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Posts posted by philwhite

  1. Gents

    I am very surprised you are even having this debate. When I picked up my IS250 Sport the salesman set both of my keyfobs so that both myself and the beloved's keys were recognised when you approach the car. This sets the seat, door mirrors, steering wheel and stored settings in the stereo (fav station, sound settings etc). As you approach the car you can hear the car preparing the driving position in readiness for you. I have never had the need to set it myself however as I remember it was not a difficult task and I think just involved programming your requirements into one of the memory slots (1,2 or 3) by pressing the M button and the desired number simultaneously. Then you have to press the memory button and one of the buttons on the keyfob when the car is in accessory mode (first press of the start button)

    You can set the memory on the stereo by assigning your settings to a memory point on the MM system. All extremely useful and as with all good pieces of technology something which just happens that you get used to very quickly. As some of you may recall I had a rear end shunt by some useless :tsktsk: driving too close. I had a Saab 9-3 as a hire car, no memory seats, no upgraded stereo, no Bluetooth, very poor quality, noisy, rattly, poor driving dynamics..........I didn't think a car could be soooo bad! Have I been spoiled forever by the Lex? My point is that the technology works brilliantly in the Lex and makes everything so easy. :D

  2. Phil - hope you get better soon buddy. Just remember that clause around personal injury claims - that's what Insurance is the end of the day of the day he/she (i.e. the 3rd party) should have been paying attention...!!

    Thanks Jamboo, actually I am fine now, apart from the dull ache of denting my new baby! I won't be making a claim for whiplash as I don't think I need to although I do understand that at some point in the future I may suffer problems as a result of this incident.

    Still, my point remains that I am very surprised that this excellent car does not have better protection for the driver & passenger. I have checked the position of the headrests and can confirm that they are in the correct position. I know they are because I am always having a go at my Mum for not having the ones in the VW Passat in the correct position. Incidentally, hers has a mechanical anti whiplash system fitted as standard plus a great range of forward adjustment to bring the headrest closer to the head in the first place.

  3. I was involved in a rear end shunt in my Lexus IS Sport yesterday, it didn't look like there was too much damage however when I took it into the garage I was told it would cost in the region of £1500 to repair. Gutted! Of greater concern my passenger and I both suffered whiplash injuries as a result of the incident. I am EXTREMELY surprised that Lexus do not fit anti whiplash head restraints to the IS. It has scored extremely well in the recent NCAP crash tests however no mention is made of the lack of anti whiplash head restraints. Infact I am extremely surprised that there is not even any adjustment for the headrests to move forward, reducing the distance the head needs to travel before it comes to a stop.

  4. Jamboo

    I could not agree with you more. I have admired Lexus for a good many years being very impresses by the way that the "new upstart" took on the establishment and gave them a rude awakening. They have and continue to do so and I applaud them for it as it only helps to raise standards by healthy competition.

    Lexus have now resolved their design issues with L-finesse and have embraced Japanese design as a point of pride. However, this company still has an awful lot to learn about building a product which has a depth of engineering and build which lasts after the initial wow factor of the installed gadgets.

    I have nothing but respect for Lexus but until they have matured a little more I will not be spending any more of my money on them. I will be returning to Audi who produce a product of such engineering excellence that it just makes you smile every time you get into it.

    Keep up the fantastic work Lexus but please address your basic quality problems as these are the ones that people at this price bracket get upset about. Let’s face it if a dashboard rattle was an excuse in a car magazine for not awarding first place in a group test we would think they were off their heads. However living with a constant rattle for 3 months makes you forget about the amazing points of the car and becomes your main focus.

  5. I have admired Lexus for many years but only recently thought that they had reached the point of design & image that I would spend my money on one. I have always driven German vehicles (except BMW, which I detest) and was looking forward to owning the Lexus.

    The styling still makes me smile as it is fantastic. The engine is amazingly sweet plus the gearbox and brakes are first class. The stereo (MM Pack) is also fantastic, however I cannot help but feel disappointed by the whole package. It certainly doesn't feel like a £30k car as the doors have a very cheap almost Korean feel to them. The interior quality is not what I would expect of a car in this segment either as it groans and moans like a cheap Ford. The seats are merely average too and do not provide the required amount of support for long journeys.

    Little things annoy too like the windscreen wipers not parking themselves if you turn the ignition off while they are in motion. The indicators do not have a function for overtaking on a motorway (3 flashes). No cooled glovebox, the power socket in the centre storage cannot be used with the lid down.

    I know these are small points but I somehow feel that the depth of engineering I am used to have been ignored in favour of "nice toys" that are extras on German competitors.

    Don't get me wrong, I will stick with it and will enjoy the engine, gearbox, brakes, stereo, styling etc but I don't think my money will be going to Lexus again for a good few years until they have got these other quality issues sorted out.

    Quality is not the size of the standard specification list it’s the tangible sense that you are in something that seems as though it has been hewn from a solid piece of metal. Audi and I have to say BMW even though I don't like them have this. Even Mercedes have got their act together and re-found their quality.

    Please keep up the good work though Lexus, one day you will be up there with the Germans but not just yet.

  6. Infinity

    I do not have the sunroof and am 5'11" so don't think I am exceptionally tall. I have the seat on the lowest position and it is still very close. My mate sat in it at the weekend who is 6'3" and his head was touching regularly. He said it was quite uncomfortable and would be concerned about buying one for that very reason. Not a big loss to Lexus though cos he has 4 kids and can only afford a 1994 Fiesta anyhow!

    Another couple of observations: the handbrake does not hold the weight of the car. I have noticed other complaints of this on here so will be taking this up with my dealer. The other on is the sat nav. When I am driving along, looking at the road ahead I can see the screen flickering in the corner of my eye. Does anyone know if the refresh rate can be altered (like a monitor on a PC)???

    Still enjoying the car immensely, steering is amazing compared to my old S3, brakes are fantastic, great feel and the control of the body is something else.

    No rattles yet (fingers crossed it will stay this way)

  7. Gents

    I have finally joined the ranks of Lexus owner after a 9 month wait from placing the order! Got the car, IS250 Sport MM, Codoxon Slate, on Monday but had 3 days off work to drive around in it.

    First impressions:

    Fantastically refined car and the 18 inch wheels do not seem to have spoiled the ride quality adversely. The ride is firm and controlled with excellent control. The balance of the car is superb so although I don’t want to over extend the engine until it has been properly run in the speeds available are incredible as you just do not have to slow down for corners! I had an Audi S3 before this and it beats the Audi hands down for ride/handling balance.

    The MM system a little trouble setting up the Bluetooth connection but once I changed the pass code from the default 1111 it paired instantly. The only downside is that you have to set the phone to "always allow access without asking" this leaves you open to having your information ripped off your phone if you have Bluetooth switched on in a busy bar/restaurant/public space.

    Seats were very comfortable but slightly lacking in squab length but this is a minor gripe. Of more concern was the complete lack of headroom. During several of my enthusiastic cornering moves while tilting my head to the right I often made contact with the headlining just below the grab handle.

    Economy seems to be great. On my 450 mile round trip over 3 days I averaged 32.4 MPG, not bad at all. Once I start extending the engine to the upper reaches of the rev range to extract the maximum power and hear that wonderful V6 howling, I suspect that this figure will drop dramatically!

    On the subject of the engine, I have never driven a car with such a creamy smooth V6. Fantastic.

    Will post pictures and further observations over the next couple of weeks. Overall guys I am very pleased with my new purchase and feel that the 9 month wait may just have been worth it after all.

    The Germans will have to come up with something extremely special to tempt me away from my new Lex.


  8. Count me in.

    IS250 SEL Auto MM Black on Black too.

    Santa's coming on Friday. :D

    Ive been waiting since April 7th, anyone waited longer ?

    Hey Guys

    I take delivery on Monday (can't on Friday due to work commitments) but have all week to drive it as I have a week off work. I have been waiting since January!!! Hopefully I will be driving around like Tony Blair with a grin from ear to ear! Will kke you posted on my experience.

    IS250 Sport MM, Cadoxon Slate

  9. Guys

    38 here. This is my first Lex (IS250 Sport MM) as I have always bought German (VW & Audi). I think that the larger versions of Lexus are driven by a more mature adult, probably due to the cost of purchase. Incidentally, I ordered the Lex in January and am due to take delivery on September 1st, after a 9 month wait! Hope it is going to be worth it? :offtopic:

    One thing I do hope is that the IS 250 does not get the "Chav" reputation that the IS200 has. I know that that may upset a few of you and honestly it is not my intention but the only IS200's I ever see are driven by twenty something’s in Burberry Caps! At least it is bringing down the average age of a Lex driver. :blush:

  10. :angry:

    I ordered my IS250 Sport with MM in February. I have just had a phonecall from my dealer today telling me that it is expected on 2 August!!!!! This is my first Lexus and unless the car is the best I have ever had then it will definately be my last.

    I have always bought German cars and the most I have ever had to wait for a factory order is 12 weeks. The options lists on Audi/VW are extensive where as Lexus only really offer 2 options, MM & a sunroof so why is it taking so long to build???

    I have not had a satisfactory answer from my dealer for the delay, however when I put the deposit down in Feb we agreed a trade in price for my Audi S3 and he has agreed to honor that in August, which I think is fantastic on the dealers part.

  11. I have just ordered an IS250 Sport with the Multimedia upgrade, which looks fantastic. Never had a Jap car before, only ever bought German (VW, Audi) with a breif flirtation with Fiat (Very bad move). Looking forward to the new experience. I was so blown away with the looks and specification of the car that I simply had to have one! :offtopic:

    GET ON WITH YOUR QUESTION!!!!!!!!! :crybaby:

    Does anyone know of a mod to allow me to play DVD's while on the move. I have read a few posts on this topic but have not read any definitive answers.

    Hope someone can help.


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