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Posts posted by ianbloke

  1. Sounds like the solenoid. Cheap to fix but does mean the starter needs to come out. On the LS it is located in the V of the engine I believe and not a pleasant job. There is a link in my sig for overhauling the starter once it is out (starter is the same near as damnit to the GS). can't help with getting the starter out though.

    Cheers TigerFish.....

    There's a chance it may be the solenoid even though the the car was 'turned off' & keys were out of the ignition?

    I am guessing I can wire the starter direct to check?

    PS Loving TFK - got fancy goldfish've got a new member in me :D

  2. Hi all,

    It doesn't rain it pours for me...!

    Managed to get the bottom of the problems amounting from the Cam Sensor.

    But went to start this morning & the starter will not disengage.

    In fact I took the key out of the ignition & the car was still turning over - up to the point that I disconnected the Battery rather sharpish.

    I am guessing this must be the switch, but asking if anyone has any experience with this kind of behaviour. I expect there is an ignition relay somewhere

    Any help is appreciated as always.....Hope it is not the starter itself. Toyota put the starter where!!! :angry:

  3. I too have an LPG conversion on my 95 ls400. It was on the car when I bought it.

    I agree with statement that there is little difference in performance.

    Previously I had a 4.0 jag with LPG & you could notice significant differences in performance - I guess the LS400 is a more suitable engine. (Its certainly a more advanced engine - a straight six jag harks more to a tractor engine...)

    The system on my car is VERY simplistic - its a single point system which goes direct to air intake. the pump sits where the air filter would normally be & a cone type K&N filter fits perfectly as replacement.

    Not sure a multi point system has any advantage over single point? For sure, looking at mine, a competent DIYer will be able to DIY.

  4. Hi All,

    Thanks again for all advice on getting my lex up & running smooth again.

    Took advice on board & done a few bits...

    Got a second hand MAF just to be joy. Ah well, got a spare now.

    Next fuel related....changed the fuel filter & cleaned injectors. No good either.

    Got a engine temp switch from japspares - I was looking around for where this lives & disconnected (what In think is) the RH cam sensor. Promptly forgot to plug the cam sensor back in & stone me....she started!! :ohmy: :D :D :D

    Fair play to those who suggested. There doesn't seem to be a break in the wire but TBH its damn difficult to see.

    Just to clarify though - the sensor I unplugged is on the RH bank tucked up just below / to the right of the plastic dissy cover. It has a grey plastic plug & red / white wires into it. Before I commit another 70 odd notes just want to check I have the right part...?

    The car runs OK without it - just a low / sporadic idle without it. Which leads me to think it was this little bleeder that was the source of my problems all along (I was servicing etc due to low idle).

    Help as always hugely appreciated.

  5. Thanks for the replies guys.

    ROYT - took your advice & replaced the crankshaft sensor & also the oxygen sensor (lambda probe). Also stripped & sorted boot loom. To no avail though. Bugger.

    Still got a fault code but alas do not have an OBD II reader. Really getting to my wits end with this.

    It has altered the symptoms a little though:

    * Really difficult to start from cold. It starts & runs for maybe a second & then dies.

    * Any attempt to give it some gas at this point results in car dying.

    * Finally get it to start (after maybe 30 attempts) & it idles rough as you like for a few minutes.

    * Any attempt to give it some gas at this point results in car dying.

    * When car is warmed up a little it seems to have a misfire & hesitates under acceleration (stationery).

    * Rev the car when stationery to over 4000 RPM & get a rather tasty backfire. (trying not to replicate this too often as it can't be good for her).

    Mybikesacx500 - beginning to agree with you. But after several £00's I am skint so unless so would like to be a bit more sure before shelling out. Does it sound like a MAF issue or am I clutching at straws?

    Unsure of temp sensor - again what sort of symptoms does a bad one give?

    Personally thinking TPS. As budget has recently become tighter ( :crybaby: ) thinking this might be a good start.

    Any opinions? MAF? TPS? Temp sensor? Fuel pump? Perhaps a coil? Can of petrol & box of matches? Cheers fellas.

  6. Hi all. Just a bit of an update. Not the best news tho...

    Had a bit more of a play & couldn't figure it, so I got recovered by the RAC. The fella had not clue (but I didn't expect much). Got to to my mechanic who knows what he's doing......

    A few days later & 300 notes lighter, I am still not really the wiser!

    At the garage they somehow managed to get it firing albeit very badly, whereas I struggled to get it to start - they put the original knackered rotor arms & caps back on (I thought they were too far gone but hey - shows what I know!).

    She's a bugger to start but with persistence she cranks up. If you can manage to get the car to maintain firing on what seems to be 4 cylinders, with the revs hunting up down & everywhere, & then leave the car to warm up it is now driveable. She hesitates a little under hard acceleration but otherwise all good.


    Just before I picked up the car from the garage the engine light came on & gave fault codes for lambda probe & crank sensor (or was it cam sensor?). Both on the RH bank.

    Whats the general consensus? Buy the bits & just see (I am not a rich man. Yet. Nor will I be at this rate!). Have a bit more of a squizz around myself - clean the crank sensor. Perhaps this boot loom everyone seems to have trouble with?

    All seems a bit odd that these sensors should be coming on at roughly the same time....

    Hope everyone elses Lex's are :D Nice to get in the old girl even if it does take 20 mins to get off the line :lol:

  7. Thanks for all the replies. Really appreciated :D

    Agree with caps not seated properly. This evening (so far!)I have had the caps properly off & checked the rotors. A bit of net searching revealed they could go upside down.

    Found that the caps couldn't fit wrong way! Perhaps they have changed the way the part is pressed due to so many ***** ups. But it definitely clicks into place. And now the caps are a definite fit. Being rather meticulous today. Wonder why...

    Going to have a squizz around the wires as suggested. As well as the cam sensor

    Mybikesacx500 - in case you ever get a MAF problem (see comment about owning an alfa - becomes part of maintenance for them f*ckin things). You can disconnect it & get the car to start, but in order to maintain you have to keep the revs up yourself. Can also drive without MAF, but you need to drive like you robbed it to stop stalling).

    Just going to put the new parts back on. I just love doing all jobs three times. What I live for

    Thanks again. Feeling more chill about it all today & pleased no-one thinks its catastrophic *removes noose*

  8. Hi there,

    Apologies for zero posts - I became a proud owner only a couple of weeks ago.

    Generally I am pleased as punch with the car. Done a couple of bits around her & found her incredibly well engineered & really built for reliability. Good stuff. I had an Alfa before :crybaby:

    But at the weekend I did a good service - rotor arms, dissy caps, leads & spangly iridium plugs! All went smoothly (apart from getting the plastic covers from around the dissy). Put her back together & guess what.....will not start!

    So spent the whole evening putting the old parts back on! One by one. Bugger. Obviously thought firing order. Then thought best to check caps & rotors. Still no go although didn't put the old ones back as they were knacked. Finally plugs (no go) & finally leads.

    I did the right thing & got Bosch caps & arms, NGK leads & plugs.

    Anyone have any idea what I have done to my beautiful car? :crybaby:

    It cranks & fires, but dies after a second or two. There is both petrol & spark.

    Maybe I did something to the timing - I did wrestle with one of the caps due to a plastic shield being held by a bolt I couldn't see. Also I dropped the MAF (doh) but I don't really think this is my problems (unplugged it shows same symptoms).

    My car is a 1995 LS 400.

    Can anybody help? Any suggestions will be gratefully recieved. And being a bit of a car lover, I will undoubtedly return the favour in the future (to someone or other on the forum!). Cheers.

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