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Peter Whitaker

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Posts posted by Peter Whitaker

  1. Only the phone you select to be active will be able to do anything. You have to manually switch from one phone to the other by going into the settings, you are either using one phone or another.

    I'll just leave mine connected then.

    Don't want to bother going into Settings etc each time she wants to use her phone.

    After all hands free is really for the driver (me) and she can use hers in the usual way - no big deal.

    Just wondered if it could automatically used hands free for either phone.

    Thanks for all your help!

  2. Thanks Colin.

    You can register multiple phones, you just cannot have more than one connected at any one time.

    Sure OK

    If your phone is connected to the vehicle both as a phone and music device you must disconnect both functions to register another phone. If after you are done you select your phone again it will connect both as a phone and a music player again.

    OK thanks I will try this. Hopefully after I have disconnected my iPhone and registered my wife's phone both will work.

    What you cannot do is connect to your wife's phone as a phone and your phone as a music player at the same time - the system will only communicate to one physical device at any one time.

    Yes I understand the system can only use one device at any one time.

  3. A bit confused now...

    So if I go ahead and disconnect my phone I can then register my wife's phone ?

    (is there a difference between 'registering' and 'connecting'?)

    Then do I reconnect my phone and will both phones work (individually) through the hands free?

    Are your phone and your audio device both connected via Bluetooth?

    My Iphone is connected via Bluetooth both as a phone and separately as a Bluetooth audio player.

    I wonder... if you cannot connect more than one phone how come there are 6 available 'Add New Phone' buttons...?

  4. My system has the hard drive Sat Nav with USB connection and according to the manual it can play DVDs when the car is stationary. I have tried inserting a DVD but it does not seem to recognise it. It loads it and says Reading Disc and then it says Check Disk. It is a commercial DVD movie so not sure why it doesn't recognise it.

    It's the first time I've tried this - just want to see if it works!

    Any suggestions?

  5. My system has the hard drive Sat Nav with USB connection.

    I have my Iphone connected both as a phone and as a Bluetooth player so I can play music from it.

    I am trying to add my wife's Iphone as a second phone.

    I get to the Add New Phone screen and press New and it says 'Another Bluetooth device is connected - do you want to disconnect it?'

    I assume it's talking about my Iphone as a Bluetooth player and no I don't want to disconnect it.

    Any suggestions?

  6. Many thanks Colin - very useful.


    I notice that in both lists it says we should change the brake fluid every 2 years.

    I have an intermediate service coming up.

    My 450h is 2010 but has only done 10k miles.

    Obviously in the service record it does not specify whether the previous owner had this done.

    Is there a way the brake fluid can be inspected to tell if it needs replacing?

    Maybe I should get it done anyway to be safe.



  7. Definitely I would shop around.

    I have had extreme differences in service quotes - in some cases Lexus is quadruple!

    However the trade off is whether they really know what they're doing with a complex car and do they have the equipment / machines for testing.

    Also depends on the job... things like brake pads I would definitely go elsewhere.

    A middle path could be Halfords Auto Centre or similar as they have to keep a standard.

  8. Hi G,

    It worked !!!

    Thanks you so much for your efforts - thats exactly what I needed - a step by step guide.

    It wasn't exactly the same as yours so I had to improvise. At one point it was asking me to put in a passcode on the device but then it just registered it anyway. I knew it had worked when I heard Martha and the Vandellas coming through the car stereo !

    It may not be exactly the same as your system but I still wouldn't have been able to do it without your list.

    Now Iphone works to make calls and play music!

    So many thanks indeed!

    I give Lexus top marks for quality and attention to detail but in the case of this on board system I score them low for user-friendliness. For this they could take a leaf out of Apple's book.


  9. Hi G,

    Well unfortunately that was a disaster !

    All the options seem different to yours - I think we must have different systems.

    I cannot find an option to delete the previous portable player - only to edit the name - which if I do just reverts back afterwards.

    You say to select add a device... do you mean add a phone or a portable player?

    If I try to add a portable player it just gives the error "Bluetooth connection failed"

    Can you tell me where are you starting from... Is it Set Up / Audio or Set Up / Phone...?

    I don't know which system you have but my car is a 2010 model with hard drive system.



  10. Hi Peter, finding your way around the car is the fun part,

    not sure if the 2010 model has full post code entry, if it has then its just menu

    button from the sat nav screen, destination, select page two, enter full post

    code, done.

    If it hasn’t got full post code entry, then have fun. :rolleyes:

    Thanks Chris for the short cut - yes it accepted the full post code - brill!


  11. Lexus seem to be stuck in their year 2000 mindset when they could justify £2000 for a Sat Nav option and £100+ for a map update. Whilst I use the Lexus system I also have a £20 iPhone app that is far superior.

    At least with the DVD system you can get an update disc from eBay for around £60 if you just want the disc covering the UK.

    I agree Colin. I also have an App on my Iphone that works well - Navigon.

    It is way overpriced but I think they know they have people like me by the cojones because it is so much cooler to have it all built in !

    Consequently I've bitten the bullet and made an appointment at Lexus Croydon to have it done next week !

  12. Hi All

    My Iphone has successfully connected to the car through Bluetooth and I can make phone calls on the hands free.

    I would also like to be able to play music stored on my Iphone through the car audio system. I have tried two ways without success:

    1. I connected a mini jack to jack lead from the iPhone's headphone socket to the auxiliary socket in the car but when I play a song on the Iphone it's not coming through the car audio.

    Anyone know how to do this?

    2. I tried connecting it as a "portable player". It looks like the previous owner managed this because it says "Toms iPhone" in the listed portable players. Also there is a device identification number inserted. So there's two fields - device name and device ID number. On the Iphone there's various numbers (wifi number, IMEI number etc) but I don't know which number this is.

    Anyone know how to do this?

    many thanks


  13. Lexus seem to be stuck in their year 2000 mindset when they could justify £2000 for a Sat Nav option and £100+ for a map update. Whilst I use the Lexus system I also have a £20 iPhone app that is far superior.

    At least with the DVD system you can get an update disc from eBay for around £60 if you just want the disc covering the UK.

    Hi Colin,

    How do I find out which system I have. Does a HD system not use a CD/DVD for Sat Nav at all?

    My car obviously has a CD /DVD drive for audio CDs and I think it also plays DVDs (movies) - I'll have to try and see !

    But I think mine has a HD as it is able to record music from a CD into the HD and talks about this in the manual.

    Also there is that on board option to update the Sat Nav - been busy but today I will click "I agree" - and report back!



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