able to park

    Not being able to see the enormous queue behind them and having the realisation that they might be driving too slowly for the lane they are in.

    Being incorrectly positioned at junctions

    Always stopping at roundabouts when it is quite clear that there is nothing coming for 100 yards before the roundabout!!!


    Rant over

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