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  1. Thanks guys, I'll be looking around. Its a real bummer about the sat nav. Now it just seems like an unnecessary piece of electrical equipment. Maybe I can find something to do with it. I do know the importance of changing belts. They are worn and need to be replaced, but not yet to the point where Im worried about it going on me. Ive been turning wrenches for a long time, so belts shouldn't be an issue. Again, thank you for the help. -Jason
  2. Ok, here is a quick run down on the car/situation, I am US military stationed in the UK. The majority of us are only here for a few years. That being said, the cars we buy are only used for the short time we are in the country. When I arrived in the UK, a fellow military member gave me the car at zero cost. I had to fix a few things here and there, but the car works and runs like a champ. I am only going to be in the UK for another couple of years and I plan on "paying it forward" and donating the car when I leave. It is a 2000 IS200 sport 2.0 Petrol (maunal gearbox) I want to keep it well serviced, so it will continue to run strong for the next owner. I was wondering if there are any websites that are good for parts. I have been on Eurocarparts, but they hardly have anything for my year make and model. So far I have changed: all 4 sets of brake pads 4 new brake rotors all around 4 new tires/tyres new battery new alternator and kept up with oil changes Planning on: coolant flush changing drive belts (cracked) spark plugs (not sure when they were last changed) new wheels (looking on the cheap. these ones are banged up and im loosing a lot of air) *Also* is there a way to update the stock satnav? Its kind of useless right now as it probably hasn't been updated, since the vehicle rolled out of the dealership in 2000. Since this vehicle will be donated and I won't make any money on it, I need to find these parts cheap. Can someone help me out, and let me know the best place to find these? Thanks for all the help! -Jason
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