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Posts posted by terdancam

  1. 'tis true unfortunately...but all the mac boys have leapt up with the defence of "well vista took 28 years".....

    personally i don't give a toss which os i use, as long as it stops fecin me about and i can do what i want when i want...however it does have to be the newest version!!! :D

    oh well, vista laptop here we come :o :blush: :D

  2. I was all geared up to buying one of these new fangled apple mac book thingies, as opposed to a vista laptop and what happens.....!!!!!!!!!???????

    the new os leopard ain't out now until october 2007. SO much for a spring release!

    Bloody Microsoft.......sorry, i mean apple.

    6 whole ruddy months to find out what all this fuss is about.,... :blink: :D

  3. also been twice!

    a) always wear a shirt when snorkelling and neoprene footwear--the sun will cook you in 20 mins flat, and the coral is razor sharp...i got sunburnt on the top of the foot, the blister swelled up to the size of a golf ball which i then tore off when i clipped the top of my foot when going over some coral..........i went out of the water like a pershing missile........ :crying:

    B) always sneak out bread from the restaurant and take it into the sea...the fish will corral you and you can hand feed them--the stripe ones nip your legs too!

    c)take books/mp3 player, cos if it rains and you ain't diving you will get bored to tears.

    d) the jet lag/heat/travel hassle will mean you keep missing meals through oversleeping--so take snacky cakes and cheesy poofs,

    e)remember that they do not allow you to take alcohol into the country--we watched in amazement as some honeymooning muppets thought they could!!

    f)make syre you tell them it is your honeymoon as they like to do things for you :D

    g) relax--after all the aggro getting in, where the ak47s are bigger than the men carrying them, it is an extrordinarily gorgeous place :D

  4. Well my bro has a Xbox 360, not a huge fan but on the net it's awesome...

    Tryin to get a Wii at the mo there still sold out round here grrr but are great fun an exercise :D

    As for a PS3 I expect I'll get one when the price drops abit, or I earn alot more money lol...

    They keep popping up on amazon mate. Try Woolworths to dude, they sorted me and my mate out pretty pronto....

    Still playing my Wii everyday....great with some mates round, get to smack them about a bit on the Wii Boxing! :D

    Use this site--thats how i got mine form Game.

    And yes, me the wife and best mate can't stop playing the damn thing.

    Rayman rabbid rabbits is hilarious and TW 2007 golf, once you get the hang of its "vagaries" is great.

  5. Combodrive = CD burner

    Superdrive = DVD Burner

    This is a Mac you are buying not a bargain basement PC - you get what you pay for. Cheap PC's are cheap for a reason.

    Look at the DETAILED specs of the machine, it is worth every penny. You are getting a Mac OS X machine AND a Windows machine in one. Value for money!??? Come off it!

    iLife allows you to burn both DVDs AND CD's.

    You COULD use an external DVD burner.

    erm, in my ignorance i don't understand that "getting a mac osx and a windows machine"-- :crybaby:

    what i perhaps didn't make clear was why include a component that doesn't do something the bundled s/w allows you to.....not really questioning the other aspects of an apple--i`m sure they're dandy!

    i suppose its like car manufacturers still including cassette decks instead of ipod/mp3 connections......

    it would jerk me off though to have bought a macbook in my ignorance, go to burn a dvd with the ilife s/w then find that the combo drive doesn't allow it....

    in reference to your external drive postulation, are you saying that i could compile something in ilife, then connect the macbook to my existing pcs and use their dvd burners to burn a disc? Or would it have to be a dedicated usb/firewire macdrive connected directly to the macbook?

    thanks for your advice btw, even though you are a bit scary.... :D :lol:

  6. wtf?! :blink:

    you are joking surely; a £750 quid laptop doesn't have a dvd burner---hang on, just checking this is 2007 and not 1997...... :duh:

    i`ve checked the apple website and it says it has a combo drive, but for a hundred bucks more you get a "superdrive".

    unfortunately i can't find on the apple website what these drives are/do so cannot compare them!

    it also begs the question why, if iLife is supplied on the macbook and it allows you to create dvds why does it then not have a drive capable of burning those newly created dvds?

    Or am i getting confused? (wouldn't be the first time, and i am coming from Pcs!! :D )

    See, now i`m wavering back again! :o :D

  7. yeah we finally managed to get a wii too :D .... Tiger wooding at the moment :D

    i think that although i would love the all singing, all dancing bright and sparkly macbook pro, that price is, whatever people say, still a massive punch in the goolies.

    i also have a really good gaming rig anyway, so the imac (not the hair remover) would be a redundant move until a) my pc blew up and B)i sold both kidneys.

    just a couple more questions, before i`m converted (!!) :hehe:

    1) if i went for the base model macbook, how easy is it to upgrade later, eg hd or memory?

    2) is it actually likely that i would need to upgrade these components-are macs as resource greedy as pcs?

    3) which is the screen to go for, antiglare or the super glossy one (how bad are the reflections on the gloss)?

    4) does the mac have the equivalent of openoffice, or is the iworks s/w equivalent to MS Office?

    Thanks for your patience guys--as you can tell this conversion of faith requires more than an american evangelical preacher! :D

  8. no, i still want a pc for gaming! variety+graphics...

    but the mac will be for portability and for "not wasting half my life trying to do what should supposedly be easy stuff" eg photo/video editing/webcam etc.

    i may put a few games ont there though---

    so is it a specced up macbook eg 2gb, or a macbook pro? or is it purely down to screen size, as the former at 13in does seem small... :blink:

  9. Welcome aboard.

    At last people are awakening from the mediocre crud that is Windoze.

    Always buy your Macs from the UK online store. You can build to order and configure your own in detail which cannot be done at a store.

    Delivery is fast and reliable.

    Have a go at the .Mac 30 day trial. It makes all the iLife softare suite hang together such a cool way.

    I suggest waiting until Leopard is released as there will be a hardware refresh for all iMacs and Mac Pro and probably others. Also iLife 07, the updated software suite, will be free on any Mac you buy after the release.

    My expected date for Leopard is no later than May 11th.

    Any detailed q's feel free to PM me.

    Appreciate that, thanks very muchly.

    So to confirm, being a macnoob (!), the best place to buy is here:

    And its best to wait until Mayish before committing to buy, given Leopard.

    Now i have to get my head around whether to buy a macbook or a macbook Pro, as it doesn't make for easy comparison--i can tell how Pc components will hang together given my long term association, but i have heard that the way a Mac hangs together can get the same "power" but with lesser specced components, eg i don't need a core2duoextrememegadeath chip that i would in a PC.

    Would this be correct?

    Essentially i`m used to the £1500,amdx2 3800, 2gb ram 7900gt type pc, but with all its stress and hassle, so i need a perspective on whether a £749 macbook will not leave me wanting "more power", or whether i`ll go"yep a macbook does what i need, so i don't need a frickin great dalek of a pc".

    I know its comparing apples and oranges :blink: but you get what i mean----as i`m a "power pc boy", is a macbook going to please me greatly, or should i fork out for a macbook Pro to be extra pleased?

    oh good, my other pc has just locked up :tsktsk: :D

  10. thanks people.

    think i`ll wait a wee while and see what the easter bunny brings then!

    however, one question not answered was where is the best place to buy a macbook usually? would it be from, pizzyworld or some hereto unknown mac outlet.

    as i suauslly buy my pcs from mesh, is there an equivalent mac-type outlet that does good offers/upgrades/packages etc, or is it like buying a tin of beans from tesco, ie pretty much the same wherever you go?



  11. cheers Aido.

    not one in Milton Keynes just yet--typical i suppose!

    and i hate going to Pissy World to much purple and too many ill-informed 16 year olds.... :D

    just checked amazon and there are no prices listed yet for the OS, and no expected due date, although mid-april seems to be the one.

    the apple store doesn't seem to be running any Vista-type upgrade deals; either that or i can't see them behind the Mitchell and Webb ads!!!!

    and do watch gadget show as its the funniest thing on tv after topgear and boston legal!!!!

  12. Hi all, long time no speak but still reading the forum!

    Basically i`m a Pc gamer who lies to have the most powerful pc running top end games, and i think the general consensus is that that is one area where the Mac cannot compete; the variety.

    However, i am now needing a laptop to do things like wireless networking, linking up to a telescope, camera etc and have been generally getting hacked off with how difficult and time consuming everyting is to do on Pcs.

    It's been a long time coming but i`m tempted to get the macbook, just so i can do a task that doesn't take all fricki' day to accomplish even on an uber pc.

    However i don't understand what the crack is with the incoming Leopard OS. Should i wait for the OS to become preinstalled already, or buy now then pay for the upgrade as i can't find prices listed for Leopard...or is it a free upgrade? :D

    And where is the best place to buy a mac book thingy anyway--given that because i owned an is200 i`m a ruddy pauper now!! :D

    Advice appreciated, but please no fanboy rants :D

  13. that is extraordinarily patronising to non-christian faiths.

    i`ve known a lot of muslims in my time and have found 99.99% of them to be as "normal" and down to earth as anybody else, and people like my old mucker Saj find this hilarious.

    those that do care might want to read what the Australian PM has been saying recently....

    but then, tbh, who exactly is letting these laws take purchase in the work place anyway? Who is standing up and saying "no! that is unreasonable to me as the silent christian majority"----nobody, they just go "BAAAAAAA"!!!! :duh:

    Besides which, isn`t it all just a marketing excerice nowadays; a competition to see who can sell the most useless xmas plastic tat? The perversion of the true meaning of Christmas has long since quashed any religious meaning for this time of year!

    And isn`t "holiday" a contraction of the word "Holy day"---isn`t that offensive to atheists?

    People who complain should realise that this is a >90% christian country; so get firkin used to it...

    Happy CHRISTMAS to all, and peace to ALL mankind :D

  14. well guys, did the deal and now own a 55 reg, 13000 miler T180 corolla verso 2.2d 180bhp 40 mpg mpv in black, with black tinted rear windows, ice, front camera, rear parking assist, sat nav, partidge in a pear tree.

    Was up for 19995, part ex on my 02 reg 54000 graphite sky is200 se, with stone chips but shiny as buggery, got cost to change of 10750. so basically 9200 part ex for the lexus, which we paid 14000 for 3 years ago.

    Quite shocked to get valuations from 6500 to 8500, but told they retail at 10000.

    Steven eagle toyota in MK have put the lexus to auction at 7500.

    Got free mats, and some scrtahes sorted, but on delivery they found a leaky shock so that was replaced. But then the bloody valeter whacked the back end with his gun and put a 2 inch dent in the tail gate...buerk.

    Thats getting sorted +free fuel, but i doubt whether they will be able to iron out that crease to invisibility!!

    Surprised how emotional we all got, especially the kids, saying bye to the lex...served us faithfully and it stood out from the crowd--still not over it, but the verso is a better car overall for our needs.

    However do miss electric seats+heated seats, electric mirrors, sunroof, lexus 'look'.

    Still, aparently theres like 5 cars of our spec in the entire country, and we can`t miss it in the car park! And how the buggery did we manage without cruise control, i`m still playing with that!

    Also Surprised a few people when i put my foot down and the mpv zoomed off, leaving them behind heh heh,it is very quick, but it doesn`t make you want to drive quick like the lexus, which is quite odd. Now quite happy do the diesel mpv 'saunter', safe in the knowledge that i can cream a lot of cars on the road!

    However, still look longingly at the Lexus, and we could have got an is220d (even though appranetly the t180 has actually got that engine!!), but with family of 4 camping equipment round europe, ikea trips and car boot sales, the is220d just isn`t practical enough, sexy though it is.

    But oh crikey, how quick does black paintwork go dirty in this weather???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :duh: :D

    Peace out, and look for the black t180 and give us a lexus wave, 'cos we`re ultra rareand you can`t miss us!!!!

    Take care out there boys (&Girls) :winky:

  15. cheers chaps, i`m happy though that we`re getting another relatively rare car----not many t180s about in black with blacked out windows....

    i don`t know about gangsta PDiddy, more like PDaddy!!!!!!

    i`m just happy i can see it in the car park in amongst all the silver cars and audi/bmw/mercs!!!!!

    still don't want to get shot of my lexus though.......................oh burger!!!!

    japanese is the way to go though,

    Konichi wa and stay safe my fellow lexiites (?!) :duh: :D

  16. Well its time to leave the fold, as the is200 is costing us a fortune in black stuff and the journeys to ikea/b&Q/frosts/sainsburys etc etc etc really show up the lack of space in the car.

    Also if we keep it any longer the paintwork is going to look really beaten up, as it is very very thin paint!!

    yes its had all the KAIO and wax etc, but it seems its getting a scratch a week at the mo!

    looking at the mpv market as we want to tour europe and do carboot sales etc, and we like the Toyota Corolla Verso..................unfortunately...............

    we made the mistake of test driving the fully specced t180----crikey its like s off a shovel yet does 40 mpg!!

    bit better than our baby, and feels a lot quicker too, oddly enough.

    we also test drove the t180 rav4---a lovely car, but out of our price range, ruddy quick as well.

    Santa fe also good, but about a year behind toyoota in bells and whistles---plus they`re seliing so many you can`t get a fully specced one till october!

    if they did a 40mpg diesel rx or ismpv, then we wouldn`t go but unfortunatley all cars seem to be compromised in one way or the other at the moment.

    Oh, and the ford SMAX---what a pile of rubbish.....looks the business from the outside, but i`d give the interior 6 months if you have kids...even the showroom model had 3 broken things on its trim!!!!! Shocking build quality.

    strewth 20 grand for a corolla verso is steep, but it is a very sweet car.

    #peace out! :D

  17. some good points in the mythbusting!

    i`m getting sick of all this "useless" bloke stuff anyway that seems to be all over tv.

    and heres a good example.......

    me and the mrs were watching that hitch film (wil smith) and i was actually enjoying the chick flick, until the last 1/4 of the film. :tsktsk: :tsktsk:

    afterward i asked her if she like it, and she said it was a lovely romantic film, which is where i asked her if it was fair for the bloke who was so wronged (his job was trashed by her, he was plastered all over the papers, his clients love life was wrecked--he had to fix that as well!!!) to do all the chasing at the end of the film.

    her response was that she hadn`t thought of it that way, and now shes suddenly pointing out bits in the films and on tv where men are getting completely unfair treatment.

    and who says we don`t think about things?!!!! :lol:

  18. Until such time, I don't see the vast majority of M3/RS4 purchasers switching over to a Lexus.

    Why not? Didn't take too long for the LS to establish itself as a serious rival to the S-Class and 7-Series.

    In the US yes, but it hasn't really established itself in the UK as a serious rival, even though it's a lovely car. Lexus GB sell one LS430 every day. That hardly makes a dent in S class sales (I can't find MB sales figure on the net). Consider that most executive chaffeuring firms are running S classes. Certainly in Central London, you see S classes everywhere, with the rich and famous inside them...

    People who spend 50 large on a car are pretty savvy consumers who often want their choice of car to fit in with their status and image. At the moment, the brand image of Lexus in the UK is pretty much non-existant (when compared to German motors). I still meet folks who have never heard of Lexus.

    Taken from Wikipedia

    "Automotive analysts have pointed out that Lexus has been so successful in North America because the wide consumer base of Toyota and in particular the baby boomers wanted something more luxurious as they were becoming older and their surplus incomes were allowing them to migrate to brands such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW. The huge success of Lexus was in part due to the fact that its higher levels of quality and cut-rate prices enabled it to retain those migrating customers and keep them "in the family".

    However, this also had negative repurcussions as Lexus gradually cemented an image of cut-rate brand, which would offer similarly equipped cars at tens of thousands of dollars less than its primary competitors, Mercedes-Benz and BMW. The former chief of BMW, Eberhard von Kuenhiem predicted that this strategy would work to some extent in US, but not in Europe, where the words premium and luxury do not go well with cut-rate pricing. Some automotive experts believe that Lexus' failure to woo European customers and its very slow incremental increase in European arena is because of the serious damage Lexus has done to its brand image. This has LED some automotive thinkers to believe that unless Lexus prices its products head-to-head with the European premium brands and emphasizes its superior quality, reliability and engineering, it will not be able to succeed globally."

    Have a read of these articles. As much as I love Lexus cars, looking at things rationally, Lexus are trying to push water uphill in the UK.

    Sorry for going off tangent ;-)

    Good lord what a load of BMW spin there folks-----i wrote a paper on the lexus strategy in the USA and that stuff above is rubbish.

    Lexus stuffed bm and merc becuase the brands let quality slide and traded off image.

    Lexus are now in some cases more expensive than bm and merc, yet still outsell them. "the strategy would work to some extent"!!!!!What, since the 80s????!!!!!

    Lexus hasn`t been the mover over here becuase of a number of factors

    1)no aggressive push because of "fortress europe" especially in the german heartland.

    2)its far simpler to take on an "export" market and compete than a domestic market with entrenched competition.

    3)no oil burners. The ratio differential between europe and the usa is huge, but that is slowly changing 'cos of oil prices.

    4)lexus did not suffer a cut price image. they did not have an image in the first place. they did cement loyalty and massive reputation though and this has lasted for 3 decades.

    5)most british middle class are sheeple whose status and ***** size is determined by a white and blue circle on the front of their car................otherwise how to explain that s far superior marque has less sales than something that is the ultimate driving machine in an m25 traffic jam?

    6)Lexus will undoubtedly target the chinese market for their next big foray, as this is where the 2nd biggest market and new money will be.

    7)dinky lickle island with entrenched class system and inherent snobbery, or 235 million car turnover per year land mass with higher disposable income..................which would you concentrate on? :D :duh:

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