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Posts posted by flotsam

  1. having been out of country for 1 month

    I think leaving the car standing for a month is the biggest clue but without any further info difficult to say.

    If you've taken it out for a long run it should clean out any problems that injector cleaner would do IMHO.

    I don't believe that injector cleaners are that effective unless you take out your injectors and soak them overnight or something. This is just my personal, untested opinion. I can't see how a little cleaner squirted through with the fuel would be that effective.


    Red Ken started the ball rolling with congestion charging even though the people who suffer congestion are the same ones who pay the charge (tax). Red Ken denies it is about raising revenues which roughly translated means it's about raising revenues.

    The fining of people immediately for late tax discs is just another way of catching you out. No doubt they're going to state it's not about raising revenues. Roughly translated this means it's about raising revenues.

    They're now going to allow traffic wardens to raise cash by fining people for minor traffic infringements such as driving in a bus lane. They've stated it's not about raising revenues which roughly translated means it's about raising revenues.

  3. Don't buy a german CD-R writer. Mine was crud.

    Now got a Chinese one (isn't everything) and it works a lot better. Never had problems burning. No wasted CDs.

    As for the jamming, use an indelible marker not a label. Any CD should do just follow the instructions that come with the Lexus e.g. no sharp edges.

  4. The security scares like BOTH Gulf wars are bogus. The purpose is to gain support for the illegal wars.

    First we had the Heathrow scare where they employed armoured vehicles on the streets which are appropriate for a battlefield. Then we had armed police roaming the streets of Birmingham as if hidden terrorists would jump out and start shooting. Now they've delayed the SAME plane three times over as if the terrorist is daft enough to attack the plane with the spot-light on it.

    What they don't tell you is that the US helped Kuwait to steal Iraqi oil, then OK'd the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; $12bn worth:

    The US then cooked up a story about satellite photos showing troops building up on the Saudi border and charged the Arab nations to attack Iraq:

    You guys do remember that these are the same people who told you there were WMD in Iraq don't you? Remember the UN inspectors couldn't find any? Remember they got a dossier from Iraq telling them there were no WMD beforehand?

    Fool me once shame on you! Fool me twice shame on me.

  5. Nope! You're all wrong! It's not Jealousy and it's not quite a buzz. I've worked a lot in London and I know what I'm talking about.

    We're talking sad little B's. Apparently most of them are suicidal hence the sad bit. They're failures, frustrated by their inability to succeed in life. This is why Arnold Rimmer is interested in military weapons. It's because he's all keyed up, ready to fight the next battle in their sad little life having had so many failures. Typically SLBs buy a copy of Sun Tsu's Art of War too. Their favourite saying is 'it's a dog eat dog world'.

    These Nelson Muntz's take a swipe back at a society which continually tells them they're mentally retarded. This is because they're mentally retarded. Note Nelson Muntz has a weird hobby; a ten year old boy who bakes cakes. I haven't quite figured this one out yet but I know of a SLB in London who is into cake decorating. The best I can work out is that it gives them one of their few pleasures in life at actually being able to do something. You can spoil it by showing them you're better at it. A lot are into juggling too. One SLB I grew up with was always doing things and then asking you what you thought about it. Sometimes it was really sad pathetic achievements which absolutely everyone else was better at.

    Typically few normal people actually converse with these emotionally disturbed screw-ups. There's nothing in there to communicate with. Those that do patronise them, which is what they want. They enjoy doing things to annoy others. I knew of one girl who had her bicycle chain stolen! The one that locks the bike not the one around the sprockets.

    Played against Borstal kids in the under-17s table-tennis years ago. Same SLBs. I was trying to let this kid win and he still lost. Threw the bat across the table. I was catching some of his bad shots which were a foot and a half above the end of the table. The SLB complained saying I shouldn't catch them.

    Dr. Winston of test-tube baby fame did a series on TV including one episode where he mentioned that most people before about age 9 haven't yet controlled their emotions. These kids throw tantrums etc. Sadly SLBs continue into old age like this.

    This is what Nazism was all about. In the 1930s depression which hit Germany particularly hard, the National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazi party was against rich people and against foreigners though the line drawn was a fuzzy one in both cases. In other words it was protectionist. They basically threw a tantrum and Hitler fed them with propaganda about how there were the master race to soothe their battered egos.

    In days of old, you'd send them off to war, give their widow a pension and a posthumous medal and everyone would be a lot happier including the SLB.

  6. I'll never buy a Vauxhall ever again.

    I've had two Vauxhalls.

    The first was a Sports Hatch (basically an Opel Manta). The lights were always blowing. The head gasket blew and finally, the water pump went. Strangely, the pump seemed to have some sort of fail-safe device which involved simply blowing and leaking out onto the floor.

    The second was a Carlton, the lights were always blowing, the trim fell off the side sills, the electric window motors packed up, the driver circuit for them packed up twice, the fuel pump relay had a known fault whereby it would overheat and I'd be stuck on the hard shoulder for a few hours until it cooled down (I didn't know why at the time otherwise I would have taken it out and cooled it down). Finally the rear diff went. Oh! and the fuel pipe from the fuel pump leaked and the suspension was dangerous.

    I had a Toyota before my Lexus. Nothing ever went wrong with it.

    I saw Fifth Gear where they did an article on Classic Cars. Apparently, there's no tax at all for cars registered before (I think) 1970.

  7. BMW boast that their cars have a 49/51 or thereabouts weight balance. I presume the 1% difference accounts for the driver.

    Lexus are not quite as fanatic about weight distribution but they're roughly about the same. Just think what an LPG conversion will do to mess that up.

  8. I popped into Aldershot and made the mistake of using the car park there.

    The entrance is at an angle so it's easy to drive in, but on coming out, the exit is adjacent and, of course, is at the same angle to the road.

    Despite slowing right down and driving very carefully, the exit was too tight for my LS400. It required a very tight left turn just before the exit.

    There were buffers with rollers on them so obviously whoever designed the exit knew there was a problem. This didn't stop the rollers from scuffing my paint work. AAAAAAAAAAAARgh! :angry:

  9. Once had a garage tighten the wheel nuts so tightly I couldn't get them off. Broke one of my sockets as a result. You have to make sure you go to a reputable garage who don't employ thugs and gorillas.

    Tightening my wheel nuts to recommended torque requires just enough force for it to begin to be difficult but not a strain using the wrench in the supplied tool kit.

    I just took a wheel off the other day to check the brake pads and noticed there was some copper grease from my last service at Lexus Guildford. The wheel nuts were at the correct torque.

    On the matter of nails: Once rented at a house with one of those garage in a block arrangements. My scumbag neighbours had the garage facing mine. With the entrance to their garage taken up with one car, their rodent son used to park his in between the two garages but parked closer to my side to allow their other car to drive in and out. Charming! I even had a Carlton saloon which was bigger than their car. I asked them if the rodent could park a little closer to their side as politely as I could. Being rodents, I received nails in both rear tyres. Let's face it nails don't generally stand up for you to run over them, especially when their long enough to go through several millimetres of tyre.

  10. The obvious thing to do is put it back the way it was to see if it fixes things.

    I'd be concerned that you're asking on this forum for advice when you've decided to hack into your electricals. Cars these days have computers controlling things including safety features like the ABS brake actuators. Lexus' in particular have multiple computer systems. You say you haven't cut any wires, but if you haven't got the circuit diagrams then there could still be ways to screw things up. For instance the new unit could cause a much larger voltage drop than the old robbing the other systems of voltage or current. Alternatively, a change in voltage could reverse bias a diode. These are just two vague ideas that could be the cause but without the circuit diagram you never know.

    If you don't have the circuit diagrams then I would suggest you leave well alone.

    If you have to play, check out the old unit to see what current it takes, what voltages it had across it etc. and compare with the new.

  11. Life is only 26 years in this country.  If they are good and the judge hasn't said they must serve at least life, they could be out in 12 yrs!!  How is that justice.

    Actually, that thug that raped and murdered two Spanish Girls after doing similar in London was let out in less than 10 years.

    The death penalty DEFINITELY should be brought back. Even if it is never used and stops 1 murder then it's done its job. Regardless, it should always be an option for the judge to use and for him to decide whether it's appropriate on a case by case basis. The Tories are right to want it back for serial killers.

    The reason the MPs don't bring it back is because they'd have to think twice before doing some of the dodgy things they do. I'm sure Prescott's involved in the railway 'accidents' that re-nationalised Railtrack.

  12. What's great about British justice is that Huntley's barrister, knowing he was guilty probably stitched him up with that daft excuse of how the girls died. I've served jury duty and the judge and barristers give you hints.

    As for previous convictions, no they shouldn't be used to judge the present case. The media have done a great job (for once) at keeping his past record hidden from us.

    As for the search when he got the job, the police are moaning about the data protection act forcing them to discard records of those who are aquitted so that if you're wrongly accused it doesn't stop you getting a job. But they should draw the line when there are multiple allegations as Huntley had.

    As for the death penalty, yes they should bring it back. Some say it doesn't stop murders but what they are really saying is it doesn't stop murders in general; citing the high murder rate in the US. But that isn't comparing like with like. Although they have more murders than us, if the US removed the death penalty there would be many more murders there then they have now. Even if they never used the death penalty, having it in place should deter at least some potential murderers. Furthermore, the Tories say that there was a 50% increase in murders in the 5 years after the death penalty was removed. As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather bite the bullet and hang some innocent people then have EVEN MORE innocent people get murdered; a simple case of statistics. Having the death penalty is probably Tory opportunism (like banning fox hunting for Labour), but it makes sense to put to death multiple offenders who are likely to kill again. Take the recent case of the girls murdered in Spain by the rapist who served less than 10 years in our prisons for similar offences.

  13. Of course it's all part of the big con. This is Labour!

    Prescott was a member of the RMT when they came to power and has seized back Railtrack so that Bob Crowe can create thousands of bogus jobs.

    Meanwhile Prescott puts a bus lane on the M4 whilst Red Ken imposes the congestion charge.

    Just who is this congestion charge supposed to benefit? The ones who suffer are the drivers and yet they're the ones being made to cough up for roads we've already paid for four times over! Only a quarter of the road tax goes towards roads.

    In Italy there are special lanes for car sharers without an additional tax which means less congestion without hitting shops or drivers.

    Red Ken denies it's just about raising taxes because that's exactly what it's all about.


  14. Their explanation was that the alternator was a high end/output (I don't really know their terminology) unit and cars that don't get used every day are subject to this problem. They have been replacing batteries for similar situations still under warranty.

    Sorry this doesn't even begin to make sense.

    When the engine isn't running, the alternator isn't doing anything. There's no way they should be draining the Battery.

    I don't use mine very frequently. I don't have this problem at all.

  15. I think you'll find all modern cars need expensive diagnostics equipment to service them these days. There's no way that you can comply with emissions regulations without the proper test equipment for example.

    In this class of car there is absolutely no way you can properly service a modern car. I've taken engines to bits but would never try to play with the modern ones. The Lexus and the Mercedes of today have extensive computer control of all safety, engine etc systems.

    I suggest you buy back that old Mercedes.

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