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Posts posted by dazed

  1. I cannot understand why Lexus haven't sorted the alloy issue yet :(

    But as ormi says - if under 3 year warranty pop down to your local Lexus Dealer and get them swapped :)

    Just had mine replaced.

    Lexus Cambridge spotted the corrosion at my 20K service and just offered to change the wheels when it suited me.

    Had the job done last week. They also blackened the tyres, gave the car a good wash and provided me with a free courtsey car (Lexus RX) for the day.

    Can't fault Lexus service in the 18 months I've had my car.

  2. I expected that the driver uses manual mode to "influence" the gearbox - therefore I would expect that chanigng from auto to manual do not influence engaged gear.

    I hear what you're saying, but the point is that it's not a 'manual' mode on the Lexus 250, it's a 'sports' mode.

    I understand that it might have some use to assist with braking, but is that really necessary? Personally, I'd rather let the brake pads take the strain than the gearbox. However, I know people who'd disagree with me.

  3. Thank you for your reply - so it's normal (hmm - however, I would expect while changing from D to S, stay on the same gear)

    I think the rationale is that you select S mode because you want exta oomph. Therefore 4th gear is a reasonable starting point for most situations.

    You need to bear in mind that S mode isn't a true 'manual' mode. It just allows you to specify the upper gear that the auto box can select. Consequently, its only use is when you want to select a lower gear than would be selected when in D. i.e. when you want to push the car that bit harder.

    To be honest, I can't say I've ever found a use for it. If I want extra power I just floor the throttle, and I mean floor it. There's an extra bit of travel at the bottom of the pedal range that requires you to push it down harder. That normally takes care of my extra power requirements when overtaking. :whistling:

  4. tango,i have been running on 35f and 38r as per the manual,the rears have worn evenly and given 30k.i will try running at 36f and monitor that setting.

    Ditto. I've run my 250's Toyos on 35f and 38r for 20,000 miles and they're all wearing very evenly across the width of the tyres. In addition they've all still got about 5-6mm of tread left, so I'm hoping I might just squeeze 40,000 miles out of them.

    Edit: I probably spend about 80% of my time cruising at 70mph with very little slow urban driving.

  5. what you getting

    I thought I might get that question :D - I collected it this afternoon - it's a VW Jetta SE 2.0 TDI with the DSG auto :blush:

    I test drove one of those before opting for the IS250. Great fun to drive and a really impressive gearbox.

    Unfortunately, I read too many horror stories about the reliability of the DSG gearbox and had to listen to my head rather than my heart.

    I hope that the DSG gearbox doesn't let you down and that you enjoy the car.

  6. I've just been quoted £308 for a 20K service for my IS250 by Cambridge, which is fair enough as far as I'm concerned.

    What did bother me is that they said that it included a gearbox oil change. I told them my car was an automatic and that as I understood it the unit was effectively 'sealed for life'.

    Why do they insist on doing things that might cause problems? If it ain't broke (and doesn't require maintenance) then leave well alone is my attitude.

  7. I've got a '58 plate 250 auto on loan at the moment & it did 38 mpg on a 40 mile run home from the dealer. My 220d did 40 mpg on the outward journey. I drove in pretty much the same manner both ways and used the same route.

    I was rather surprised at the 250 and at how easy it was, (far easier than the 220 :wacko: ) to get this figure, especially as the official combined is 31 mpg.

    Does any one know if the official consumption for an '06 auto is the same? I imagine it could be a little bit lower.

    It will be interesting to see, as I recently walked away from a trade in of my 220 for an '06 250, partially because of the likely consumption on it. May be I shouldn't have :blink: .


    38mpg is perfectly normal on a 40 mile run if you're driving at a steady speed (which rules out anything other than dual carriageways, with few or no roundabouts). The warmer weather of the past week would also contribute to the overall economy slightly. But around town this figure will quickly drop below 30mpg.

    I reckon on an overall average of between 32 and 34 mpg per tank.

    I wouldn't expect the economy of an '06 250 to be any different.

  8. Had my Screen damaged in the so-called critical A-zone that resulted in a new Lexus screen that was matched to my Chassis Number & was fitted by the excellent Lexus Derby Team. New screen trims were also fitted & the car was fully valleted.Clearly sourcing the genuine part was important to me to ensure the tint matched the front side windows which Autoglass Sandiacre & their man in Worcester(where the screen got hit) advised me to do as they normally supply their brand that may not be tinted correctly------Derby even fitted a new Security Label!


    Presumably you couldn't claim the full cost less your excess (usually £60) by going down this route?

    Getting the trims off without breaking them is almost impossible and I had to shell out an additional £80 or so for these when I had my screen changed.

    Cracked windscreens are b*****y expensive once all the extras are included!

  9. I have owned a Honda Jazz which i have been driving for the last 2 years. I am now thinking of getting a second hand very low on the clock IS250 in manual or auto which i will be insuring with my dad. I am 19 years old myself and have been driving manual since the day i passed and my dad has for 33 years. I am not sure if i should get auto because i am used to manual. Has anyone changed from manual to auto what is it like in the IS250? Is it better then the manual IS250?

    The auto has plenty of poke and is an absolute dream to drive. You should also bear in mind that the auto is actually cheaper to tax than the manual (and therefore a little more economical). Amazing but true.

    To be honest, it's a bit of a no brainer as far as the IS250 goes.

  10. Windscreen whistling ? Nah don't believe it. The IS250 is the quietest car in the world as we all know.

    That's my problem. The car is normally soooo quiet, any new sound really bugs me (apart from the big 'crack' from the dashboard after about 20 minutes on a cold morning!)

    I think my windscreen trim clips were damaged by the fitter when he ripped them off :angry:. They're now a bit loose which I think is causing the noise (I hope).

    Thanks for all your replies.

  11. I had a new windscreen fitted today to my 250SE and it all looked fine and dandy when the guy had finished doing it.

    However, on my drive home (about 6 hours after it had been fitted) I noticed an annoying and very noticable wind whistle coming from the area of the windscreen at speeds of above 50mph - it was difficult to place it exactly.

    Has anyone experienced anything similar? Everything looks OK so it's really bugging me. Is it likely to be the screen itself or could it be the edge trim?

    I'm tempted to drive it round to the local Lexus dealer and do an A/B comparison with a new car to see if everything is in the right place and as flush as it should be.

  12. When i picked up my new car last week i was talking to the chap at my local Mercedes dealership and he was saying they have taken an approach of listing there cars at near rock bottom prices with minimal room for negotiation as they would rather be turning over cars with a small profit than having cars sat on the forecourt for months.

    I'm not sure how much of a white lie he was telling, but to be fair they had a lot of cars marked as sold and when i went in the back to sign the paperwork, the salesmens charts of cars sold was really brimming.

    So it looks like their policy is working

    Cars are just a commodity traded between buyers and sellers. Artificially inflating prices when there are insufficient buyers to mop up the supply will just result in stock sitting on forecourts. Dealers need turnover, so they have to find the price point that balances buyers and sellers. It doesn't matter how dire the market is - if the price is right the turnover will happen.

    I think it's what my brother (who works in derivatives) calls 'price discovery'. It can be a pretty scary experience for people who thought their assets were worth more than they actually are. But it's a vital part of keeping the market 'liquid'.

  13. :offtopic: but maybe not

    Why do we let the Media talk us in a recession ??

    all you here from ITN/TVAM is doom and Gloom

    Maybe we should all turn the TV off from News channels


    I tend to take the opposite view. The endless ramping of the economy by the media for the last 10 years coupled with the property porn TV phenomenon and crazy access to near limitless credit has inevitably driven the economy off the rails.

    It's like the morning after the the biggest party in human history.

  14. Currently getting about 32 / 33 mpg in my 250 auto, based on 2500 miles total where my daily commute is 27 miles each way. Motorway runs (100 miles plus) at 70 to 85 mph have given anything up to 37mpg so far, but I haven't particularly tried to get good mpg yet.

    I'd broadly agree with that. About 32mpg for a mixed bag of driving. Around town this will drop down to mid 20s, but on the open road, 40mpg is achievable if you cruise at a steady 70-75mph.

  15. That's what I thought until I test drove the IS250 Automatic. The manual 250 is not to my taste and is thirsty. The IS220d is a better car. 30.7 averages sounds like you had the Manual?????

    But drive the Automatic vers. It will give you averages of over 35mpg regularly and is so smooth, like a real Lexus has got to be. Im My opinion. It is the only IS worth buying.

    I think he was driving the auto version.

    Regarding the original poster's comments: I don't dispute the fact that the diesel is cheaper to run than the petrol, although I think the difference isn't quite as great as you made out. My point would be that nobody buys a £30K car if a fuel saving of £500-800 per annum is a big issue. If the budget's that tight surely you should be looking at something cheaper.

    Or am I just being financially boring and sensible?

    PS. Of course, if you actually prefer the diesel then that's great - you're quids in AND get the car you really want.

  16. I have had my new IS250 SE AUTO two weeks and so far I'm over the moon with it.

    When I went to fill her up for first time, I noticed that the neck of the fuel filler seem to wiggle a little. would you say this is normal? I pose the question as I have heard about recalls regarding fuel pipes.

    Yeah. Mine wiggles too. It appears to be by design, so I shouldn't worry about it.

    Perhaps it's to help prevent people jamming the pump nozzle in the pipe.

  17. Due to the ever increasing cost of fuel I have made some interesting comparisons that I'd like to share with you that compares the average cost of fuel per year over 12000 miles. To calculate I have used the following base data to calculate the difference.

    IS250 avg MPG 39 (based on previous forum posting) at a price of £1.169 per litre would use 307.69 gallons a year at a cost of £1635.16

    IS220d avg MPG 44 (based on my own car) at a price of £1.309 per litre would use 272.73 gallons per year at a cost of £1622.92

    A difference of only £12.24

    Think it is safe to say that I will be going for the petrol next time as the gap between the 250 and 220d only needs to increase by 1p a litre and it will become cheaper to run a petrol car than a diesel



    I think 39mpg is pushing it a bit. Yes it is possible in certain situations, but I bet that 55mpg with a 220d is also possible in the same situation.

    But your point still stands. The financial incentive to go diesel isn't what it used to be.

    Personally I dislike diesels, but was seriously considering one last autumn. In the end my heart won the battle and I opted for the 250. My head has now conceeded that my heart was indeed right.

  18. I echo the answers above however my question is the following, does anybody find the seat cooling to be a little under powered? I dont feel much in the way off cool air at all.

    I find it tends to cool my 'man parts' rather too much for comfort!

    I guess the cold air can't escape through the holes where my legs and back are, so it tends to gush out between my legs.

    For me the jury's still out on whether it's actually worth having. I certainly don't run it on anything higher than position 1.

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