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Posts posted by CadeyIS200

  1. Hi there,

    hopefully someone has had or seen this same issue and can help me fix this, since about a week ago everytime i sit in my car there is "rocking" on my seat. i have checked the front bolts as the tilt seems to be from the front.

    has anyone else seen this problem, and if so any help would be very much appreciated.


  2. Hi all, i thought i would ask on here before anywhere else as there are alot of helpful people on here.

    I am looking for a player sponsorship for me at Peterborough rugby club, i am currently playing first team which is Midlands one league which is one below playing National league. i am 23 years old, I also play rugby league for the south of england. I am trying to find a company or someone to sponsor me £300 to get me through the season. For the money the company name will be printed on the back of my warm top which will be warn before and after games. I hope someone on here will be able to help me.

    For any further information then please drop me an email at


  3. That sounds like a possibility, i have been through the options and i couldnt find anything, but i will have a further look tonight when i finish work, at lunch today i figured out how to transfer my phone book over to the head unit that was not an easy task. I am sure i will get to the bottom of it, i am sure someone else on here had the same head unit so hopefully they will pop on and give me a hand.

  4. The cable that is coming from the head unit is a single female headphone jack, and the cable i used was just a double male headphone connector and then that was connected to the MP3 player, the head unit should see the mp3 player and give me the option of scrolling through the options to the mp3 player, which it hasnt - i will try and find some pictures of the connection on the back of the unit.

  5. Hi there peeps, i was wondering if you could help me on this about a month or so ago i fitted a new head unit into the IS200 which was a mission in itself, but anyway - the head unit i fitted was the Pioneer DEH-P55BT everything works fine and is really good with the Bluetooth telephone the problem i am having is with then AUX connection that comes out from the back of the unit. what i wanted to use this for was attatching my Mp3 player for more songs etc. but the connection on the back of the head unit is a female head phone socket (So the same as the headphone jack on my mp3 player, now i do have a cable that has male connections either end, i tried this to no avail. now i am seeking some help. Does anyone know how i can get this too work?

    Thanks in advance


  6. As some of you may be aware i have been away for the last 10 months, and today the day has come to get the Lexus sorted for the road, it has had it's MOT i have the insurance starting at 12am on the 15th, but for some strange reason known to only the English laws i am not allowed to tax it till tommorow. Although i would be spending the same amount on the tax regardless of it being the 1st day of the month or the last. And surely if they were to give me the tax today then surely it would be my own fault if i was to drive, and not the post office itself. So now I have to wait till 8am tommorow morning, i then need to walk down to the post office and then walk back and place the tax in my car, not a problem i will only be 3 hours late for work. Sometimes this country really does annoy me, I appreciate there are bad people out there but why have we all been branded the same. This country is in a mess and they really need to take a look at thereselves.


  7. What you first need to do is get the motherboard part number search over the net, and in the spec it will give you the amount of memory that can be put into the board,

    If not post the motherboard part number on here and i will check for you. If you are running Windows XP the maxiumum memory regardless of the motherboard is 4Gb. Windows XP cannot handle anymore than 4Gb. Not sure if Vista can or not.

    If you get stuck just drop us a message and i will help, i do nothing all day at work so more than happy to help

  8. First one looks alright - the milage is quite high though in my thoughts, the aftermarket head unit will be the same for a lot of the cars you look at, Lexus had a lot of problems with error3 errors on the cd players meaning they did not play the cds and sometimes ate the cd's this is one thing too look at.

    Second one - although a very nice car, service history is a big gamble to take with a car even when spending near 5k on a car. but if you feel after looking at the car and getting it checked over there are no problems then again looks like a good car

    Third one - looks like a very tidy car, coming from a dealer aswell so check on warranty with it, mileage shouldnt really bother you that much i dont think unless you are going to be doing 20k a year in it.

    Fourth one - Looks the best deal low milage again with a dealer so they may offer a warranty or throw in something extra, just make sure you have a really good run around in the car to make sure it is really what you want.

    Fifth one - also looks very good, not sure myself what the head washers are (will have to ask others) the only thing with this one is it is a private deal, so no warranty or extras, but you may be able to get the price down.

    Hopefully that helps but i am sure there will be others in the club willing to help you find the right one.

    another bit of help i am 22 and i got my SE when i was 21, SE seems the best one to go for insurance

  9. That's the first time i have ever seen a Lexus on tv (Well on youtube taken from tv) whilst watching that i did feel kind of embarresed by what he was saying, i think everything he said about the Lexus SC430 was true, but to compare it with that horrible red expenisive Hyundai thing is wrong.

    Now luckily we do not watch TopGear to choose our cars, otherwise we wouldnt have the cars we all drive today. You see the thing with Top gear is, i dont think they have many cars from outside europe or the states, I dont know why this is but it does seem to be the case, when we all know that the Lexus is one of the most reliable cars on the road.

    I think it is good in a way that they have not reviewed Lexus on top gear because it means our little babies that are unique and different from most other cars will stay a minority on the european roads which in my eyes is a good thing!

  10. That must have been a long way to have a think about that, but i suppose it's right. But we will need to prove it.

    Hang on

    So what you are saying if you and a car set off at the same time and went to the same place the lexus would have done less miles because of this FEATURE!

    This is very interesting as i use my car for working and if i am claiming less for the petrol than i should be then i need to know the facts!

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