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  1. I have also got a new glass, how is the old glass removed? does it pull off etc?
  2. Hello all, Here is a link to a guy in Edinburgh who repairs all Mark Levinson amps, (for those that don't know about him that is), has excellent write up's from satisfied customers and a LOT cheaper than Lexus!! Hope this helps others. Les
  3. Hello Steve, many thanks for the reply to my post.....I had thought that AMP on the fuse meant just that, although, I really don't know much about that there electrickery stuff, apart from the fact that it can bite you!!! Being a brand new owner of the RX300 SE-L, where is the amp or amps located within the car.....the boot? under the seats? again, any help would be much appreciated. Regards. Les
  4. Hi, New member here. Well, having read the above because my Lexus (RX300 - 04) has done the same thing......Radio and CD not 'sounding', has a fuse in the fuse box blown, which says AMP underneath, everything else OK, and keeps blowing as soon as replaced, does not show volume up and down, but all works OK on station tuning side....well baffled!!!!! Does anyone have any info pertaining to this????? All answers gratefully received!!! Regards to all Les
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