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Posts posted by the_fat_boy

  1. I reckon its to do with the the strict ESVA testing you mention.

    I understand thats its implimented on Jap cars that reach 10 years old and thats why imported ones are are nearly always around 10 years old (with a few exceptions). Guess they keep hold of them until such time.

    Just my 2p

    I guess so ! what i dont get is that cars 10 yrs or older dont need this strict esva, just sva, but arent newer cars lower emission. safer & generally better condition(ok exception of some newer cars are worse condition depending on how its looked after) but i heard esva was bought out to protect the british/european car industry so that people buy new(er) uk specified/european cars than a brand new grey import japanese car so sound like nothing to do with safety/road worthy if older imported cars can get through easier than newer ones :o

  2. Geez havent attended JAE since 2007 :) ! wonder what its like nowadays eh... before that i use to go every yr since 2002 but in 07 wasnt that good imo got charged per person rather than per car as me & friends were told that before we set off to go, didnt see that coming so all had to shell out big amount WTF??!!, service + security staff not too good or helpful nor was the stupid guide that got handed out which wasnt informative as we still got lost!! , sent LOTS emails as complaint never heard back from them at all!!!grrr!!! thats soooo not good service or attitude ok cant get any of money back or some sort token gesture of any sort but atleast a apology or explaination really wouldnt go a miss, but no, no nothing. crap weather (ok that cant be help nobodys fault) not impressed to sum up so didnt go to this event after that lol...did think should i go this yr but i be going on holiday to Hong Kong on the 10th sept for few weeks, yay!!! Hmm Hong kong over jae???, Hell yeah stupid not to!! LOTS more jap cars out there more unique and different sort than usual ones you find a JAE as such & lots diferent good food for far less + far better than any the food stalls at jae selling OVER priced extortionate burgers that tastes bad, erghh!!!!

    so what we can sum up from that is you don't really like british car shows. JAE 07 was absolutely fine apart from weather, and it's been held in a different location every year since. :)


    that posts only states the dislike of the JAE car show from bad experience & service recieved, doesnt mention any other car shows in UK lol & british car show?? its a japanese car show or am i missing the point ha ha lol

  3. Hmm i never understood why people like to get cars like GTR, imrpreza sti's & top of the line Audi's remapped or upgraded power? as if their not fast enough :rolleyes: not so bad if the choice of car isnt the fastest in the range like... + how often people use these car to its full potential?? hmm if i bought M3, lancer evo 8 etc... i be happy with performance as standard! as for fuel consumption common sense its gonna be a little worse not improved, a saying no such a thing as free lunch but this my opinion!

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