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Posts posted by nilpoints

  1. I wasn't paying attention and turned into the path of an oncoming car. Simple as that. I feel like I've betrayed the car which never let me down! Strange really. I don't know if it makes me more confident in my driving or less. I think of all the calculated risks I have taken and never even got close to a bump. I drift off in my concentration and straight into the path of another car. Basically, I was driving like a stereotypical OAP who shouldn't be on the road.

  2. After 18 months of extremely cossetted and relaxing motoring, my Lexus ownership has come to an abrupt end, as did 12 years of claim free motoring in the UK.

    Just a quick note to say thanks to you all for the advice and general conversation. I didn't post much but visited often.

    I can't afford another Lexus just yet but one day...

    It's a crying shame to see a car do 116,000 miles and the engine to be so sweet that the oil leaves the engine after 9,000 miles as golden as when it went in go that way.


    Nilpoints (motorcycling everywhere now!)

  3. Hi

    I didn't have my security code so I had to have a reset done. I spoke with many Lexus dealers around the country to price this and it ranged from 2 hours work to a freebie (Lexus Leicester). So it pays to look around. In the end mine needed a new chip but Lexus Leicester did that for a very good price. I was very impressed with them.

    However, their rivals in a city to the north failed to even return my calls.

    RDS now working fine.

    Many thanks to all who helped.



  4. Just out of interest, why didn't you (Bison) consider a MkIV Supra?

    I thought that would have given the best of both worlds at the expense of rear seats and 4WD.

    My brother had a 310bhp sapphire in '91 and he still says it was the best car he ever had (was torched by TWOCers).


  5. Hi

    I have e-mailed Lexus Nottingham for an explanation/clarification. They were in no doubt that these were the correct genuine mats for my car despite me pointing out the lack of logo or rear fitting holes.

    I'll keep you updated with my progress (good or bad).

    Thanks for your replies.


    PS: They do have fitting holes in the front and do fit so I suspect they are correct (ish).

  6. I would like to know how many Mk1 GS300 genuine Lexus Car mats out there have Lexus on.

    As seems to be the norm, my GS didn't have mats in when I bought it so off I went to Lexus Nottingham who kindly sold me a set of mats for £120 (after I argued £30 off)! However, they do not have Lexus or the "L" logo anywhere on them. They are, however, nice quality (beige) but I do feel that they should have some sort of logo on.

    Have I been "done"?

    Also, my Lexus (UK model) has twin peg fittings in the rear as well as the front. The DP of Nottingham told me he had never seen this before and the mats I was sold had no peg holes.



  7. 28 and live in Nottingham. I am a construction lawyer who flicks between a sensible GS300 and wanting my old Supra back (looking for a UK model as we speak).

    I live with my fiancee (a corporate lawyer) and have no kids.

    Into golf (a bit), guitar (a lot) and history.

  8. There ar said to be two reasons why various religions demand any form of mutilation:-

    1. For hygenic reasons (circumcism) - see my earlier post as to "custom" forming part of religion.

    2. The idea of "sacrifice". Core to all religions is the belief that for something good to happen you must pay for it in some way. The Aztecs believed human sacrifice ensured the sun would rise again. Lent, Greek and Roman animal sacrifices, any kind of s*x for fun and Ramadan are all examples of these.

  9. One view is that the question over Isreal stems from a feeling of collective guilt at the end of the second world war. Horrified by the extent of Jewish suffering the West decided that their "final solution" was to give the Jewish people a home (and, bizarrely giving some credence to Hitler's view that the Jews were an aberration on humanity and society because they did not have a "homeland" - see Hitler's views on Gypsies etc.) Unfortunately for the Palestinians, it was Palestine.

    The UK allocated a strip of land to "Isreal" with UN mandate but the borders were hopelessly indefensible against hostile (whether understandably so or not) neighbours. Over various wars Isreal as we know it today came into existence. The majority of the "disputed" land amongst non-extremists relates to land taken post 1947 by Isreali force (again whether justifiable or not) with massive and consistent US backing.

    The US has consistently taken a pro-Isreali line for three simple reasons:-

    1. the "Jewish lobby" in the US massively outweighs the "Arab lobby".

    2. the "guilt" at the end of the second world war (all the west experienced massive anti-semetism throughout the first half of the last century).

    3. the linking of the Arab world to the USSR in terms of the arms trade.

    Arab hostility towards the US stems directly from the biased role taken by the US. Whilst the US was probably right in 1973 to provide assistance to preserve Isreal, the fact that today it remains so vehemently pro-Isreali in the face of Isreali behaviour has LED certain Arabs to feel that terrorism is the only way to counter such overwhelming firepower and lobbying power.

    Aside from arguments about Isreal's right to exist or otherwise, I understand the most insidious behaviour from Isreal from an Arab/Palestinian perspective is that of colonisation. Isreal continues to build settlements in disputed territory which was not covered by the UN mandate. Colonisation in such circumstances has not been seen since the days of European empires and the US' western expansion. Add into this the religious element and you have a direct similarity with Northern Ireland where Scottish Protestants were used to "colonise" and "tame" Catholic Ireland.

    Only when the US takes a more balanced view and role will the killing stop. Unfortunately, the US (like the UK) has historically "dug in" in the face of terrorism.

    As always, both sides are wrong and both sides are right.

    Just a thought...

  10. Certain people would say that the basis for religion is twofold:-

    1. A means of understanding and giving "logic" to what is currently unexplainable. For example, several hundred years ago certain people would ask: "Why does the sun rise?". The answer would be "*** does it". Now we know why the sun appears to rise we no longer say "*** does it". However, we are not sure why it is there so we say "*** does it". If at the dawn of human consciousness human knowledge of the world was a pinprick in a curtain of night, all that was darkness was explained by saying "That is ***'s doing". As, over the millenia, the pinprick has grown to a detailed painting surrounded by darkness, less is attributed directly to *** but the "unexplainable" remains so.

    As organisms with a limited lifespan it is incomprehensible that our bodies are all that we are (with no spirit other than a series of electrical impulses in our head) and that following our death there is nothing. Consequently, religion is a means of explaining "life" and offering hope.

    2. A means of controlling society. In days past and presently in certain countries, the chances of being convicted of a "morally obscene" crime such as murder (see point 1) were slim. Consequently, society (and in particular its leaders and controllers) used the concept of a "final judgment" in which all "crimes" are punished. This allowed society to exercise control over its citizens when it had no physical way of establishing the same level of control.

    This is similar in terms of war. In most wars, the soldiers (and citizens generally) are told the war is a "moral" (i.e. religious) war in ***'s name and that death in "***'s Service" leads to eternal happiness in the afterlife. Otherwise few people would be willing to go "over the top" if they thought that *** had anything to do with it.

    In terms of the point, does religion cause war. The answer is yes if religion is seen for what it is and distinguished from spirituality. Religion is a set of rules established by a society to govern its populace. Spirituality is a more "core" set of beliefs and values which most of humanity holds dear which does not cause war.

    Islam and Christianity are two extremely similar religions. They have the same core values (as to "women repressers" - see the west less than 50 years ago) including no stealing, infidelity, lies or murder. They also share "custom" elements which predate the "religion" itself. One theory is that pork is not eaten by Mulsims as it is well known that in a hot climate the bacterial growth on and decay of pork is so fast as to lead to frequent (often unavoidable) food poisoning ("***'s punishment" perhaps?). See Judaism from the same region. In Christianity Christmas day was a pagan festival long before the arrival of Mr *****.

    Only where the name of religion is abused by societal leaders to persuade others (such as "suicide bombers" or "martyrs") to commit acts which serve the aims of the leaders is religion the "cause" of war. In extreme form all religions cause war and suffering. The mass extermination of slavs by the Nazis, Jewish settlers claiming that Palestinian land is "theirs by right" and Arab Muslims claiming that killing children is justified by the Qu'ran are all examples of this.

    This is just a thought....

  11. Hi

    I too went for the MX-5 and tuned it so it was winning pretty easily. I then went via the Tuscan which is pretty good until the later tracks which are too twisty for it.

    In a relatively mid-range race I won a Race Camaro which now has 900bhp (ish it's fully tuned but I haven't played for over a year) and cooks anything on a straight but refuses to go round corners. I'm not sure if, being a US car, the steering is an optional upgrade.

    I found the Belgian car (Red 2 seater coupe looker - forgot its name) a very nice handler on the "race" tracks.


  12. Hi

    I've decided to reset my radio in an attempt to cure my RDS problem (it does not work at all).

    As opposed to disconnecting the Battery or removing the radio is there something more focussed I can do?

    I am thinking along the lines of removing the relevant fuse(s) (in which case, which one(s)?) or pressing a combination of buttons to activate a reset (does one exist?).

    I do not have the security activated on the radio. Will it activate on reset as, if so, I will check I have the code.



    PS - Thanks to DLJ for suggesting the reset.

  13. As far as I am aware the aerial is standard and it certainly looks so. The whole car is stock from looking at the (full) history. I've come to the conclusion that the RDS is not working and consequently, NF and TI will not work.

    Where this leaves me I do not know.

  14. Hi

    I posted this on the GS forum a few days ago but it appears the issue is a little wider spread. In short, the standard radio on my Mk1 GS300 loops continuously when on TI, the display reporting "searching" and then "nothing". I also get no RDS information from known RDS stations (such as Radio 1). I live in Nottingham so there is no shortage of RDS stations in range as my previous car had RDS and TI and picked them up no questions.

    Everything else with the system is fine including reception (excellent) and my aerial. Any suggestions?



  15. Hi

    I have removed one of the large rubber bungs from the rear (i.e. front) of the tyre well which has mitigated the problem. I think the leak is around the vertical elements at the boot mouth, probably where the seal has been flattened over time. I have been trying to reinvigorate it with some success and will update if I can solve it without replacing the seal.

    I had another go with the radio today and it still loops and I also have no joy with RDS (unlike the Supra's aftermarket stereo). I never get any station titles either. Is there a way to reset the stereo (without i) taking anything apart or ii) losing anything other than presets etc.) as I have a suspicion that this may help.



    PS. Mk 1 GS300 doesn't have a pollen filter does it? There is an "opening/flap" of some kind in the glove box but seems to aim at the airbag and is not easily removable.

  16. Hi

    I've had my Mk1 for about a year now (moved on from an imported Targa Supra which was a bit too impractical) and there are a couple of points I wondered if anyone has any experience of:-

    1. Water is forming in the tyre well from both rain and condensation but I cannot find the source. I have been locked in the boot looking for leaks/sunlight with someone hosing the seals and find none. I have seen some trickles behind the rear light cluster panel.

    2. My radio picks up fine but on either traffic interrupt setting it constantly loops, finding no traffic stations. When listening to the CD it never interrupts me. I have even been listening to traffic warnings which it doesn't recognise. It is a bog standard '95 UK car.

    These are only minor niggles. It's a fine car.


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