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Barry Lavin

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Posts posted by Barry Lavin

  1. just a quick enquiry to see if anyone can tell me what kind of price tey are being charged to change up. mine is 06 220 wit 50000 kilometeres, base model wit metallic, looking for same again for 2009 as unlike a lot of 220 owners i really liked d car, always got mid 40's on econemy and never had rattles

    i changed my 06 220d metallic mm (20000 miles) in september ( ordered in may) was told that the metallic and mm were worth zilch. was given €27000 part exchange so i dropped about €11000 on the base model plus i had to pay for the mm which i got again because i cant live without my reverse camera. Got it in black and saved €1000 also i wont lose the grand on the car when i go to trade in. Interestingly everyone i talk to tells me the car looks much better in black. i know it gets dirty quickly but i dont care because i dont intend washing it anyway, well maybe once a year when it stops raining.

    hope this helps

  2. Thats a nice list

    pity I didn't get as much stuff with my new one ( or old one for that matter)

    I didn't get the leather wallet although I already have one somewhere from my last car

    I didn't get the cloth and cleaner

    I didn't get wheel nuts

    I only got silver caps for the tyres instead of the nice gold ones that were stolen within a week so no real loss there

    I didn't get 13,14,15 or 16.


    The sales guy spent about five minutes with me

    Oh yes and although late september no new spec, same old car.

    The CD is a manual without killing the tree

    God knows what the empty envelope is for

  3. I have a new IS 220D ordered and I called into my Lexus Dealer yesterday to find out when it was due. I was told it would arrive in early october. However when i asked if she would be a facelift i was met with an uncomprehending look .Facelift what facelift theres no facelift due. You must be thinking about the GS sir. They are good fun these car dealers if a bit thick.

  4. Im waiting for a new 220d which I am told will take four months so I decided just to change the front tyres which are getting a bit scruffy. I went to my local tyre place and told the guy that I wanted Toyos because that is what Lexus were switching to because of the road noise. The guy told me that I would be mad to change to Toyos as they were a mid priced tyre ( about €110) over here each as against € 160/170 for continental/Bridgstones which according to him were premium tyres and far better quality than the Toyos. Now I am in a quandary as to what to do. If this is true I certainly dont want them on my new jalopy. Are we seeing Lexus cutbacks or are the reasons for change true.

    If he charged more for the Toyo's would it make you feel better? Toyo aren't inferior quality compared to Bridgestone or Continental, I prefer them on my 250 and 200 to either of them....less noise and more grip in the wet. Probably a softer compound than the Bridgestone so will not wear quite as well, but it's a trade off against better grip. My T1-R's on the 250 have done just under 20K and the rears are more worn than the fronts, but they don't need changing yet.

    Thanks for coming back with a reply .The price is not an issue its just that you normally gets what you pays for and I was a bit wary of the huge price differential. Also I know bugger all about tyres and he was supposed to be the expert.

  5. Im waiting for a new 220d which I am told will take four months so I decided just to change the front tyres which are getting a bit scruffy. I went to my local tyre place and told the guy that I wanted Toyos because that is what Lexus were switching to because of the road noise. The guy told me that I would be mad to change to Toyos as they were a mid priced tyre ( about €110) over here each as against € 160/170 for continental/Bridgstones which according to him were premium tyres and far better quality than the Toyos. Now I am in a quandary as to what to do. If this is true I certainly dont want them on my new jalopy. Are we seeing Lexus cutbacks or are the reasons for change true.

  6. Because of the high emmissions of the 250 manual ( approx 240gm etc) it is in the highest group which has an annual road tax of €2000 wheras the 250 auto at around 205gm is in the next group down and ONLY costs €1000 per year to tax.

    The 220d comes in at 168gms with a yearly road tax of €430 per year. This is only for new cars purchased after July 1st this year. All older cars will continue to be taxed on the engine size for the lifetime of the car. So you can have two identical cars with the same emmissions sitting at the lights together and because one is older the owner is paying almost twice the road tax of the other even though it may be in better nick. Stupid innit, but thats politicians for you, not recognised by their brain cavity size but by their thick necks.

  7. Sick as a parrot guys and gals :crying:

    My car cost me approx €51000 two years ago this month , because of this new VRT thing got offered €27000 on a trade in on a new 220d. Would have got less on a different make. So im dropping €24000 in two years. I know the new one is only costing me €44000 so I only have to come up with €18000 but its still a sickener.

    New one due in four months ( black with MM, cant do without the reversing camera), I hope they have fixed the bad bits.

    Got black because I dont want to pay €1000 for a gallon of paint that I will get zilch back for.

    Now I have a reason for really hateing the tree huggers, cant wait until the next election.

  8. Can I ask anyone who has an interest what they would now buy after the the new VRT changes here in Ireland and maybe down the road in the UK.

    I am well aware that the 250 Auto MM is the best car to buy as a car, but that will now cost €53000 for the base model

    Whereas the 220d Executive MM will only cost me € 48000 and the base with MM will only cost € 44385 which is nearly €10,000 cheaper than the 250 . What do you think?

  9. Tango,

    You need to go here ....

    Then type in your current DVD number. You can get this off your current DVD, which means you'll have to remove it but I managed it on mine without any problems. When you enter you number you get the price of the update and you can check the new coverage, as compared to your version. I'm waiting another year, as €159 is a bit steep right now.

    On another thread i mentioned that i was having a bit of a barney with my dealer (whats new) around early 2007 i think it was, concerning the sat nav disc in my car which i bought in may 2006. I eventually got them to replace the disc with a newer version for free as the other one was absolute crap in ireland. So in answer to your query there must be an update for yours as i got one and my car is newer. Hope you get a free one. :winky:

  10. I had a good experience the other day, too. I filled the tank on my way home. It was really slippery so I had to drive extra carefully the remaining 25 miles or so. When I got home, the tank AVG showed 5.5 (51.4 MPG). Now, the driving was gentle but the conditions were less than optimal which should have shown in the consumption. I think my mileage is actually improving when the car is getting closer to 15000 miles. Getting about 48 MPG regularly, ~90 % highway and A-roads and ~10 % urban.

    I'm not joking, I am starting to think that you and Mateus are driving completely different cars to the rest of us . I have never seen any better than 6.5l per 100km even on a country run.

    I got a nice letter today from my dealer advising me that my 20,000km service is due and I should get it done with a lexus dealer etc because it may affect the resale value etc. Pity i got it done four months ago. No mention of my ongoing paint problems though or a fix for same. Lexus service is almost as good as BMW.

  11. fuel prices are rising every day, it's fast becoming a buyers market for anyone wishing to buy a car. NEGOTIATE HARD until the salesman is about to cry.

    the only thing to remember is that as much as its a buyers market for new cars, so you want a discount, its also a buyers market for your used car. used prices are dropping much faster than new because if you are in a position to pay £400/whatever tax on the new car, and fuel it, the person who is potentially buying the used one isn't. you can expect a good deal on the new one, but dont necessarily expect "book" prices for the used car....

    i was talking to a dealer yesterday who had someone who was trying to trade in a porsche cayenne - book was a smidge over £21k, the best bid they could get was £15500 :doublesho:

    march was a record month for registrations of high emitting cars..... the new tax structure has really helped cut emissions hasn't it :lol:

    Thry probably thought that if they bought this year they would save money but that nice Mr Darling you have over there has put the kibosh on that now hasn't he. Mind you at least he is not like the clown we have over here who is not backdating the taxes on emmissions and annoying people who have bought diesels pre July this year.

    Your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

  12. Paint / Boot fix has lasted a whole 2 months, back to the body shop for more repsray's & re alignment... Still seeking Perfection :(

    Im surprised they are taking it in. I am waiting for Lexus or the dealer to contact me since October 20th last about mine .I rang the dealer in march about this so called fix, they were to contact Lexus and come back to me . Not a word, what a bunch of donkeys rear ends.

    Im sooo glad the boot lid is made of plastic or it would be corroding to bits by now: :megaangry: :tsktsk:

  13. It's an awesome car - you will get 40mpg on a run driven reasonably. We've poven that. People don't like it on here when I mention it...but the 535d is pobably the most perfect cruiser available...the power is astonishing from the twin turbo's, and unless you cain it, you will hit reasonable MPG - 30-42 actual is available, though it can drop to 18-20mpg when you throttle it in town....

    As far as the financial hit is concerned - I would say that it is a completely different car to the 220d - and the financial hit is really worth it if you can afford one. It's not all about MPG...sheer driveability of the 535d is awesome...and as an Auto it is superb! That makes up for any hit....

    Well done matey - now I'm really jealous!

    Why buy a BMW 535 DIESEL when you could have a 450h sport for the same money?

    At least you can over here.

  14. I'm going to have to resolve not to read any more 220D threads, they're mostly very depressing.... :crybaby:

    well i reckon assuming your 250 does 28 avg and my 220d 40 avg on my 18k per year thats 800 quid better for me,sorry to here about the depression.

    The 800 quid difference doesn't faze me at all...driving the IS250 auto is more than worth the mpg difference. I'm just commenting on the 220D posts...there's an awful lot of them and mainly whinging about some fault or another...makes depressing reading to me, just thankful I didn't feel the need to buy one to save a few quid on fuel....sorry, but that's got to be the only reason to buy one surely, unless of course it's a Company car/policy and there's no choice in the matter? :tomato:

    I notice lately that some people are useing words like negativity, whinging, taking sideswipes at etc about members commenting on their problems with their cars(mostly IS 220Ds). Are we only allowed to say good things about our cars here now and when did this new rule come into effect. We know we are whinging etc but who else is there for us to tell except people with the same problem who just may feel like commiserating with us.

    My IS 220d has not used a drop of oil since I got it :lol:

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