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Posts posted by ricky_is200

  1. You need to get it remapped mate! I've had my E92 335d for 18 months and had it remapped after a couple of months of ownership and it makes a massive difference! It takes it up to 330bhp and 0-60 in 5.5 secs and on my run today I got almost 40mpg.

    The best forum I've found is:

    That link should take you straight to the UK section. They have regular meets and lots of owners have 335i/d's

  2. I wasn't too impressed. The two cars I wanted to drive, LS460 and GS450h had 1.5 hour+ waiting times, and they kept trying to get me to drive an IS instead! I did go out in a GS300 and RX400h neither of which impressed me. The GS450h was what I was really after.

    I went on wednesday not thursday with Lexus Hatfield, still at Wrotham Park. All of the sales guys seemed to busy chatting to each other to talk to customers.

  3. I've used the Comma Air Conditioning cleaner before, which works in the same way and it does state on the tin it will leave a slight film on the interior surfaces, but it was easy to clean, it just wiped off and it was only on the surfaces near the vents.

  4. You should try an outlet centre Mitch - the one near me is Bicester Village, but they're all over the country - they have shops that are owned and run by the manufacturers.

    there's deffo a Versace shop there.

    There is a Paul Smith shop there too where I got a suit from much cheaper than the full retail price.

  5. The site, will only ship to the US. Does anyone know if a US spec machine will work in the UK? Is it only the power supply that could be different?

    The keyboard will also be different, no '£' key and some keys such as @ and " will be swapped round which can be a pain. I had a US laptop for several years and its fine if its the only machine you use, but a pain if you switch between that and a UK keyboard.

    For delivery from HP sounds like you'd have to know someone who lives in or visits the States, unless there is a retailer who will ship to the UK, but then you could get stung by Customs!

    I too have a new Dell laptop, got it last month and its great.

  6. Through a group buy with another forum the Porter Cable 7424 Kit with extra counterweight and

    6" backing plate complete with 110v transformer extension cable (and 1 each of the Sonus Green and Blue Polishing pads was £225 including VAT and carriage. The only way to get them cheaper seems to be to import them yourself from the US where it will be about £210 broken down by:

    Porter Cable 7424 plus hook and eye backing plate (to easily change pads) and 3 pads - $179 Postage is about $40. Total = £120 (at exchange rate of 1.85 dollars per £) You may then get stung for import duty but you may be lucky, this is about £25.

    You then need to go to to get a 110volt set up.

    110volt plug (19947)

    240volt to 110volt Transformer (16158)

    110volt 14 meter extension lead (16691) (This is important as you should run the extension from the transformer not run a standard 240v extension to the transformer asyou may melt your 240v cable. So plug the transformer straight into the wall and then use 110v extension cables from this.)

    Total Cost = £65

    So the total cost of importing the Porter Cable including pads is about £210.

  7. Nearly one-third of all young drivers have driven without insurance, and 13% think it is acceptable because “it doesn’t harm anyone” – according to the shocking findings of a new survey.
    It is estimated that at any one time five percent - 1 in 20 - of drivers on British roads are uninsured.
    Despite these figures, it is estimated that just 16% of the UK’s uninsured drivers are convicted every year.

    Although there are the suggestions that police should have the power to sieze and destroy un-insured cars.

    Full story here

    There is a difference between a car being un-insured and a driver once in his life driving a car uninsured (for example a quick spin in a mates car on a quiet bit of road) which I'm sure many of us have done.

  8. Stick to a bluetooth pda with outlook and connect it using gprs from your mobile phone also with bluetooth, then you can sync the device at home or work. I personally think its much better than the device mentioned.

    That's what i did before, and I much prefer using the blackburry.

  9. I've got one, a 7230 with colour screen. For checking email on the move it is pretty much unbeatable, emails come through instantly and its easy to read them and reply. The Web Browser isn't bad either. I used a PocketPC before to read email and that was very awkward.

    For using it as a phone it is a bit big, so I still have a separate mobile phone and only carry the Blackburry when I need to. The 7100 series looks much better in that respect but it doesn't have a qwerty keyboard.

    As to cost, no idea sorry, work gave it to me.

  10. Sounds great. yes i'll prob do that because can't really take the time out to wait. Do you get a choice of courtesy car or is it on an availabiltity basis?

    Very bad reviews for this DN? Is he really that bad?

    If you ask they will tell you what's available. They can also arrange for you to borrow one of the demonstrators if you say you are interested in a particular car. I borrowed RX's a couple of times and a IS300 but if you don't ask you'll just get an IS200.

  11. I have been stopped and fined once before for driving with fog lights on in light rain in central London.

    This was actually at about 12am at night, on the day that George Bush visited us and caused massive road diversions in and around central London.

    It took me like 2 hours (compared with 35 min usually) to drive to work, all that time I had my fog lights on. I even stopped on 2 sepearate occasions to ask some police officers how I can get to work.

    It was only when I was leaving London at night that I got stopped going by Big Ben, and fined etc.

    I kicked up a huge fuss, wrote a letter, and got to see the Station top dog guy. I was saying that the law is inconsistent (would I have been stopped/fined if I was a middle aged woman etc.), and that the fog lights (in my car at the time) pointed downwards, and would not really cause dazzle (IMHO). :huh:

    So what exactly was it you were complaining about?

    You were knowingly breaching the highway code driving with your fog lights in good visibility. I can't believe you had the cheek to complain about being stopped.

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