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Posts posted by james2210

  1. Squeeking noise could be the water pump. I had to have mine replaced late last year ('98 GS300SE) at 51K miles. Dealer said that I should not have been driving with it like that. Luckily warranty picked up the £580 bill and also forked out for new front discs, although I did have to pay for new rear discs and pads all-round. My warranty expires in Jan 2006 and I plan to get shot of the car before then. The car is probably only worth £8.5K max now and should something major go like gearbox or brake booster, I think it will cost $$$$. You may be confusing valve noise with injectors as these also make a loud clicking/tapping sound. My valves are still noise free.

  2. Lexus do not recommend the steam cleaning of engines. My first GS300 suffered from major misfires that were not even cured after new sparkies and drying all the connectors indoors-so I rejected the car in the end as nobody could fix it. My advice-shut the bonnet and spend all the time you would have spent cleaning the bit that is supposed to get dirty on polishing the outside bits that are meant to be kept clean. Or go down the pub and drink a coupe of pints of degreaser. Cleaning engine bays? What next? Stripping the rear axle and cleaning the diff?

  3. Try Lexus Exeter it's only an hour and a bit or so from Bristol and you'll get to see the largest trading estate in the whole of Yurp.

    I live in Bristol and lexus bristol quoted me £670 for a 63K service on my GS300. Lexus Exeter £540 and that also included a new Battery worth around £60.

    They also lent me a nice Yaris for a few days

  4. Don't know how many members there are of this club now, but how about starting something like.....

    "Lexus Club Together Scheme"

    .....Whereby if a member has a major problem, those other members who'd like to, or felt sorry for them, could contribute, say £2, towards getting that major problem fixed. If there were 500 members who wanted to contribute, my GCSE maths says that would be £1000 crisp ones to help get that Lex back on the road.

    Then, provided you had contributed to someone else's woe, if your own Lex should knacker up, you would be eligable for receiving help from other members too.

    Obviously some kind of vetting would be required incase someone decided they'd like a new set of 18" alloys and deliberately went round kerbing them and you'd have to stop people making minor claims for things like punctures or windscreen washer fluid running out, but I think that on the whole Lexus drivers are an honest lot and would not milk the system.

    Good idea or have I had too much beer to drink tonight?

  5. I suspect a problem with the remote transmitter. Maybe the Battery is starting to go, or the contacts for the buttons are dirty. Try really mashing the buttons and keep an eye on the key's LED. The GS300MK2 doors will try and relock once if the car detects that one or more of them did not lock on the first try. Double check all your doors are locking as I've had to have 2 door lock motors replaced on mine due to them not working properly.

  6. He does say OIL on the drive!!!!!

    Mr Scorpion

    From the pictures on your signature, it would appear that you are the proud owner of a block paving driveway which would most likely obviously show the difference between an oil puddle and a puddle of air-con condensation water.

    If, like me, Mr Gears has a tarmac drive, it is not always easy to tell exactly what fluid has caused the puddle unless you either smell it :sick: , taste it :yack: or spray water on it. Many a person (including my elderly next door neighbour) has unhelpfully informed me that my car has wee'd out all of it's oil over the driveway when in actual fact, it's just the air-con performing it's natural functions.

  7. James' 30 second guide to electrics






    Don't replace fuses/circuit breakers with nails!

    If in doubt, wear rubber gloves and get your wife to turn the power back on!

  8. If replacing the bulb was going to cost more than £33, you could take the car for an MOT and make a claim on the MOT insurance, but obviously only for bulbs that are checked during an MOT.

    Chris, how about the instrument panel bulbs? The one in my ECT PWR/SNOW switch went and it cost me nearly £5 for a tiny christmas tree type bulb! Are the flourescent bulbs behind the optitron dials covered as I would imagine they cost a few quids and how about HID's?

  9. Bing Bong (Our doorbell)

    Creak (Sound of door opening)

    "Do I know this person?" (Question brain asks itself)

    "No" (The answer returned by brain)

    "Hel" Creak SLAM (The amount the stranger manages to say before the door slams shut)

    We had a weird looking 7ft tall bloke come around the other day. I did my usual slam in the face treatment, but speaking to the woman next door, he was apparently asking for the details of all pre-school kids in the area so he could do a survey for Birmingham University. Well dodgy. I wish I lived in a house that had a 15ft wall all round the perimeter and big electric gates so I could choose whether I was pestered by this riff raff.

  10. Should be David Mundane. My wife accidentally pressed the red button while on Sky One-we only just managed to change the channel before we both lapsed into a coma. One asks the question WHY? I used to like him when he was doing all his street magic trickery but being a fickle little so and so, I'm not sure I'll ever watch him again.

    He could just as easily done this stunt in any public lavatory toilet cubicle and at least then he wouldn't of had to whizz through a pipe. Maybe he's seen the long range forecast and knows that we're getting some gale force winds and that the whole thing will get called off.

    If you offered anyone $5M for doing what he's doing (that's how much he's getting in publicity rights) you'd have a queue of people stretching back to Heathrow airport!

  11. James (29) from Bristol, married to Helen (28) for 7 years on the 14/9/03 (is it itchy in here or is it just me?) One daughter Natalie (4½ months)

    I work as a network engineer (didn't think there were enough IT bods here yet!) but my wife is the brains of the outfit. She's currently on maternity leave, but works as a medical research scientist researching atherosclerosis and plaque rupture, that's heart attacks to you and me!

    Own a 98 GS300SE which has spent more time at the dealers than on my drive (it's going back in again on Monday :angry: ) I've had loads of hassle so far-not what I expected when buying a Lexus. My wife enjoys rubbing my nose in the fact that her Mazda 323 cost 66% less than the GS and has not let her down once! She soon shuts up when I remind her on cold mornings that I've got heated seats :P Please heated seats, don't break :ohmy:

    Wife and I enjoy pubbing, cinema, eating out, weekends away, walks through beautiful scenery, spectacular views, enjoying time with our new daughter (although not at 3am) and flying kites.

  12. Whats a clutch??

    Only got 2 pedals in my GS-stop and go :P

    On a loan IS200 that I was given one of the multitude of times I've been back to the dealer, the clutch was terrible. On a few hill starts I think that some of my fillings fell out it was juddering so much. :duh:

    Would an aftermarket racing clutch be any better? I read somewhere that heat is a major contributor to clutch judder so no slipping or riding the clutch at the lights might help.

  13. I hope you rammed the bumper of her shoddily build Fiesta when you left. If I were you, I'd rent a nice big 7.5tonne box van and then park it in her favourite spot for a few days just to really ***** her off. Or better still, follow her crapheap around and park really close to her wherever she parks.

    I think I need some anger management lessons :angry:

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