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Posts posted by flotsam

  1. I agree to the "max" but the point of the thread is "us"!!!! the hard worker who has saved up the money to buy a dream car, Lexus, Rover whatever, the Goverments "save the worker" plan is all good and well but what about Mr 75 with the pull to the left! He= "us" is the silent victim...

    Errrm, you do pay taxes don't you? What about the tax paying silent victims?

  2. The worst is that the Rover parasites who smuggled sleeping bags into work in the 1970s after Wilson nationalised it, have pipped others to the post in claiming from the Pension Protection Fund.

    Allders went under months earlier, but they still haven't claimed from it yet.

    The Rover layabouts have let the country down and are blaming everyone else.

  3. Or that I've sat on numourous motorways throughout the UK evaluating equipment that measures the gap between drivers.  Remember things always look biger in the rear view mirror ;) :)

    When did you catch me doing 100mph and tailgating someone else? How did you get my number plate? When did I mention rear view mirrors? I'm talking front windscreen!

    Honest! I've been there done that and so have most people! Closer than you'd park in a car park. It's no big deal 'cos it's the relative speed which is just about zero.

  4. Just out of curiosity, would it be illegal to perform a hoax, whereby an entire country, or group of countries, were fooled into believing a certain "fact"???

    Dont worry, i haven't done anything....  :shifty: yet

    Yes! If you've pocketed the billions that went into the "space" project.

    We know Cheney & Co. have pocketed $18bn of US taxpayer's money in "reconstruction" of Iraq when they've really only spent $388m.

    We know Rumsfeld makes a bundle on anti-flu drugs and that Blair and Brown have now introduced annual flu virus vaccinations in the UK too.

    As Hitler said, "if you're going to tell a lie tell a big one". The theory being that no-one will believe you'd tell such a whopper.

    The clincher for me was the documentary which showed two scenes which were supposed to be kilometres apart, yet the backgrounds were the same! Unless, the documentary was a load of BS, then the pictures at least were faked.

  5. According to the documentary on hoaxes, the cosmic radiation beyond the Earth's magnetic field would kill people and destroy electronic equipment. So orbiting the Earth is OK beyond that, you're toast.

    The documentary showed evidence which was detailed, authoratitive and compelling and showed that, if nothing else, the video footage and pictures were faked.

  6. The thing is, with respect, you probably haven't been there and done that... do you actualy realise how close .5 second headway is on a car... it it closer than them appearing on you bumper in the rear view thats for sure! 

    With respect, you DEFINITELY don't know where I've been and what I've done. I tell you I've been there. YES bumpers just about touching at 100mph. And yes I don't need a calculator to tell you how far 0.5s at 100mph is. However it's a LOT further than a caravan attached to a tow bar.

    100mph = 160.9km/h = 44.69m/s or 22.35m in half a second.

    When it comes down to it. We all have about the same level of judgement and most of us have been there and done that. There was a hump-backed bridge in Stoke-on-Trent where everyone had clipped wing mirrors with cars coming the other way because it was so narrow for example.

  7. You wouldn't believe some of the headways I have seen on the M25 for example at 80-100 mph with headways of circa 1 - .5 second!!!! thats the time of the gap between vehicles.

    Been there. Done That.

    Sunday evening returning from up North. Everyone hogging the outside lane. So I push closer to the car in front. But they don't get out of the way. I back off a little leaving a cars length, AND SOMEONE PUSHES IN!

    Decided it wasn't worth it. If the Chavs around London want to risk a pile up to save a few minutes then there's no loss. I'm not going to lose life or limb because of some London skank-boy.

    On economy runs when I'm running low there's no difference in the time it takes anyway.

  8. I really dont know which way to vote this time round..........

    I find it hard to believe the tories can do what they say they can. I can still remember 15% interest rates, and all the uk companies being sold off. And i just cant stand that howard fella....reminds me of a slimey weasel.

    The low interest rates are world wide. Brown's lying as per usual when he tries to claim credit for it.

    As for companies being sold off. Courts, Rover, Safeway, Woolworths, Dixons, French Connection, B&Q, Equitable Life, etc. All Big names, all going to the wall or already gone.

  9. The more cameras the better i say.

    Nope! That's for suckers. For example, government often asks "Would you pay more for a better health service".

    They charge you more tax but then they don't deliver on the health service. The Tories have already shown that they've been placing speed cameras where there's likely to be more revenue than accidents.

    The point of taxes is to spend the money how YOU DON'T WANT TO.

    If they were going to spend the money how you wanted to, there'd be no point in taking it off you 'cos you would spend it that way anyway!

    They're gangsters. This is 'protection' money. It doesn't save lives. It just seizes your money. jack Straw and the fat bar steward have both been caught speeding or driving in the bus lane that the fat bar steward put there. Remember, £millions of our taxes paid for that motorway and the fat bar steward vandalised it. Straw's excuse was that he thought the unmarked police car was following him. It was but that was because he was speeding!

  10. Make a daft offer. You never know.

    Don't become emotionally involved. Always be prepared to walk away.

    If you seriously want to find a house to buy rather than just buying this one because it's cheap, make sure you have alternative properties to consider. Beat up the vendor whose house you like the least.

  11. If you don't tax people, the money will be spent or saved.

    If it is spent it creates jobs.

    If it is saved the bank will invest it to again create jobs.

    The Labour party, however, are funded by the unions.

    The last thing unions want is:-

    low unemployment, a highly skilled workforce and high skill employment with a lot of leverage. This would mean the unions would be redundant. With employment tribunals this is already technically the case.

    Hence under Labour, they seize people's wealth to prevent investment in real jobs. They outsource skilled labour abroad and give ridiculous rights such as 12 months maternity/paternity leave. In return, they create no-skill, no leverage, government non-jobs which force people into union membership. At the same time they foster the illusion that Labour are helping them during difficult times when in reality it is Labour which is creating the poor job opportunities.

    Worst still, the tax and red-tape regime deters foreign companies from investing in the UK. Had the Nissan, Toyota and Honda plants been planned now, they would have not invested in the UK.

    There are now daily announcements of redundancies. Even Rover turned a profit under the Tories.

  12. The M4 is the main commuter run into London.

    Labour are owned by the unions and Prescott used to be a Really Massive :tsktsk: member. They want everyone travelling in on the trains.

    But you have to get up early to find a parking space near the station. Check train times. Get up even earlier to get a seat. Then you stand on a freezing cold platform. Then you have to share a carriage with all sorts. Even in 1st class you usually have to stand. Then you have to carry your briefcase to the tube. Then you cram on with everyone else. Then you have the same farce going home.

    On Polling day, you get the :tsktsk: train drivers delaying you for 2 hours at Euston station because of an engine fault. So you switch to another train which develops the SAME FAULT. Then they switch you again and the SAME FAULT for a third time. Then they put you back on the original train. That leaves the station stops after 100 yards then returns. That's what happened to me in 2001. Then they dreamt up postal voting scams.

  13. :angry: Prescott was a member of the RMT in 1997 when he was made Transport Secretary and he put a stupid bus lane on the M4 to make people travel by train.

    :angry: Red Ken imposed the Congestion Charge and has now increased it to £8 to make people travel by train.

    :angry: Gordon Brown has reduced the amount of free petrol you get with fuel duty to about 1 part petrol to 4 parts duty and will reduce it even further in September. This is even though trains are less efficient even when the seats are all fully occupied.

    :angry: They've already been caught putting speed cameras where there aren't a lot of accidents.

    :angry: This is the latest to extract cash and try and force people on :tsktsk: trains which are now 10% less punctual than before the Hatfield crash. Services have been cut, fares have rocketed and tax payer's subsidy has tripled.

    The legislation to ban radar and laser detectors has been postponed because parliament has been dissolved.

    Come May, they'll be attacking drivers again.

    That was a party political broadcast by the :tsktsk: off party.

  14. The Times reported that SAIC thought they had the rights to the Rover brand, but that's still owned by BMW.

    The Independent reports that SAIC "played the perfect hand", but I think they've been ripped off on the brand name and can't do anything about it because the company's gone to the wall so there's no one to sue.

    As for the £6.5m "loan" to Rover: Who's going to pay it back? The EU is complaingin because the loan has not been OK'd and is illegal state aid. SAIC have said they have no plans to come back to the table, so the loan is clearly only until the election is over and as Patricia Hewitts assistant has said our taxes could be better spent.

  15. ,i cant find a phone in mine . has someone nicked it or am i missing somthing.

    Nope a mobile is not standard.

    I also have a function switch on the steering wheel. what will that do ??.

    If it's what I think it is, it's for the trip computer.

    can i put destinations into amemory as i could with my BMW. or do i have to reenter them every time ??

    No. You can save them as "marked poiints".

    Love the sounds in this car , much better than the BM or the Merc.

    If you've got sounds in the car there's something wrong.

  16. If im honest, Rover have a bad rep because they make shoddy cars.

    When Lotus wanted to attack the US market with the Elise, they had to buy a Toyota engine from the latest Celica. We simply cannot compete on research expenditure.

    On Fifth Gear recently VBH drove an Aston and a drive belt kept on coming off. Then they wanted to mod a Lotus for a 200mph attempt and they said before hand that the gearboxes were weak and the thing broke down 5 miles after they bought it. Then today Jason Plato and VBH were testing two TVRs and they showed all the bits that came off or the carpet that came unstuck.

    Nissan, Toyota and Honda in the UK do fine! It could be design for manufacture, it could be bad management and quality controls or it could be bone-idleness in combination with all the above, but there's something definitely wrong!

  17. A great shame for the British Motor Industry. I feel for the people who work there that now have an uncertain future.

    The directors nearly pulled off a great deal, but why have the Chineese been so slow?

    Now watch the 'cherry pickers' move in.

    The Chinese are deliberately stalling so that they can get the best deal - cherry picking. All they are interested in is the technology.

    China also have their own auto industry problems; their yards are full of locally assembled VW's and Dodges they can't shift for love nor money.

    Oh give over!

    Rover have had billions from BMW and produced diddly in terms of new cars. IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT. The newest is the 75 which is 7 years old the rest hark back to the Honda days. The V8 in the MG, Land Rovers and SD1 were of a GM design which the BL MD spotted rusting on a rubbish tip.

    To compete you have to invest billions these days. No one in the UK is willing to do that. GM in the US too can't compete and now only makes profits on finance. Dyson couldn't get financing for his Hoover until he went to Japan. Now Labour have caused him to close down UK manufacturing and move to Malaysia.

    The purchase of the K-series engine by SAIC is nothing less than charity. The design is ancient; over 20 years old.

    As for the falling VW sales in China, they're VW cars not Chinese cars. The Chinese are reining back on car purchases and it's a problem for VW not SAIC.

    Rover have already had a Malaysian company and another Chinese company turn them down. THEY HAVE B*GGER ALL in terms of technology. They're not stalling. NOBODY WANTS THEM!

    They're a dog. They've been a dog since Wilson nationalised them in 1975. Their best hope was when the Tories re-privatised them with Honda offering technology. THEN they made a profit.

    Now the stupid workers are blaming the management instead of the unions and themselves. £12m is a drop in the ocean compared to the billions which BMW gave them. They don't deserve sympathy. They can't even be bothered to look after their own futures. They deserve a swift kick up the back side.

  18. BMW were the main Nail in the Coffin........

    It isn't right to blame the Germans.

    BMW gave Rover workers a job-for-life contract and ploughed literally billions into Rover but Rover workers delivered nothing back and almost bankrupted BMW.

    Even when they ditched Rover, they gave them a £500m loan and they're still underwriting Rover pensions.

    Phoenix on the other hand have more sense and asset stripped and I would have done the same. BAe got shot of them as soon as they turned a profit in 1994.

    As for giving Rover support. Why can't we buy a world class car from what in the 1970s was the third largest car maker in the world. They're a bunch of parasites who have leeched off the taxpayer, Honda, BMW and are now accepting charity from SAIC who bought their 20+ year old K-series engine. They've already had their NI paid for them and their VAT deferred. If they can't be bothered to help themselves then why should anyone else? The last thing we want is this bunch of worthless parasites back in the public sector.

    Stop giving handouts to Rover and instead give tax-breaks to Dyson to entice him back to the UK.

  19. NO IT HASN'T

    That stupid cow Patricia Hewitt has called time too early and has probably scuppered the deal!

    As for BMW screwing up the company, that's not true. In the 1970s Rover was the third largest manufacturer IN THE WORLD. The unions sabotaged cars on the production line.

    No investment was put into new cars. It all went instead into wages for lefty layabouts. The V8 was a GM reject which the BL MD spotted on a rubbish tip. Since Rover didn't do research, it bought the engine and plonked it into everything from the SD1 to Land Rovers.

    The cars haven't changed in decades. No new technology NOTHING. The 75 is 7 years old in design and one commentator has said the other models are 15 years old making them "classic cars". The K-series engine is over 20 years old!!!!!

    Toyota, in contrast, spends billions on research deisgn engineering and development!

    Honda gave some technology to Rover but that was years ago.

    BMW gave the lefties a job for life and it cost them billions almost bankrupting BMW. They even gave Rover a £500m loan when they ditched it. IT'S THE LEFTIES WHO ARE TO BLAME! This stupid government is killing businesses too. They're either collapsing or doing a runner abroad!

  20. From next year the government are going to ban radar and laser detectors whilst allowing GPS based systems.

    That's assuming they'll still be in power.

    This is the latest attack on the motorist along with the higher fuel duty planned for September. Prescott has put a bus lane on the M4, Livingstone has imposed a congestion charge. Fuel duty is already 80% and the most expensive in Europe despite having the lowest oil costs. They'll also be bringing in more mobile speed detector vans rather than the fixed ones which makes the GPS system less useful.

    Yet the trains use more fuel, even when all the seats are taken, than a car . . . any car. The Tories have also pointed out that they've put speed cameras in places where there are relatively fewer accidents and are intent on collecting fines more than anything else.

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