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Posts posted by Goggy

  1. silly things like this? 

    I am sure a lot of people who use cruise control for the first time don't get it exactly right. So does everyone who uses cruise control turn it off when on a motorway as they approach bends? Maybe they do, but maybe there are very few bends that would cause that to happen anyway. There are some very nice people on this site who do try to help rather than criticize and try to  belittle someone. Your first comment was bad enough, the second was unnecessary and rude. I won't post here again. 

  2. On 4/5/2018 at 12:52 PM, paulrnx said:

    Try driving the car round bends rather than relying on something that isn't designed to do what you're expecting it to. Unbelievable. Am I the only person on here who thinks that relying on radar guided cruise control to maintain a gap going round a sharp bend and declaring it to be a fault is complete and utter nuts?

    That sure told me. 

    • Haha 1
  3. It'd been nearly three months now since I had Michelin Cross Climates fitted. Since then I have driven in a lot of snow, ice and very wet conditions and I am very happy with them. They are a lot quieter, a bit smoother, and the grip is superb. I highly recommend these tyres as an alternative to having to change from summer to winter tyres each winter. The cost was more than replacing my Yokohama's, but only by about £100 in total, and worth every penny. 

  4. I have noticed a fault with my cruise control. It has happened twice now. Last week I was driving on the M3 but left that motorway to join the M27 at Junction 14. It is quite a sharp bend, and so the traffic slows, bunches up and the speed drops to about 50mph. When the car in front proceeded around the bend my car sped up alarmingly fast and then when the radar picked up the car again braked quite sharply. My wife was not impressed and had a right go at me for using CC, as she hates it. I suppose in future I will have to turn it of before I reach that bend in the road. anyone else noticed this? 

  5. Heavy snow here today. I had to take my wife to work so gave the cross climates a good run. Brilliant, the grip is amazing. I was still very careful as other cars on the road were sliding all over the place, but I was fine, not once did I lose grip and it took hills without effort.  

    There are come mad drivers out there. As I followed a car down a dual carriageway at 20-25 mph another car overtook us at about 40 mph. At a roundabout he pull his brakes on and slid to a stop half way across it. Luckily nothing was coming, but what an idiot. So although I now feel very safe and confident driving in the snow, I will still be wary of other idiots who appear to either be oblivious of the conditions or have a death wish. 

  6. First day of snow driving on my Cross Climates. I live on a fairly steep hill, so it was a good test. No problems at all, the car drove up the hill on impacted snow/ice with ease. I didn't have a long journey, but at no point did the car lose traction. My wife drove the car later and she was very happy how the car drove . 

  7. I agree, they are quieter, quite a bit too. I did not expect to notice it that much but it was obvious straight away. Although it us early days I also feel the car is more compliant, it seems to be easier to steer where you want it to go (so opposite to what you found martin) . The car seems to be better planted on the road too. There is a sharp bend near where I live which slopes away as you turn, which I was always very cautious of as I felt the car lose grip several times before, but it takes it with ease now, so I am feeling much more confident. It may be slightly less firm too, not by very much, but just enough to be noticeable. No heavy rain or snow yet, in fact we may not see snow this year in the south. So as I say early days, but so far so good. 

  8. Agreed. My son lives just a few miles away from me and always puts on winter tyres as he has a job that makes it imperative he can get to work. Being retired it is not so important to me. I think Cross Climates will cope well enough in most snow for me, but if it is really heavy snow then winter tyres are still the best option. I have another mate who lives in the highlands so always uses winter tyres, and has always been able to get to work even in quite heavy snow falls. his biggest problem is getting around stranded cars on summer tyres, LOL.  The trouble is summer tyres cannot cope with even a small  layer of snow, we all know this, but for most UK drivers it is such a rare event they stick to what works best for 95% of the year. I think the manufacturers realise that most UK drivers may be prepared to buy all season tyres but not both summer and winter ones. So I expect to see improved all season tyres and a larger choice become available in the coming years. Of course if we have a real bad winter (which is overdue) then maybe things will change more quickly. 

    • Like 1
  9. I used Merityre.

    Cross Climates came into stock for the first time, I think it was November, but then very quickly there were none in the UK all trhough Dec and early Jan. I think they must have underestimated the demand. I kept asking dealers but they all said just keep checking, nobody would take an order oddly enough. So I contacted Michelin in France and they told me their approved dealer in the UK was Merityre and they would take an order. In fact I ordered online to get the best price and the next day I had a phone call from Merityre's HO saying they were due to arrive at UK stockists on Monday of this week but they would phone to confirm that. They did and I had them fitted yesterday.

    I did get Lexus to quote on some Michelin Tour HP's late last year but they were quite a bit more than I knew I could get elsewhere. That was before I heard the Cross Climates were going to be made in 225/60/R18's so I waited to see if that did happen as they do get great reviews. Although it is fair to say the Tour HP's would have been good as well.  I like the fact that it is a summer tyre with very good wet grip, let's face it we do get a lot of rain here in the UK, more that we ever used to it seems. I also like the fact that they perform so well in snow, not that I see much of that in the south, but it is nice to know if we do get some my car won't be sliding all over the place. I have seen the reviews on YouTube and on snow they perform almost as well as winter tyres. Living in the south of England I really did not think having two sets of tyres a practical option. If I lived in the highlands or similar then maybe, but these CC's will I am sure fit the bill. Give me a few weeks and I will let you know how I get on with them, but so far they seem good. 

  10. I bit the bullet and had 4 Michelin Cross Climates fitted yesterday. They have only just become available in the NX size and from what I read they are highly recommended, some say the best tyre for all the year round.  Although most people refer to them as a 'all season tyre', Michelin say they are a summer tyre with winter capability. The cost was £630 fitted.  They are rated 'B' for fuel efficiency, 'B' for wet grip and 69 for noise emissIon.  Too early to say too much now,  I will report back how I find them in a few weeks, but first indications are good. I certainly feel more confident in wet or icy conditions. 

    • Like 1
  11. Michelin Cross Climates are considered to be the best option for any car for summer use but with good winter capabilities. Michelin do not consider them a all season tyre, but a lot of reviewers treat them as such. They are now made for the NX, but are currently out of stock in the UK, but due in again soon. They are not cheap, but seemingly are highly ratted by those who know about these things. Honest John (Telegraph) recommends them, also Auto Express 1502 issue (this month) for best all season tyre. 

  12. 1 hour ago, SHux said:

    Average MPG for me is around 47. Best i have had is 55mpg on a 300 mile journey.

    The best i have had to a full tank is 497miles and i do anywhere from 200 to 600 miles a week.

    I don't know how you can achieve those figures, please share. My average since owning my NX is 33.1, which roughly is 35 in summer and 31 in winter. My last fill up I managed just 27 due to the cold snap. The best I have ever achieved from a tankful is 39.7, With a good run getting near to 40. I think it must be due to the roads you drive, or flat countryside with few hills on A and B roads. I do a regular motorway journey of 150 miles and at a constant 70mph I get no better than 38. I admit I do a lot of very short journeys with the car barely warming up, so I know I am below national average.  Some tips would be good. :)

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 12/4/2017 at 5:49 PM, Nelsthebass said:

    Well I have now had my NX for just about 2 years and I have driven 55000 miles of mixed motorway and A and B roads and my long term true tank to tank mileage is 39.3 which for a 2.5L petrol is pretty damn good.

    However, I am sorry to say that I am letting it go back to the lease company for tax reasons and getting an L200 pickup instead that will save me around £150/month in tax!

    i have thoroughly enjoyed the NX experience, it has never faulted in the 2 years and has been supremely calm in its driving and I will certainly look at owning one privately in future.

    This will be my last post so - so long and thanks for all the fish!

    See ya Paul. 

  14. On 11/13/2017 at 6:01 PM, Goggy said:

    I see now you can get Michelin Cross Climates for the NX. It's not been an option before as they were not made in 225 60 R18 size. So although the most expensive premium tyre at £180+  they are a serious consideration. Although the other Michelin option of Latitude Tout HP are still a very good tyre, but about £40 cheaper. The Goodyear Efficient grips are of course also a very good all weather tyre. Spoilt for choice. 

    Cross climates are now out of stock nationwide. I wonder if they only supplied a small quantity to see how they went and have sold so well they have now all gone. I will have to check over the next few weeks to see if they come in stock again. I was very tempted but just did not move quick enough. :(

  15. I see now you can get Michelin Cross Climates for the NX. It's not been an option before as they were not made in 225 60 R18 size. So although the most expensive premium tyre at £180+  they are a serious consideration. Although the other Michelin option of Latitude Tout HP are still a very good tyre, but about £40 cheaper. The Goodyear Efficient grips are of course also a very good all weather tyre. Spoilt for choice. 

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