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Posts posted by Teddy

  1. yeah, they do not have the EU approved mark on them. But I also wonder how it managed to get here and pass an SVA Test too.

    The reason why I want to change is I was adviced during service to stick to Bridgestone when the toyos wear out, and since I had a good experience in the Grid II, I was wondering whether to get them again or use the Potenza.

    Cheers for the RE040 info. I would have just asked for a Potenza without quoting the S0 33 P. Whats the difference.

  2. Hi all,

    I imported an Altezza 2 years ago and it had the Bridgestone Grid II on them. They had a great grip but had to change them after a year cos one got damaged by a nail so decided to get Toyo Proxis (which are still on the car). The Toyos are great. Have served me very well, and the fronts still have 3 mm on the sides but 7 mm in the middle (crazy). Back is even at 4mm. I need to change them in a couple of months time.

    Proplem is, I can't find those Bridgestone Grid II anywhere here as they are made in Japan. Checked the takakaira site but no joy. I wouldn't mind ordering them from Japan but can anyone help with contacts please? Or should I buy the Bridgestone Potenza. Has anyone used the Grid II before? The Grid IIs weren't new when I got the car but still manged 15K miles before the change and still had just under 3mm. Don't know how quickly the Potenza wares.

    What do you recommend. I would be greatful if you could help.



  3. yep ahha

    you have to remember the aircon compressor runs mechanically through an elecromagnetic clutch(you can hear it clicking in and out)

    when its in drive, the engine load is increased as the compressor is trying to.....compress the refrigerant

    there are devices that can be got to lighten the load on engines....but does the average user need them

    electronic water pumps

    low power electric fans

    smaller alternators

    power cut devices, which stop current discharge

    even when you turn the wheel when at idle, the revs change and if your lights are on, you can see a slight change in that too.

    The only thing that I haven't noticed move the revs at idle is the pressing the brake pedal. The slightest movement of anything, then the revs move too.

  4. i tried it for a tank on and a tank off and got about 60 miles more with it off

    blimey. thats alot. 60 miles? So one pays more for a car with the aircon for the priviledge of paying more on fuel.

    Seriously, I hardly use my aircon and even if I do for the first 15 mins to get it to cool down. Even on the motorway, I switch it on / off, and if I am in the 80 -90 Mph cruising mood, I bring the windows down an inch.

    Funny thing is, I will never buy a car without aircon / climate, but then I hardly use it.

  5. Hi,

    I know aircon usually use a bit of fuel and may be power, but I didn't know it affected it that much.

    Have been using me Aircon lately to get rid of the smell, but I didn't know it really affects the throttle that much. I only notice the first couple of seconds after I switch it off /or on.

    Is it just my car, or my imagination or has any of you guys noticed.


    noticed what.......

    sorry TEDDY i read your post 3 times i still dont see what your asking.......

    but if im gonna make a stab at it.........yes it does use more fuel

    simplest thing to do is, do a tank of fuel with it on......and a tank of fuel with it off..........

    I was talking about throttle response. You could tell straight away. I have noticed it takes some power away. I thought it would take some power away but didn't think it's something you can instantly notice.

  6. I heard a few months ago that Germany had 100 RON. Is it all over the country. The closest German town to me is Trier. Saarbrucken aint far either but to be honest, I have never bought gas in Germany since Lux has the cheapest in Europe.

    But may be tempted to have a go if it's not a long drive.

  7. Hi,

    I know aircon usually use a bit of fuel and may be power, but I didn't know it affected it that much.

    Have been using me Aircon lately to get rid of the smell, but I didn't know it really affects the throttle that much. I only notice the first couple of seconds after I switch it off /or on.

    Is it just my car, or my imagination or has any of you guys noticed.

  8. I repaired my front bumper In Leytonstone a few months ago. It's not a garage that oozes confidence at first sight, but they will do a great job at a very decent price.

    I was very stepical at first but my mate told he his beemer was in a far worse state and they did a great job. They specialise in bodykit repairs and general bodyworks. The garage doesn't look professional but for the cost, it value for money.

    There's another one in Luton which is more of a proper company. They also do repairs for high performance cars.

    PM me and will give ya details.

  9. javadude Posted on Jun 22 2003, 09:10 PM
    It's so simple and trouble free owning a car in a world of such honest, decent people isn't it? what planet are you on then :question:

    there are lowlife everywhere,Your dustcaps,are they flash ones or standard

    coz if the've nicked standard then that is LOW.

    Hope you have your day in court and teach the :tsktsk: s a lesson.

    Good luck,let us all know how you got on :winky:

    all the kids round my way have all the latest


    dustcaps on their bikes!

    including the set wifey lost

    I got my nicked in a little French Town on the shores of Lake Geneva. You will never think such a thing happened in a place like that especially in a Hotel car park.

    The warning alarm alerted the security man but the boys (whom he knew) had nicked them already. I wasn't too pleased that my shining blue ones had gone when he told me about it, but when when the boys came with thier dads to apologise that night, I bust out laughing. They were barely 10 years old. I was looking for some spotty 17 year old.

    I saw the fear on their faces and even went to the local motorcycle shop to buy them a pair each for their bikes.

    But hey, it was a great weekend, after England beat Argentina, and Lennox flattened Tyson. Also enjoyed some free porn on Canal Plus. A bloke can't ask for more than that in a single weekend?

  10. If we have tape cleaners to clean a cassette system's head, what do we have for CDs?

    Lately am having frequent "breaks" in sound when playing the CD, (as if it's skipping or jumping), when am not even driving. So this can't be the car going over a rough surface.

    I take the CDs out, clean the CDs and put them back in. But then it skips during another tune that never skipped before. I believe the unit needs a good clean up but never heard of a CD unit cleaner. Is there anything like the tape head cleaners for CD? :iraqi-info-minister:


  11. that's a classic. I have always said, if I come back in another life, I will always want to be a bloke.

    You forgot to add:

    Blokes don't go through the monthly oil change. Even cars don't change oil every month?

    You can get yer legover, roll over, snore, and without feeling the need for a cuddle.

    You can watch "MEN & MOTORS" without feeling disgusted.

  12. No sweat 'ld boy. Ok, lets shake hands. Shame we have a hand shaking icon here to click on. :mellow: B)

    If some of my words were a harsh, please accept my apologies. I wouldn't be harsh if I don't agree with someone. We may agree to disagree and that's end of story, but when it comes to burglary, beating up and mugging old defenseless people for 50 quid I have a very strong view on those.

    If I had my own way, such people should be tied to a fishing hook of a boat, and dipped into the sea (only their feet) round Florida for the Great Whites to have a nibble, then pulled back up.

    You read about the Tony Martin case and it makes your blood boil, so when someone tends to disagree with what Tony Martin did, or disagree with a hardline approach to these sort of crimes, I tend to wonder what sort of earth we are living on.

    Anyway, take it E Z 'ld boy. I am sure we will meet up in own of the Club meets, and laugh about it (I mean our "duel").



  13. Didn't Tony Martin shoot them running away - in the back! That's not self-defence...

    it,s self defense. if you don,t shoot them bloodclat, they will come again, probably heavily armed. remember, one burglar less on da street, makes it abit safer, however slight.

    So who's going to protect society from people like you?

    listen man, don't want to start any beef here. what was that about? I have been a victim of burglary on two occassions and trust me it aint nice especially when you know who did it but the cops said he wasn't caught in the act.

    he even knows i know.

    He broke into the house of a heavily pregnant woman whose husband was away working nights to earn a living for the unborn child, and their two young daughters.

    The woman knows who he is and he threatened to stab the woman in the stomach. he took what he could and ****** off. cops later said they couldn't do anything but have to catch him in the act.

    Now, tell me. If yer woman was the pregnant one and you were away working nights, how the hell are you going to feel? He is a well know thief who's bruv was inside. Cops were waiting to nail him in the act, or catch him selling stuff, then they can pin all the other stuff on him. It eventually happened, but people (who saw in the act like the pregnant lady) were so scared to give evidence he got away with a slap on the wrist and was back again.

    the only way is for someone to fight him when he breaks in and for the cops to arrest him. The cops told me even that you have to use "reasonable" force. if you hit him once and he falls down, that's it. you can't hit him again cos he's "powerless" otherwise you could be charged for assault. so he can recover and you start a fight again. He could then seriously hurt someone.

    If he had been taken out, why would people go thru all these ordeals? And people like you should think of the mental scares on victims before you make silly statements like that. if the burglars didn't come to tony martins house, why would he need to shoot them.

    Tell me why crime rate is very low in "uncivilised"countries where the punishment is very severe? Remember, you have to engage the clutch before you change gear. think before you make statements like that.

    maybe shooting is too severe, but if burglars knew they could be shot, then even if they survive, banged up in jail for a few years, they would think again. They know they can get legal aid to sue their victims, so they would do it. And I guess that's the kind of society you want to live in.

    If you didn't want to start a "beef" then you shouldn't have tried to sound all gangsta and call me a bloodclat.

    Oh guess what, I've been the victim of violent crime too - so I speak with some experience here.

    You want a gun culture like the states then go live there...

    that's complete nonsense, man. I never called you a "bloodclat". Read it again, and again.

    Someone said Tony Martin shot them when they were running away which some people were debating whether it's self defence or not. You said it's not self defence, then I replied by saying it self defence cos they could come back heavily armed next time.

    That's when I used the word "bloodclat". And I said "if you don,t shoot them bloodclat, they will come again, probably heavily armed." I never called you that. Read it again, and see if I was refering to you or the burglars. Unless you know where Tony Martin's house is, how could I be refering to you?

    Which part of my sentences sound gansta? Or is it becuase I was saying the farmer was right to shoot them? Or is it becuase I think we should be tougher on these criminals? Or since when did using "ebonic slang" become gangsta.Tell me. As I said earlier, maybe shooting may be too harsh but if burglars know they will be locked up for a few years and wouldn't be given legal aid etc to sue someone, they will think again.

    oh, before I forget, please read this again before you accuse me of calling you something else. Maybe "bomboclat" this time.

    Take it E Z


  14. Its quite simple if you steal its wrong most people were brought up that way!

    So why are these people not punished i was working in hayes middlesex and staying in a hotel where my van and my mates van were broken in to in the early evening (wasn't even dark ) despite reasonable measures on my part to protect my tools i.e. £300 van vault with high security locks locked to the floor of the van, a group of people decided it was their right to take these by pushing a screwdriver through the side of my van and cutting my van vault out of my van and taking all of it end result £5000 of my equipment gone just like that!

    Does anyone give a f*ck ......... no, police perhaps ........ no, hotel ......... no said to me "yeah it happens all the time if there was 10 vans getting done a night like in the travellodge on the M4 id be worried" (thanks for letting me know when i checked in)

    So i am a tradesman i work with my hands i need tools to use my hand effectivley and earn myself money and because of some w*nkers i am effectivley disabled unless i go out and spend loads of cash and buy new tools.

    A thief how ever uses his hands mostly to steal so why not cut them off and make it difficult to do his job that way he wouldnt be able to steal all our stuff and would be easily recognisable in the street as the scum he is!

    Amen to that, and the previous two post.

  15. Didn't Tony Martin shoot them running away - in the back! That's not self-defence...

    it,s self defense. if you don,t shoot them bloodclat, they will come again, probably heavily armed. remember, one burglar less on da street, makes it abit safer, however slight.

    So who's going to protect society from people like you?

    listen man, don't want to start any beef here. what was that about? I have been a victim of burglary on two occassions and trust me it aint nice especially when you know who did it but the cops said he wasn't caught in the act.

    he even knows i know.

    He broke into the house of a heavily pregnant woman whose husband was away working nights to earn a living for the unborn child, and their two young daughters.

    The woman knows who he is and he threatened to stab the woman in the stomach. he took what he could and ****** off. cops later said they couldn't do anything but have to catch him in the act.

    Now, tell me. If yer woman was the pregnant one and you were away working nights, how the hell are you going to feel? He is a well know thief who's bruv was inside. Cops were waiting to nail him in the act, or catch him selling stuff, then they can pin all the other stuff on him. It eventually happened, but people (who saw in the act like the pregnant lady) were so scared to give evidence he got away with a slap on the wrist and was back again.

    the only way is for someone to fight him when he breaks in and for the cops to arrest him. The cops told me even that you have to use "reasonable" force. if you hit him once and he falls down, that's it. you can't hit him again cos he's "powerless" otherwise you could be charged for assault. so he can recover and you start a fight again. He could then seriously hurt someone.

    If he had been taken out, why would people go thru all these ordeals? And people like you should think of the mental scares on victims before you make silly statements like that. if the burglars didn't come to tony martins house, why would he need to shoot them.

    Tell me why crime rate is very low in "uncivilised"countries where the punishment is very severe? Remember, you have to engage the clutch before you change gear. think before you make statements like that.

    maybe shooting is too severe, but if burglars knew they could be shot, then even if they survive, banged up in jail for a few years, they would think again. They know they can get legal aid to sue their victims, so they would do it. And I guess that's the kind of society you want to live in.

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