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Posts posted by HoofHearted

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tickedon said:

    Assuming your monthly payments aren’t tiny, you should close that gap between the value of the car and your finance settlement as you’ll still be making monthly payments between now and July/August. 

    Although it sounds like you may have overpaid and/or have a really high interest rate - in which case refinancing to save interest between now and then may be worthwhile (depending on your circumstances & exact loan situation).

    I’m going to phone them again tomorrow and see what they say. I’ll look into that as an option, cheers mate 

  2. The UK is in a recession as someone else has posted so I’m not going to get anywhere near to the settlement figure.


    had phoned Lexus finance last year and they told me I could hand the car back penalty free after the halfway point (time) of the agreement, realise now he meant halfway through the value. 

    got a visa to emigrate that’ll expire in August of this year, won’t reach the halfway point of paying the car off until June 2025. 

    with the private sale option only going to get worse I’ve got the two options of giving Lexus around 5k which I sorely need or abandoning the long held desire to go and live abroad and stay in the UK for life.

    yes read the small print etc but this is the first car I’ve bought on PCP so wasn’t familiar with how it all worked but being misadvised by that halfwit made me think I was in the clear so I applied for the visa.

    Absolutely gutted.


    sob story aside appreciate the comments and kind words about the car lol.

  3. 2015 Lexus IS300h F Sport

    by time of sale it’d maybe be into the 60k mileage range.

    Full Lexus Dealership Service history 

    had a major service in August last year and would have its required intermediate service before any sale. Meaning a one year full Lexus dealership warranty covers the car upon sale.

    flawless interior, exterior has a scattering of stone chips but otherwise in very good condition. No dents or dings.

    alloys are in remarkable condition for a near ten year old car.

    likely be selling come July/August just looking for opinions on here of what people think I should ask for it.

    alternatively if there is anybody that would be interested or is interested now please get in touch. 











  4. 1 hour ago, Notamech said:

    Btw i looked into this a bit more and turns out not all insurance companies care about paint on calipers. Perhaps dont declare it when getting a quote and then call the company whose quote you like and ask them if its declarable and how much it would affect your quote before purchasing. Unfortunately the companies dont do much to clarify what is declareable and what is not at time of purchase. 

    Also yes. Clear lacquer should help protect the bare metal. I always thought that the calipers on premium cars are not just bare metal and that its silver paint or some sort of coating that comes from the factory. I could be wrong though. But if it is bare metal high temp lacquer should help protect it. Something like this

    Thanks mate appreciate it.


    it’s just ridiculous it’s classed as a mod. Can’t take any chances so just going to do bare metal I think.


    can anyone tell me if IS callipers come painted as standard? For the life of me I can’t remember.

    thanks for all the input lads

  5. 12 hours ago, Notamech said:

    If you're stripping the paint perhaps recolor it silver or maybe even just with high temp lacquer to protect the caliper. This is really getting crazy with insurance now with stupid things being classed as a mod. What next waxing your car is a declarable mod? 

    BBC News - Insurance row over vicar's Jesus ***** car stickers

    Hate them with a passion mate. Points are on your license for three years but they’re allowed to demand to know about them for five.

    They literally can and do make it up as they go along, not paying out for any excuse and potentially bankrupting people in the process.

    unfortunatley can’t have them painted in any way shape or form. Can you tell me more about high temp lacqeur? Would this stop them from rusting?

    • Like 1
  6. Got a 2015 IS300h, got the callipers painted last year and they look great. Trouble is, the insurance companies I’ve checked with, in their infinite wisdom have decided painted callipers are a mod. Renewal quotes are bad as it is but with callipers “declared as a mod” it’s eye watering amounts.

    looking to get the paint removed from the callipers but hearing the callipers would rust afterwards if they weren’t just repainted another colour? 


    can anybody advise if they’ve done similar (unlikely to be anyone as daft as me but you never know)

    thanks in advance. 

  7. Not sure if you’re still on the fence but got a used IS300h f sport recently and I’m over the moon with it.

    the amount of people that comment on it and how sharp it looks is unreal. Inside it certainly doesn’t feel like a used car. Very refined and luxurious. Can run it on 30 quid a week and the road tax is a tenner for the year. 

    had an IS250 before hand and while I miss the noise of the v6 and the six speed gearbox the IS300h isn’t sluggish itself. 

    hope you get sorted and if you’ve got any questions ping me a message.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Rabbers said:

    When I took delivery of my RC it came with the so-called “Orange Pack” brakes, which I hadn’t ordered and initially thought were unsuited to the Sonic Titanium body - an opinion I have since changed.  My dealer offered to repaint them in any colour I liked, and I recall the head of the body shop recommending, as he apparently did to all customers undecided about a new caliper colour, to look to the Porsche range for inspiration.  

    I’ll have a look mate thanks 

  9. 50 minutes ago, CypressPhil said:

    They say black cars are a hobby. I’m on my 3rd black car (must be a slow learner). Agree with everything Nemesis has said above. You want to use products that make it harder for dirt to stick to the car. A good ceramic coating will give you good protection, but if you go down that route, don’t skimp on the prep. Applying a ceramic coating over the top of poorly prepped paint can actually emphasise any swirls and scratches and will not last as long, so having the car professionally cleaned and decontaminated, followed by paint correction is a must. 

    If you don’t want to go to that expense, then a good paste wax will help. I’m using Bilt Hamber at the moment, but Fusso Coat is supposed to be really good, so I’ll be giving that a whirl at some point. If you prefer using a DA polisher rather than applying by hand, you can’t go far wrong with Autoglym Super Resin Polish. Follow up with Extra Gloss Protection for a deeper shine. 

    You can stretch the time out between maintenance washes by keeping the dust off as much as possible. A good quick detailer spray using a very soft microfibre cloth will help you achieve this. Make sure you use a good quality super soft microfibre though, as you’ll be introducing more scratches otherwise. Once it rains it’s game over. Don’t be tempted to use a quick detailer after it’s rained. Bust out the buckets and do a maintenance wash. 

    Personally, I think black cars are worth the effort and am one of those weird guys that likes cleaning their car. They do look great for a whole 5mins after cleaning, so be sure to appreciate that time 🙂

    Appreciate the input from both of you.

    im hopeless at washing a car, not to mention I stay in a flat so it’s not easy to wash it with a hose or whatever. I’m the kind who would wash it, think it looks fine then notice that it doesn’t look right later. 

    ideally wanting to just give somebody a few quid every now and then to have it waxed/polished or whatever. 

    the hand wash places that are everywhere now… soap, water and a pressure washer? Are they bad for the cars paint or? 

    sorry for the never ending questions but this is the first car I’ve had that is really worth looking after.

  10. Got an IS300h at the weekend. It’s a 15 plate so paint won’t be perfect but it’s doing my tits in how easily marks show up. So much as a finger print and it’s a massive smudge. 

    flies as well. Had it washed yesterday and it already looks like it needs done again.

    can anybody recommend good products or services that’ll help the car keep a shine to it? 

  11. 7 hours ago, cadman2k said:

    It's a long way to go but cars are in short supply. The price is probably commensurate with its low mileage for its year. Would be good if you could get anything off it...always helps.

    For the same money there's this

    No pics but maybe a facelifted version. If it was it would be a pretty decent price for an approved used.

    Facelift details here

    Problem with everything when your looking for a car, you want everything on your list and pay the least (colour ,spec etc)


    Good luck in your search





    Don’t like the look of the sports, mainly the alloys. F sports the one that cries out to me. Handsome looking big motors. 

    just want the right spec, extras, interiors and colour for a good price. Proving difficult! 

  12. 7 hours ago, wharfhouse said:

    If you are serious about changing it's also worth going into your local Lexus dealer and talking to them as they may know of cars coming into the system (especially in their own group) that they can let you know about before they even get to the Used Car pages.

    I’ve been in and they’ve said they’ll be in touch in the event one comes in.

    • Like 1
  13. Thanks lads. Had told myself answers would be slightly biased etc but the enthusiasm shows it’s not just bias that you all genuinely think the world of these cars. 

    going to make the switch in the next few months after some financial jiggery pokery. Now at a cross roads between the f sport and the premier. Think the multi spoke alloys on the premier make the car look sensational but not sure of the differences between the two specs of anyone could help me out?

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