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Posts posted by Plex

  1. I actually would make the change, 20k in terms of milage is nothing, mine has more than 4 times that on it!

    Like you I'm not a fan of the alloys, but the front is nice, not sure what the kit is, the sides seem to flow in with the back but not the front, maybe Hippo Sleek sides, with the money you've saved you could get some nice alloys on that and it would make the world of difference! that back bumper looks like it has a weird design, any pics of it?

    You can always change the sides and the back at a later date if you don't personally like them, it is nice to be different though at times :D

    Plus you'd be quicker than Am :P

    What sort of power output is it?

    I thought Am did have the quickest tezza :D

  2. Personally I think the people who says he must have done something are the ones that are weird.

    Ask yourself if the guys has done something would people still let their kids go near him? Or could he be as someone says its all pre-planned to make millions off Jacko.

    So do you send your kids to his place and then tell them to say its not right that he shared the same bed as them. The guy obviously find us adults who pre-judge people rather weird and prefers the company of kids who dont ask for anything

    lets have a poll on how many of us know if our neighbour is a paedophile

  3. Maybe he aint so stupid afterall. Being such a prat I guess cars wont last too long in his possesion so he might have to spend a lot of £22k to keep on the road.

    Better than spending lots of £110k+ on Maybachs Aston martin etc or could it be that ferrari and Lambos wouldnt sell to him

  4. Ouch... Try parking outside of carparks!   :tomato:

    Sorry, couldnt resist, really feel for you.

    Good luck getting it sorted though.


    Stuart, this car park isn't a normal car park .... which makes it worse !!!

    It was in the Hendon Police Training College car park !!!!!!!!

    So it must have been some courier driver or a delivery driver of some sort !!!!! :angry:

    Hope it wasnt a police driver that couldnt park or assume that because its a Lex it's not another officer's car :whistling:

  5. Welcome to the club... shame you woos'd out and got a auto :P


    You got a problem with Auto's ? .... :D :D

    If there slow yeh!

    Although my other toy - 4.0ltr V8 chevy astro is auto.... but that shifts :D

    To be honest I have found the RS200 tiptronic so much fun to drive and I really believe that it would keep up with a manual RS200 on UK roads. So far only a Porsche has kicked the shyte of me when we hit a dual carriage way but he did have a problem on the B roads trying to get away from me. So tiptronic can be useful and quick..if its a Tezza(Black).. and it boils down to who has the driving skills (as a few BMWs and Mercs has found out already when they tried to keep up)

    Cant thank Scott enough for getting me this car!!!

  6. I would think that if the police turned up with a lowloader it would be for more than a jammer. Of course if the car show up on records with no proper documentations they may assume that if its in more than one county and dont have necessary paper work the car may be involved in some illegal activity

    But thats harsh for a jammer

  7. I woulda thought that in theory the one in the fast lane should be overtaking, so should end up in front of the one in the slow lane and therefore more in the right

    I would tend to agree with Rodders on this. The guy in the inside lane is about to overtake so he should make sure its safe to overtake before doing so

  8. :lol:

    I started driving in 1978 - was about 35p a gallon then I think

    :lol: same here rodders...

    I remember with £20 : you could fill the car up go out for a meal and a drink!!

    mmm £40 today and tank is full (from 1/4 tank)

    If my salary went up at that rate I should be on £250000 per year :shifty:

  9. Yup can't wait..

    ...looks somewhat like suicide lol.

    Nothing worse than a kamakazi supercharger!!!! pmsl

    Didnt know Scott started delivering Kamakazi components for the Altezza..geez I better make sure I check the wiring on the coil packs he is trying to get me :lol::lol:

    Anywayz have fun fitting it AM and even more fun driving the car when its on

  10. I dont but I was thinking about going to one and seeing if there were any fit birds there!

    sounds like the fit birds will be the ones sitting on the passenger side looking bored :whistling: dont think "wanna leap out the corsa and ride in my Lex " would be a good pick up line... guess if we change corsa to corset and change... :whistling::whistling::whistling: :tsktsk:

  11. :lol:

    I should take one off your hands just so i can throw it out the window to get rid of rapper trash that is so called music.  :)

    I should take one off your hands just so i can throw it out the window to get rid of rapper trash that is so called music.  :)

    :P :P could'ent of put it better myself

    :lol::lol::lol::lol: actually guys the rap part is called ...lyrics and the bit where u hear the various instruments playing in rhythm is called the music :P whats rhythm ?..I hear dem all ask at the same time :lol::lol:

  12. I think most people are missing Mr Singh's point. In basic terms the cap as he says is the storage tank, when the demand is on the storage tank helps to keep the flow, because the original source (battery/alternator) is stressed out. Once the source stays under stress too long the tank will empty and you are back to square 1 with original dimming prob. So as the man says and everyone seems to agree...beef up the source then you wont need additional storage.

    Good to see we all paid attention in physics class :D

  13. Only the 2 people concerned can make the decision. If they go on someone else's advise there will always be the subconcious thought that they can blame someone else. When you have a get out clause like that you make mistakes and get found out and people get hurt. let them choose, if they can do it with clear conscience then cool. murphy's law: if something can go wrong it will (which actually means if you think something can go wrong you do your best to make it go wrong...just so you can say I knew it would go wrong)

  14. My tezza is third Lexus i have had. Lexus is the only car that I have felt comfortable with in the reliability stakes. Even though I could not change the bulb in the left hand main beam. :whistling: (even the Lexus engineer struggled this morning but he did it) I think the difference with Lexus is that the problems we all encounter is not the type that will leave you stranded by the roadside. :ph34r:

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