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S Face

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Posts posted by S Face

  1. Credit where it is due. I've just had new rubber in each corner fitted to my LS at WIM/blackboots and can only say what I thought was a luxury ride before is absolutely beautiful now. Decided that for that little extra I would take advantage of WIM service and get the geometry checked, it wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination and given the relatively low mileage did surprise me. So I can & will recommend WIM/BB to anyone who will listen.

    The ride is now a truly 'magic carpet' ride and I have nothing but praise for Tony, Jason and his team. Prices competitive and service absolutely first class. Even the sockets had plastic protectors to keep the alloys looking as new. A round trip of 160 miles but well worth the time and effort and will be returning as soon as this set of tyres or brakes need changing what ever is first.

    WIM / BB thank you!! You made spending money a pleasure (if that’s possible)

  2. Hi Guys, it's been a while Im afraid but great to be back and catch up whats new in the Lexus world.

    I wasnt sure where to put this, so Mods, if its in the wrong place I do apologise

    I've made the decision that to make sure the wheels are cleaned and protected properly :winky: I need a trolley jack and axle stands. I have found 'what looks like a bargain but am a firm believer 'there is no such thing as a free lunch'

    I'm not convinced the URL below from Halfords will be man enough for the barge (LS) Kerb weight 2055 KG or what ever that is in old money :unsure:

    Would also appreciate any information/tools to stand the wheels on while cleaning that will protect 100% of the face :thumb:

    As always, your advise very much appreciated

  3. i never believed the talk of using these 'better' fuels until i tried them.

    i honestly didn't find any difference in tesco, saisbury's or BP ultimate higher RON petrols, but V-Power was bloomin obvious!!

    the car feels so smooth and there is no 'juddery' pull aways when in 3rd or 4th at low rpm with the s/c!! you really can notice a difference in smoothness/performance. when i 1st had the s/c fitted, at low rpm in a higher gear, there was a horrible judder/lag that i couldn't get rid of. tried v-powr a month later and to date, its done the bizzo, so i'm a happy chappy, lol!! not so sure on the economy factor, but that's not what is the most imprtant thing for me - it was getting the smoother more refined ride.

    Have to agree totally, I love V Power, worth the additional LSD every time. Power delivery is beautifully smooth until you want a big handful then hang on!

  4. Hi folks,

    As it says in the title Im new to this detailing malarky and looking to get some information before I set about attacking the swirl marks and fine scratches on the IS.

    This is my current plan...

    1 - Wash with snowfoam.

    2 - Dry with Microfibre drying cloth.

    Now at this point I used to use Mer to polish but Im looking to use Clay.

    Im thinking of getting this stuff as it says it is ideal for starting with - Meguiars Quick Clay - Any other recommendations??

    Also Looking to SEal it and and a nice shiney finish.... all recommendations welcome.

    Sorry if this is question is old Im just getting a bit confused checking out all the different products!!


    Hi Deeg,

    first place to go is

    Take slow steps and read the reviews and guides in the newbie nuggets section ( I still am)

    my weapons are :

    Hope this helps


  5. All Clarkson did was to make two factual statements and one that was wrong.

    Yes, Brown does have only one good eye.

    Yes, he is Scottish.

    No, Brown is not an idiot. He's a lying, incompetent, devious, corrupt (morally & politically), cheating, thieving


    Boothby Coggles :ohmy:

    Apologies for being incorrect, given free speech, you have every right to disagree with me and I also have every right to agree with you !!

    Thanks for correcting me

  6. :shifty: Jeremy Clarkson :driving: on Gordon Brown : Prime Minister Brown a "one-eyed Scottish idiot"

    It's been widely reporterd that 'politicians reacted with outrage to the BBC presenter's remarks'

    Where on earth did free speech really go ?

    I can to some extent understand why some people would find this moderately offensive; however, the vast majority of the UK population do still have a sense of humour and appreciate the truth when it is presented to them. 'Politicians acted with outrage' : Give Me A :tsktsk: Break. After listening to politicians on occasion ( believe it or not a good PM's question time can be a hoot if you want to get away from the real world) A larger brigade of :shifty: lying, self gratifying, expense totting hypocrites have never gathered together in one place.

    Personally speaking, if your big enough to put yourself up as an ‘unelected’ ( & probably totally unelectable) prime minister, :devil: try to scam the British tax paying, pension crippled private sector to believe you are personally responsible for all the good things that have happened in the UK over the last X years, & then take no responsibility what so ever when it all goes belly up, I find it difficult to see why like minded cronies would act with ‘outrage’ when their promises come back to haunt them, and somebody like JC speaks the truth.

    Brown nosers outraged? Possibly, probably, where has my pension gone Mr Brown?? Why is yours index linked and final salary?? Ours isn’t!!!

    So all I saying is: Bring back free speech, lock up the PC brigade, it’s gone far enough & Mr Teflon Brown it’s time to move over and let a good man in.

    Jeremy Clarkson for Prime Minister I say!! What a refreshing change that would be!! The truth might hurt but at least it would be the truth!! Our children’s children will be paying for Browns lunacy and lack of vision for generations to come.

    Hampster, deputy PM / Captain Slow, Chancellor & Stig, minister for roads transport and education. Education, why, lets get our offspring turned into petrol heads before its too late.

    End of todays sermon

    Yours faithfully and true Clarkson Disciple and Top Gear addict.

    what a load of bo**ocks!!!!!

    :blush: You see, free speech Is a wonderful thing when you have something to say. :hehe:

  7. All Clarkson did was to make two factual statements and one that was wrong.

    Yes, Brown does have only one good eye.

    Yes, he is Scottish.

    No, Brown is not an idiot. He's a lying, incompetent, devious, corrupt (morally & politically), cheating, thieving


    So in short a Politician then!!

    Hi Glenn, thanks for your thoughts. I do apologise sincerely for my mistake and stand corrected, as difficult as it is to admit. :D

  8. :shifty: Jeremy Clarkson :driving: on Gordon Brown : Prime Minister Brown a "one-eyed Scottish idiot"

    It's been widely reporterd that 'politicians reacted with outrage to the BBC presenter's remarks'

    Where on earth did free speech really go ?

    I can to some extent understand why some people would find this moderately offensive; however, the vast majority of the UK population do still have a sense of humour and appreciate the truth when it is presented to them. 'Politicians acted with outrage' : Give Me A :tsktsk: Break. After listening to politicians on occasion ( believe it or not a good PM's question time can be a hoot if you want to get away from the real world) A larger brigade of :shifty: lying, self gratifying, expense totting hypocrites have never gathered together in one place.

    Personally speaking, if your big enough to put yourself up as an ‘unelected’ ( & probably totally unelectable) prime minister, :devil: try to scam the British tax paying, pension crippled private sector to believe you are personally responsible for all the good things that have happened in the UK over the last X years, & then take no responsibility what so ever when it all goes belly up, I find it difficult to see why like minded cronies would act with ‘outrage’ when their promises come back to haunt them, when somebody like JC speaks the truth.

    Brown nosers outraged? Possibly, probably, where has my pension gone Mr Brown?? Why is yours index linked and final salary?? Ours isn’t!!!

    So all I saying is: Bring back free speech, lock up the PC brigade, it’s gone far enough & Mr Teflon Brown it’s time to move over and let a good man in.

    Jeremy Clarkson for Prime Minister I say!! What a refreshing change that would be!! The truth might hurt but at least it would be the truth!! Our children’s children will be paying for Browns lunacy and lack of vision for generations to come.

    Hampster, deputy PM / Captain Slow, Chancellor & Stig, minister for roads transport and education. Education, why, lets get our offspring turned into petrol heads before its too late.

    End of todays sermon

    Yours faithfully and true Clarkson Disciple and Top Gear addict.

  9. My used car wty expires at the end of Feb, and just had the renewal quote through- £680 payable by 10 monthly installments at no extra cost.

    Doesn't seem unreasonable esp as it includes RAC membership, especially compared to BMW etc.

    Is it worth taking out? I guess you don't know til you've had to make a claim! Peace of mind I suppose...

    I'd be grateful for folks' views.

    Extended Warrenty !! Piece of Mind, whats it worth ? for me it was worth it.

    Why :-

    I have never taken it out before now but, with my last two new cars (why didnt I learn the first time) two S Type Jaguars they both fell apart during their fourth year of life. The second one cost me somewhere in the region of 10K over the last 14K miles. You name it, it broke !

    The other & much more influencing factor was back in October last year when the day came to buy what was going to be a very late, low mileage and in beautiful condition (or so I thought ) LS430.

    Unbelievable as I thought at the time, (once bitten twice shy) my local Lexus dealer shipped my chosen beutiful 430 to thier premises. That morning the wife and I in best bib and tucker were to take delivery of it until our Lexus dealer called me to say that the car was a 'lemon' and they would not sell it to me. It needed a new ECU and adaptive cruise control unit fitted, £9K !!! thats why I took out the additional warrenty based on the 460 I have now having a similar adaptive cruise unit.

    What this proves is (i) that some dealers do have some ethical and moral values where other's dont & (ii) some car's even Lexus can still be made on a Friday afternoon.

    The bottom line is, I think it really does depend on how much tech you have in your car. As you can see an ECU and Cruise control unit @ £9K makes the grand or so for a two year warrenty on a 460SE-L cost me is a pretty cheap option to get piece of mind.

    As you are probably questioning what happened to the 430, it was shipped back to where it came from and the 'LEXUS DEALER' sold it to some poor :tsktsk: without replacing the units. We assume, hoping for the warrenty company to pick up the bill when the owner found his brakes slammed on for no reason when he was on the motorway enjoying what he thought was a beautiful smooth drive with adaptive cruise control. Let's all hope he/she doesnt get hurt.

    LEXUS GB this is for you : You didnt get back to me today to discuss this and my other issue !!

    If this helps someone make up thier mind it was worth posting.

    All the best guys/girls looking forward to getting out in the summer and seeing you all !


  10. Having Read this thread once more i think given the low mileage you say you do pherhaps you could ask for a refund on the extended warranty, and when the original warranty runs out take a personal warranty with someone like warranty direct. Who do not stipulate where the work is done so long as they company is vat registered. Any long term guarantees given rely on the company still being in buisness and in the current climate any company could fail even Toyota thus making any warranty invalid. As for the cost of servicing you can take it to any toyota garage who can service it with out any problem at a whole lot less cost the point is keeping a full service history. However it can affect the resale of the car but then you have to weigh up the cost of full lexus service history against any extra depreciation you may possibly incur at trade in time. Given the low milage it may well not be worth going down the lexus service plan route if you plan on keeping it for the next 3/6 years.

    Not sure this helps but just a few thoughts.


    Many thanks Glenn,

    Your thoughts are very much appreciated.

    Mike S

  11. I would want that in black and white.

    This would be the ONLY way I would consider a Service Plan at the moment. I'm also quite reluctant because dealerships could get taken over and standards slip leaving you HAVING to go that particular one (or another one from their "group").

    Cheers Normski, much appreciated.

    Unfortunately it wouldnt be that easy as my dealer is as far as I know the only singular dealer i.e. there are no other Lexus dealers in their franchise.

    Sounds like a rock and a hard place.

  12. Being relatively new to the Lexus World can I ask if any one has an opinion on Lexus Service Plan or taken one out ( paying now with some discount to cover the next two services)

    I have a number of reservations but really would appreciate any/all thoughts.

    Got my Lexus just before Christmas and like many others it was a year old demonstrator with very low mileage. It will only do four to six thousand miles a year and hence servicing will be an annual affair. I also took out a further two years warrenty when I bought the car effectively giving me a further four years piece of mind.

    As I understand it, after speaking to Lexus GB earlier

    (i) you dont need to have your vehicle serviced by a lexus authorised dealer to enjoy the initial three years warrenty, however

    (ii) to take advantage of the extended warrenty (years 4 & 5) you do need to have your vehicle serviced by a Lexus main dealer

    My reservations :-

    (i) Lexus GB have assured me that they will underwrite my service contract with a franchise dealer and should that dealer go under (& no other of that franchise dealership exists) they will settle the account with a n other franchise dealership to support my maintenance/service contract. ( however it's not in writting anywhere and 'George' from Lexus GB Public Relations didnt fancy putting it in writting for me this morning )

    (ii) there would appear to be a serious differential in servicing pricing for what Lexus GB say is the same servicing schedule "QUOTE however, some dealerships may carry out additional work to the mandatory required and charge accordingly.

    Dealership A : 20 & 30K service charge £696

    Dealership B : 20 & 30K service charge £670

    Dealership C : 20 & 30K service charge £566 :ohmy:

    All dealerships within 40 minute drive.

    Feel like kicking up but still not sure what to do ? why cant Lexus make things :tsktsk: easier for us to do business with them?

    Rant Over !!

    Thoughts appreciated.

  13. I drove the Lexus back from North Herefordshire yesterday evening ( twas snowing quite bad in Worcester )back down to South Devon.

    This is the first long journey I have had in the car and she behaved impeccably, in fact it was so quiet I had to stop myself nodding off on several occasions.

    But one thing I found is that despite all the multitude of position changes you can implement on the car, both steering and seat, my right arm kept going dead ?

    I just could not get it comfy.

    I do have quite a bad injury to this arm though, after a bike crash on New Years day 2000 and it does give me jip from time to time, but this was different.

    I was getting pins and needles all down the arm and had to keep stretching it out.

    Has anybody else encountered this ?

    Can I ask if you had this dead sensation/serious pins and needles gpoing into your fingers or did it stop at your wrist ?

  14. I dont have a problem with any of mine, they are all running with external HDs, all the new PCs will have USB2's that are almost as fast having an internal HD. I would be surprised if could tell the difference.

    We run all our Pc's like this which as far as I can tell keep the PC running as fast as it can and makes things like backing up /pictures/music/data a doddle.

    Dont throw your old PC away, we can make it fly again.

    Mike S

  15. Hi Aaron,

    Why not save your new PC, back up all your data to an external hard drive ( 250/500 GB cheap as chips) and when you have your apps on your new PC they should be easily found. Clean your old PC down, leave the applications on there, use some free ware products to tune the PC and give it to a member of the family. You will be surprised how fast it will run once is cleaned down.

    Done it many times and surprised their owners enormously !!

    Hope an alternative helps

    Mike S

  16. Hi there finest1

    Take a look at the thread above :

    I can personally recommend the guy who did the Audi, he lives in Staines and is going to do a stage one detail on my wifes truck (landCrusier) I would do it myself except some of the scratches are into the base coat and a DA polisher will strugle to get these out. I will then finish the detail myself with the G220 and the combination of products explained in the thread.

    Take loads of pictures and share with us all.

    Hope this helps.

    Mike S

  17. A picture paints a thousand words, should have put these up with the update, apologies, take a peek and see what can be done. Hope you enjoy as much as I did !!

    Lexus ISF :

    Aston DB9 : this is almost porn so be careful :

    It's an Audi : but no one's perfect :

    Mike S

  18. I can successfully connect my Nokia E90 with my GS 450h and the phone works fine through the car. The moment I try to transfer my phone data to the car, the phone disconnects from the car. Does anyone have a solution to this problem, short of typing them in one at a time. I also tried sending just a single business card at a time and this also fails.

    Hi Friend, take a look here, I was in the self same situation a few days ago. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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