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Ten Ninety

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Posts posted by Ten Ninety

  1. 9 hours ago, fetchez la vache said:

    Forgive me, but I feel you being A bit unrealistic with the standard of interior quality Lexus should be providing.  The es F sport with the Takumi pack is a circa £43k car, sounds a lot of money until you spec up a comparable rival model.  An E class hybrid of a comparable spec would be circa £53k, but the Lexus should still have a better interior? Add in the exclusivity of the low sales volume of the ESand it starts to look good value.   

    You're probably right - given current universal trends for cutting quality whilst raising prices - that it was unrealistic to expect the ES to have the same quality materials as the GS, given that the previous generation ES was never the GS's equal. However, I think some of us were living in the hope that because the final pricing of the ES in the UK was so high (a GS 300h Premier was actually cheaper than the ES 300h Takumi) then the material quality of the ES would have been brought up to scratch. It clearly hasn't, and I think it's understandable to be disappointed at the relative crapness of its interior materials compared to the GS.

    That said, I suspect I'm getting too old for my comments to have much validity these days. I can't really argue that the ES looks good value in a market where people are actually expected to pay £20k for a boggo Ford Focus Zetec. But that market, in my mind, is simply insane and in my old-fashioned head I can't get past the idea that £43k is an obscene amount of money to pay for any car that isn't either properly luxurious or properly fast.

    I will happily admit that I am tragically out of touch with mass market reality, but I suspect I'm not the only one who thinks like that. I also suspect few GS owners will be trading down to an ES - if I'm going to have to settle for in inferior interior, I'll take the Camry and £10k every time, thanks. However, I expect that Lexus have already factored that in. GS owners are a tiny minority anyway, and the ES is well placed to attract ex-diesel refugees from other 'premium' marques. 

    On 4/19/2019 at 9:36 PM, Linas.P said:

    Out of 3 SUVs, RX has best materials e.g. soft leather door trim, but overall NX interior was most attractive for me for some reason, overall layout more modern, controls more accessible. However, overall none of new cars felt like Lexus... Toyota RAV4 perhaps. 

    Toyota interior materials and design have come on massively in the last few years, haven't they? I'd say the C-HR feels as 'premium' as a CT inside, if not more, especially in Excel spec with the quilting. Even my Prius PHV is nicely-built of tidy materials, in an interesting design. I'm sure the new Corolla and Camry will feel the same. 

    For those of us who place actual user experience over badge snobbery, Toyota increasingly offers a relatively appealing alternative to the lower-end Lexus models. Of course, out there in the real world, badge snobbery is very much alive and well...

    • Like 3
  2. I would have less of an issue with this proposal if the following were true:

    a) Speedometers in this country actually reported accurate speeds like they do in the US, instead of over-reading by what is often a ridiculous margin. You can bet the limiter will operate at the speedometer reading not the real speed, meaning we'll all be doing 3-5mph less than the actual limit.

    b) Speed limits weren't set by local council morons who think the answer to 'road safety' is just to continually lower the limit on roads which are perfectly safe at the NSL if you actually drive with your eyes open and look at the road ahead. Yes, I'm bitter that half of my commute has just gone from NSL to 40 for no good reason whatsoever, but the point still stands. Too many limits are now simply too low. 

    c) 'Road Sign Recognition' systems actually worked. Many are a complete joke that routinely report completely the wrong limit after missing or misreading signs. The Toyota one, which presumably will be similar to any Lexus system, is spectacularly hopeless.

    In principle, I have no problem with enforced limits of excessive speed. But unless the three things above change then I suspect we're all going to end up stuck behind the person in the brand new car who's forced to do 5mph below a limit that's been set 20mph too low in the first place. Or behind the Toyota still chuntering along at 30 because it failed to spot the NSL signs half a mile ago. At which point someone in a yet-to-be-limited car will get so fed up that they overtake desperately, misjudge their move and end up killing someone.

    • Like 4
  3. 21 hours ago, ColinBarber said:

    given the circumstances it probably is grit/dirt stuck in there.

    I would second that. I've had an occasional stone chipping get caught up somewhere and it can make all sorts of squealing noises that only go away under braking. I have found that a short, sharp, violent blast of reversing can be a suitable cure, having checked the mirrors first of course!

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, st4 said:

    1. It will be more spacious than the GS. The S90 is used by chauffeurs and exec hire drivers. This could be too so the recliner seat might not be a bad idea
    2. The GS rides well
    3. Doubt they’ll cut the sound deadening

    The GS does not ride well on 18" wheels. It might ride well compared to other cars on 18" wheels, but that's the whole problem. Everyone seems to have forgotten what real comfort is, like you get when you run tyres that actually have a few inches of sidewall.

    I've just given my GS to my wife and am having a much more comfortable daily ride in a Prius PHV. Sure, I miss my 18-way adjustable seats and the quality ambience but I'm enjoying not being thrown about on poor sections of road and on being able to negotiate the speed bumps outside work without getting kicked in the butt every time. 15" wheels for the win. 

    The sound deadening is, of course, pure supposition on my part. However, the new LS has dropped the ball on that front from what I've heard and I can't see the ES being any different.

  5. So I'll pay £5 more for an ES Takumi than a GS Premier? So much for the much-vaunted price reduction to account for the inferior platform. What do I get for that? Cheap materials, worse economy and pointless rear reclining seats instead of a useful passenger-seat ottoman? Seriously? Who the hell wants them in a car this size - it ain't a chauffeur-driven barge like the LS! And multi-weather headlights? Really, Lexus? Really? 

    I bet it'll ride just as poorly as the GS on its stupid big wheels and have worse road noise as well, because they'll have cut the sound deadening to save costs. 

    I predict they'll sell about two of these. One of which I might just buy in three year's time once some poor fool's taken a serious haircut on it. But it'll have to be a bargain, and it'll have to have a HUD, which isn't clear yet from the specs. 


    • Like 3
  6. On 8/21/2018 at 7:47 PM, Linas.P said:

    Again is not about sale volumes of those less volume models - it is about having reasonable range. Again why, to restrict it to the engines? they can restrict it to specific models e.g. NX, RX and CT ... IS, GS, RC, LS doesn't sell anyway, those 3 models are probably 75% of all sales? What is you guess how long will Lexus survive only selling 3 cars? Worse... they will probably replace CT with UX... how long would they survive only selling SUVs? But they are most popular in the range you would say?! Don't giving customer choice is worse then importing cars which doesn't sell as well... 

    Obviously, I am not saying they should bring 5000 RC350s straight away as that would be disaster, but having few just for sake of giving some choice wouldn't hurt - how much worse could it be then selling 8 RC200t's over 2 years?

    I can see the logic in your last point - if the RC350 already exists, it would do no harm to bring (literally) a few over. However, I don't know where the RC is built - is the 350 American market only? Is it built in a different factory? If so, getting a RHD one to UK spec would presumably be too costly to justify. Same goes for the ES - they might shift a handful of 350s if they brought them over, but if they're all currently LHD and built to US standards then I doubt it would be worth the cost to re-do the production line.

    On the point about reducing the range, is that not what Renault did to great success in the UK? They cut their model range right down to just the ones which sold well a while back, and I believe they've done very well since. Much as we might not like the idea, I suspect Lexus would survive indefinitely selling SUVs. 

  7. If you drive slowly, the 300h is an excellent choice. It behaves in exactly the same way as a Prius/Auris and is therefore supremely relaxing to drive. The bigger Battery means it can go a little further in milkfloat mode than the Auris. It also gives considerably greater overtaking urge than the Toyota, although it's not a fast car. I imagine your 250 would be much more rewarding for a keen driver, but the 300h can do 60+mpg in the right conditions and 50+ all day long, assuming you drive it in a suitable manner and don't fit the wrong tyres like I did. 

    What spec is the one you're looking at? If it's a Premier, the seats alone are worth the cost to change. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Linas.P said:

    Yes... I guess I am "wrong kind" of young person. Real bas*** who dares to have values beyond looks... like quality and driving dynamics - that was really unexpected, Lexus was caught unprepared! Thanks god -  there are not many of such people.. 

    I would say sometimes you need to do right thing even if it is not the best way to exploit the market...ohhh but I forgotten Lexus is "for profit" organisation and not charity. I am really out of touch with my 18th century sentiments... sorry... 

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being in a minority, nor should anyone feel the need to apologise for their views (sarcastically or otherwise!).

    I would like to see Lexus continue as a niche player, producing some interesting left-field cars. My preference would be for them to produce some slower, more economical cars that prioritise comfort. You wish (I think) for them to produce some faster, more engaging cars to drive that prioritise driver enjoyment. I suspect that in reality neither of us is likely to have our wishes granted because we are both in too much of a minority for it to be a profitable enterprise for them. Perhaps we can agree on that?


    1 hour ago, Linas.P said:

    Now here is another catch 22 argument @Ten Ninety presented - "Everyone who wanted mid-tier sports car already have C43, S5 or 440i"... well yes, that is because they didn't have an option to get RC350. That is the point - if you want to expand in the market you have to offer more choice and over time build-up client base. If Lexus would bring RC350 to UK it would take at least 2-3 years to phase in, which obviously now would be stupid when model is already 4 years old and already sales flop. Would they had it from 2014, that would be different story. Furthermore, RC350 is great car, but it isn't all that interesting... something like RC450h would have had very special and very appealing combination as good alternative to C43, S5 and 440i. What is that interesting combination - well all German cars are turbocharged which comes with pros and cons, whereas 450h would be hybrid, kind of electrically charged both with instant torque and crisp NA V6.

    That is a fair point. However, I don't believe Lexus would have been able to offer an RC350 or an RC450h at a price point that would have been competitive with the Germans, and definitely not on a monthly PCP/Lease basis. It would still have failed. That was the GS450h's problem - as you rightly note yourself - it was a great car but most people probably saw it as just too expensive for what it offered compared to the equivalent Germans. 

    45 minutes ago, Linas.P said:

    I guess the final question is what types of customers they want - if they want unemployed house wifes with 3 kids, pensioners, retirees, non-engaged drivers... they doing all correctly - they are currently alienating everyone who cares about driving dynamics (F-marque exists, but it is too steep for average consumer) and who likes driving.

    From begging Lexus was known as "pensioners brand", however I thought they wanted to change that, to appeal to younger clientele, more driving and performance focused. If that is the case they doing it wrong, if the case is to go back to the start and continue selling retirement cars, then they are right.

    The 'younger clientele' are far less driving and performance focused than the older crowd, and they care far more about emissions and environmental issues, too. A lot of young people don't want cars at all. At least, not to own. Many teenagers today don't even care about learning to drive - they want someone else to take the wheel so they can sit in the back taking selfies and posting more crap on Instagram. All the manufacturers know this, which is why they're rushing headlong into developing autonomous vehicles and offering subscription models. The technology won't be ready in time to meet the demand (real autonomy is probably 15-20 years away), which is where Uber and the like will come in to fill the gap. In the meantime, I reckon Lexus is doing the right thing by targeting the more mature market, as that's where the money is right now. The funny thing is, I suspect they're actually more likely to attract the youth by producing sharp-looking cars that are cool to pose with, which also have strong environmental credentials. Speed, performance and driving enjoyment are total non-issues. After all, the slower you go, the more people get to look at you.

    16 minutes ago, Linas.P said:

    pensioners will be more then happy with loafy the loafy face ES with acceleration of the snail.

    Genuine LOL. Thank you. This whole thread has been worth it, just for that comment!

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, st4 said:

    And the diehards would come

    You're probably right, they would. Both of them. 😀

    I don't doubt that an RC with a 350 would be a decent driver's car, but enthusiasts with money who want a Lexus will surely just buy an RC-F or an LC, whilst those who are less financially blessed will surely buy a more affordable second-hand example of what they really want? If someone could financially afford to weather the savage depreciation on a fictional brand-new RC350 at, say, £35k, I fail to see how they couldn't afford the running costs of a pre-owned RC-F for the same money.

    Are there people out there who can't afford the new car they really want yet are still clinging on to their dreams of being a driving god, whilst refusing to countenance buying anything other than a brand new vehicle? Undoubtedly, but they're all in 440is or C43s or S5s already. I can't imagine why Lexus would want to try and expend any effort penetrating that market for such little potential reward. Especially not when they can't hope to match the Germans on monthly payments.

    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, st4 said:

    Maybe because I do what I do for a living but I’m on the roads in the middle of the night, small hours and early to mid morning and driving fast is easy, and good and right to do.

    Up in the NW of Scotland the opportunity to drive and enjoying driving is alive and well and the GS250 is a great car to have, but I wish I had the GSF. One day maybe 🙂

    Fair enough, but you are surely the edgiest of edge cases - someone who drives outside of normal hours in one of the most sparsely-populated parts of the country! I know I've said that I believe Lexus should be a niche brand, but even I'd suggest that catering to such a negligibly small market would be going a bit far.

    13 hours ago, st4 said:

    And nothing will change but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t change. Lexus market share is bigger in the US not because they’re so different to us - but the range is more diverse over there.

    Lexus want to be taken seriously and that means in the premium car market offering a range of engines within a model.

    The RC is crying out for something in between the 300h and F - be that a more powerful 200t, a 350 or a 450h - and maybe a manual transmission offering. The 200t engine is a little behind on the power/economy curve but with a little development it could be a very credible offering in a junior performance offering - a bit like a c43/S5 etc - or a turbo V6 or the engine from the upcoming supra.

    Why they have not done an ISF defies logic and why that car - as it’s class leading in other regards hasn’t seen a 350 or improved 200t seems most odd.

    The RX is crying out for a non hybrid as is the NX.

    Perhaps if the CT had been offered as a non hybrid more would have found homes. It’s not such a bad car - just hopelessly different and out of touch with most buyers wants and needs.

    If Lexus did a RC350 in this country, the comically out-of-touch motoring press would love it and rave about how much better it was to drive than the 300h and then literally nobody would buy one. Well, maybe not nobody. Maybe a handful of brave souls from the tiny (and diminishing) band of ageing 'enthusiasts' who still care about things like number of cylinders, throttle response and the ability to overtake 'safely' would stump up the cash. At least, those who weren't dissuaded by the lack of a German badge, the prospect of terrible running costs and the guarantee of absolutely catastrophic depreciation. 

    I don't think hybrid drivetrains are the reason people are put off from buying a Lexus - if anything it's probably been their unique selling point in recent years. If the hybrid-only CT was so hopelessly different and out of touch, why was it Lexus's biggest seller following its introduction? It's only recently been surpassed by the on-trend NX, also in hybrid form. If people really wanted non-hybrid Lexuses, why did the 200ts sell so poorly? 

    Like it or not, with diesel's long-overdue death finally underway, hybridisation (in its various forms) is the short-term future until we transition to EVs. I would suggest that Lexus might be better off capitalising on all those years of expertise and pushing their hybrid technology just as it's gaining mainstream acceptance, rather than wasting resources on trying to flog cars with antiquated old engines to an ever-shrinking bunch of die-hards. 

    • Like 1
  12. There's a small feature in this month's CAR magazine that features the RC300h. The reviewer hates it, basically because it's too slow. So Linas is not alone in his opinion. I wouldn't disagree myself either, to be honest. The 300h drivetrain is many things, but fast is not one of them. It's not sharp or responsive either, so 'sluggish' is probably not a bad description. But for me, that's fine. For me, the 300h shouldn't be fast, sharp or responsive. It should be a nice relaxing, smooth way to cruise around in comfort.

    When it comes to the issue of being slow or 'sluggish' I'm intrigued to know where the CAR journalists (and Linas) are finding roads where they can actually enjoy driving quickly, at least in the normal day-to-day business of going from one place to another. These days, on the very rare occasions when I do wish to press on, within minutes I inevitably encounter a fully paid-up member of the Anti Destination League at the head of a queue doing 35 in a 60. I can still totally get the idea of a fast sports car that you get up at 5am to enjoy, but I'm less and less able to wrap my head around the purpose of owning a fast car that is used in daily traffic. Everyone's different and there's no wrong or right, but getting rid of the 450h seems perfectly logical in a market which is surely inversely proportional to the amount of traffic on our roads?

    • Like 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, Linas.P said:

    Yep... the only way to improve on both fronts are to make it PHEV, but for no reason Lexus refuses to do so....

    Toyota made considerable gains with the Prius efficiency from Gen3 to Gen4 without resorting to plug-in stuff, so I was kind of hoping Lexus might do something similar with the 300h. 

    However, I will reserve my judgement until the official figures, given Rayaan's suggestion about the inaccuracy of Auto Express above.

    • Like 1
  14. 28 minutes ago, Vlady said:

    This is what manual says but I am either blind or stupid but I can't find this button! 

    I have similar issue, the light is on on the dashboard, I checked the tire pressures and made sure they are to the manufacture requirements (tire were cold) but I do not know how to reset the TPM, I drove the car after that and it didn't reset itself, what am I doing wrong?

    Can it be that the garage that sold me the car and who changed the rear tires didn't do something right like ID these sensors?



    Your inability to find this silly button does not make you blind or stupid. It's very hard to access. You might want to put the seat all the way back so you can get properly inverted with your head right in the footwell. If you can manage to look up from there, it's on the underside of the dash.

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    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Jamesf1 said:

    This topic has gone  all beige cardigan

    Years ago, when I sold the last in a series of fast cars in order to buy a nicer house, I actually bought a beige cardigan to wear ironically as a reminder of what I'd given up. I promised myself that within 5 years I'd be back in a serious motor.

    12 years on, there's still no sign of anything 'interesting' on my drive, and I'm actually happy with that. I don't want the frustration of owning a powerful car and being constantly unable to enjoy its potential. The roads are just too full of 35-driving morons and angry people who want to shout at you just for executing a perfectly safe overtake. In my younger days I honestly never thought I'd lose my love for 'spirited' driving, but clearly I have.

    I still have the cardigan, and regularly wear it around the house. It's comfy, easy to get into and inoffensive to look at. Which is just how I like my cars, these days.

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  16. I would agree that seats are an area where the GS (in Premier spec) reigns supreme. Will the ES Premier have 18-way adjustable seats? Will they be clad in lovely soft leather? Will there be a passenger seat electric ottoman? Surely these are far more important questions than mere trifles like engine size and performance! 

    As an aside, I tried a new Prius Plug In yesterday. The ride quality was notably better than my GS - proper magic carpet stuff, without any of the roly-poly that blighted Priuses of old. If Lexus took that car, Lexusised the body but left it on 15" wheels, stuffed it full of soundproofing and gave it the full Premier luxury interior treatment to the quality of the current GS, I'd buy one in an instant. Of course, I'd be the only one - at least, perhaps, until others actually drove it and discovered the joy of abandoning stupid oversized wheels whilst relaxing into a driving style that doesn't involve thrashing as quickly as possible to the end of the next tailback.

    • Like 3
  17. 22 hours ago, Britprius said:

    Perhaps surprisingly the hybrid system works better in a front wheel drive car such as the Prius or CT200H. It would also be more efficient in a four wheel drive vehicle where regen could be gained from all four wheels. The problem with rear wheel drive hybrids is that there is only so much energy that can be recovered before the rear wheels begin to lock up particularly in the wet. This effect is much reduced on front wheel, and four wheel drive vehicles.

    Interesting - I hadn't really considered the RWD impact on regen but of course it has to be the driven wheels which are 'braked' by the regen system. Fair play to Lexus - they've done a good job of tuning this system as it doesn't feel any different from FWD hybrids in use - I'd have thought braking just the rear wheels when lifting off on a corner would unsettle the car but it really doesn't seem to.

    Also, nice work on explaining what I was trying to say about losses in a much clearer fashion!

    • Like 1
  18. If you can stretch to Premier spec, the 18-way seats offer a greater range of adjustments, including fore/aft adjustment of the top quarter of the seat which would resolve the headrest issues. The headrests are also nicely cushioned and have aeroplane-style wings you can pull out if you fancy a snooze in the outside lane. 

    Regarding privacy glass, the rear windows also get blinds all round on the Premier - not quite the same thing but they do the same job.

    The HUD came pre-facelift with the 300h Premier but only post-facelift on the 450h Premier. 

    The mouse interface is truly a terrible thing, but you do get used to it. I prefer it with the fake resistance turned all the way down, as that makes it seem less like it's fighting you all the time. The main issue isn't so much with the hardware, it's that the interface ergonomics were very clearly intended for a touch screen, meaning you're constantly trying to fly the cursor all around the screen to hit the relevant 'buttons'. It's never going to be pleasant to use, but muscle-memory does kick in after a while and it becomes less of an aggravation.

  19. 7 hours ago, Linas.P said:


    @Ten Ninety actually accelerating on electric power would be more efficient then on petrol. I do agree however that accelerating hard would cause different cam profile (not surprising considering engine is VVTI) and thus just throw the petrol at increased rate. I think my comment was more general and not specifically focused on GS450h, variable valves simply throws.. well too many variable to work with. Point I tried to make is that hard acceleration on it's own should not waste fuel, braking or especially braking after accelerating hard does. That is literally the purpose of the brakes - convert kinetic energy into heat.

    Whilst I agree with your overall point regarding acceleration not being inherently harmful to economy, I don't think you're right about acceleration using electric power being more efficient, assuming we're talking about the Lexus/Toyota system. My understanding is that the battery power isn't 'free'. It has to be paid back later, at the expense of more fuel. There are considerable inefficiencies inherent in first transferring Battery energy into acceleration, and then petrol into engine power into electric recharging. Those inefficiencies mean that you are likely to need to burn more fuel overall, compared to if you'd avoided the Battery kicking in at all during your 'brisk' acceleration. 

    From what I understand, the battery's primary purpose is to help fill the torque gap that comes from the Atkinson cycle engine, to allow the car to pull off and operate at low speeds without stalling. Whilst the battery does, of course, kick in to add power at other times, I think this is to aid driveability (and potentially safety) rather than economy. I imagine that is why 'milkfloat mode' is generally spurned by the most committed hypermilers - you might save fuel whilst you're running on Battery but you end up using more later on when the Battery has to recharge again. The use of the regenerating brakes is, according to those who seek maximum economy, similarly problematic. The received wisdom there seems to be that you gain more from allowing the car to coast (i.e. a light touch on the throttle that holds off the regen but doesn't invoke power), than you do from any extra 'range' the re-gen allows because of those inefficiencies at each stage of the process. 

    I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, but as a saddo who gets pleasure from mpg rather than mph these days, I do take a keen interest in this kind of thing. If you have time to expand on your reasons for why you say electric is more efficient, I'm always ready to learn. 🙂

  20. 5 hours ago, Linas.P said:

    Accelerating sharply doesn't actually hurt fuel economy (especially in CVT) assuming you don't spin the tires and don't brake after reaching desired speed.

    I have found that's only true up to a point, although I suppose it depends on what you mean by sharp. Brisk acceleration up to a cruise definitely yields better economy than crawling at a snail's pace, because you get to coasting speed quicker. However, if economy is your aim then I find that it's best not to push all the way to the top reaches of the power zone when accelerating. If you properly floor it, that triggers more battery assistance which then has to be paid back later in the form of using fuel to recharge the Battery. I think there might also be a more aggressive timing profile that kicks in when you're really going for it which sacrifices economy for power, but I'm not sure about that - I read about it years ago in the Prius and can't find a reference to back it up now.

  21. 8 hours ago, Northern_Si said:

    From my own experience, it just seems to affect my hybrid more.  I guess the more resistance the less the car can use the electric motors to supplement the power at a constant speed.  I always find it interesting to watch the how the electric motor kicks in on slight inclines to stop the need for increased revs.

    I agree that wet roads affect hybrids more. However, I'm not sure that is to do with Battery power - I actually suspect it might be because some of the biggest economy gains in a hybrid come from maximising time spent coasting with the engine off, whilst not using Battery power. That sweet spot is hard enough to find in dry conditions - in the wet it's downright elusive because each time you lift, the extra drag of the wet road will slow you down more rapidly, meaning you have to get back on the throttle to provide some more thrust.

    By contrast, a comparable diesel or petrol engine will be running the whole time anyway, happily torquing through puddles without a second thought, so the difference between wet and dry is likely to be less significant. There will be some impact from the extra rolling resistance, but not the same extent as a hybrid.

    That's my theory, anyway!

  22. 12 minutes ago, Linas.P said:

    You need to consider he is reviewing US car, in UK more premium car gets a bit o special treatment e.g. GS450h, GS-F, RC-F are better equipped standard then the ones in US. In US they have much more optional extras, more similar like German brands in UK. My point - his US ES might simply be not specified as well as standard GS in UK.

    Not sure what you mean about red/black scheme in RC. I am not aware about such options (unless you mean red car and black interior or vice versa). Obviously, colour is very personal thing, but I like dark rose leather in RC300h, the red colour in RC-F is a bit flashy.

    That is a good point about these being US cars - are they made in a different factory to the ones we'll get in Europe? US market standards for interior quality are pathetically low.

    Regarding red/black, I would suggest that one man's dark-rose is another man's red. I didn't like it at all but, as you say, it's a personal thing. Each to their own.

  23. 3 hours ago, rayaans said:

    From the pics, it looks exactly the same as the GS in terms of material quality to be honest

    The GS dash is also plastic and the red/black interior is one that looks much better in person due to the difficulty in picturing the colour (hence why it seems to be one of the more popular colour options on the F-Sport trims).

    This colour scheme may be more your style:

    That one does look a bit better. Thanks for posting. However, when he's doing the close up shots of the surrounds for the window switches, heater controls and gearlever, they all look notably worse than the GS to me, as does the plastic moulding either side of the instrument cowl i.e. just beneath the screen. They're all pretty visible, touchable surfaces. Who knows, maybe the GS would look just as cheap in the same lighting conditions, or maybe I'm just looking too hard for faults in a car I'm not going to buy. 

    Regarding the F-Sport looking better in person, I've seen the current red/black scheme in an RC and I thought that was pretty nasty in real life, to be honest. Mind you, I don't understand F-Sport any more than I understand M-Sport or AMG-line, so I'm not qualified to comment on the appeal of red leather really! I'm a pensioner-spec Premier kind of guy.

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