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Posts posted by Roentgen

  1. The CD player on my now out of warranty 250 SEL has been hiccoughing for some time (Sat Nav, AM/FM function is perfect). I have cleaned the head and changed CDs to no avail. Initially re-booting the car cured it. Now it doesn't work at all!!! I have resorted to using my Iphone via a Griffin 'Auto Pilot' lead. Does the unit have a separate fuse? I will have to look at this.

    Can anybody advise me; I think that it is time to go back to an Audi.

  2. Hi,

    Around 10 minutes into a 2 hour long journey today my stereo cut off? I was listening to a cd, then i heard a pop/crack from all speakers and lost all sound. After a few seconds it came back on but went back off just as quick. I assumed it was my cd worn out so changed to another disc but got the same result. It also happens when listening to the radio. After trying some different things ( to no avail) i realised that this only happens if the volume is higher than around 28. Has anybody experienced similar problems? I pulled over to turn the engine off and back on to check if the amplifier was "clipping" but thats not the case. Have i blown a fuse? or is it knackered?

    Any help would be appreciated as listening to the radio below 28 with the road noise in an IS250 is impossible!

    I dont want to take it to Lexus if its just a fuse etc.

    Amplifier "Clipping" only causes distorted sound. It waon't cause cut out. This sounds very much like a heat related problem. One of the componenets is not performing above a certain temperature, probably on the output/drive stage of the amp', or the power supply/regualtor is faulty. If it were a fuse blown, it would stay blown and the amp' would be completely dead and not power up again. Suggest a visit to the dealer as this is a repair/replace job.

    Col.. (Electronics Engineer)

    cheers for the reply pal, im going to book it in tomorrow. my warranty is up so i dread to think what this is going to cost if the amp needs replacing.

    Hi Davehayes2204,

    How did you get on with your sound problem? I am experiencing the same prob with my IS 250. It only happend now and again but now its doing it all the time. I'd much appreciate your help in getting it fixed as my warranty has also expired.

    Cheers, Tony

  3. My 2006 250 SEL was parked on the drive last night and locked at 18.00. At 03.00 the alarm started! Nobody was around and the security lights only came on when I went to investigate. The reomote turned it of. I got into the car started it, moved it forwads/backwards and the parked it and locked the door- having checked that bonnet/boot/doors were shut. I went back to bed and the smae thing happened 20 minutes later;it was a calm night and we live along a very quiet country lane. Did the same manouver and went back to bed only to be woked 30 minutes later. This time I turned the alarm off with the key and left the doors unlocked! I managed thereafter to get some sleep.

    Any ideas?

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