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Posts posted by MetServeUK

  1. The new 5 series has a really nice engine, and I bet it's full of new toys and features on the inside, but the outside ? .... *** it's awwwful!

    Yes, I agree the front lights to look "similar" to the IS, but as for the rest of it it ? AWFUL!

    The M5 shape previous to this was much better, it just has to be said ..... looks so much meaner.


    Now, you tell me, that this shape doesn't look better than the new one !

    Grrr :-) lol

  2. Thanks for all your replies people, Lexus managed to re - fix the standard grille back on, it was just loose form the clips at the bottom, yes it still has one broken clip, but that can't be seen unless you open the bonnet.

    I still would like a sport grille, but it's now not a priority if you know what I mean !

    Thanks ! :offtopic:

  3. There are a couple on ebay at the moment. One standard, and one 'Sport' one...

    Yeah, mate i've been searching eBay like every 30 mins , sad I know .... but I need one ! .... the sport one they have on there at the mo has a broken clip, and I have seen almost new ones on there before.

    Thanks for the reply though !

  4. Hi people.

    I don't know if you may have read another one of my recent forum submission, but someone has decided to reverse into my IS200 in the car park, and drive off !

    My bonnet, and my grillle has been damaged because of this.

    Does anyone have a genuine LEXUS SPORT GRILLE for sale ? .... I don't want the TRD's or anything else .... prefferably one to match the colour of my car Granite Sky, but I'm sure I could get it painted, if the price was right ....

    So anyone out there who is selling one, or even knows where I can get one somewhere, at a reasonable price, please let me know !

    I'm going to replace the broken grille for the Sport grille, as I just think it looks a lot better!



  5. I was going to open up a NEW topic today, but after reading this ... I guess i'll just ADD!

    I parked my car in a public car park last nite, only to come back and fine the bonnet had a DENT in it, and the mesh grill had been broken back (the clip)

    Now i'm really PI**ED OFF !! as it's obviously some idiot reversed into my car and drove off !!!!

    I'm tking it to LEXUS in the morning, so they can have a look and give me an estimate, has anyone here got any recommended bodyshop people ? in the East London area ?

    There isn'y any damage / scratch to the actual paint work, it's just a dent in the front of the bonnet, near the grille, and the grille clip has been broken !!

    Any ideas please ? your replies would be kindly appreciated, as i'm taking the car into Lexus in the morning !

    Thanks again !

  6. I drive past this car almost EVERY DAY .... it's a silver pearelscent coloured IS200 it's a W REG, it's always parked out side some shops on GREEN LANE in ILFORD DAGENHAM.

    That paint work is very nice, i've never seen one like it ..... are you a club member ?

  7. Thew news IS200's have the arm rest installed in as standard ... well I know the SE one does.

    When I asked my Lexus dealer how much it would cose them to install one in my car .... he said "we haven't actulally installed one to date, as it would cost about £650"

    He reckons that he would have to change the whole center console to be able to house to arm rest !!!! :blink:

  8. Mate .... when I was buying my IS200 I had the same problems ..... "what do I get?" ... manual or auto ... I really coldn't decide.

    But now I have bought an auto box i'm soo glad ! .. i'd never go back to a manual car ..... especially if you live in London, or an area with a lot of traffic .. the auto is the best option I think !


  9. The "system" of can control, says that you should select a grea "before" completing the overtake.

    That gear should be sufficient enough for you to be able to overtake the vehicle, then after you have passed the vehicle change gear.

    You don't change year when alongside of a vehicle !!

    In a manual, cruising at 5th or 6th .... depending at what speed your doing of course, but suggesting that you are sticking to the legal limit, on a national ... i'd say 3rd gear would be sufficient to complete to overtake, then pick gear 4 when the overtake is complete.

    With an auto, i've got an auto ... and yes it does have kick down ..... if you select D3, that just means the car will stay in a top gear of 3, and there for won't choose 4.

    So if you flick it over to D3, before doing the over take, then use your kick down pedal to overtake the vehicle ... once that's complete you can flick it back over to D4 to change gear, and give the reves a chance to breath.

    Trust me :-) :geek:

  10. Mine was doing that recently, at first we though it might have been the Brak Calliper Clips, holding the pads in .... but then it was established that it was the rob between the two callipers that cause the pads to squeeze the disc, that needed lubricating, as it was making the "clunking" noise ....

    Maybe ?

  11. Hi peeps ....

    When I had my previous car, Toyota Celica ..... I had that same problem, every man hole .. and bumps ... there would be a knocking noise from the back suspension.

    I took it to Toyota, who didn't know what it was ... so I reaserched it my self.

    On the top of the suspension it's self was a small metal type plate, that holds the suspension to the chasis of the car, this was old and rusted, and was there for "rattling" causing that clonking noise .... I can only imagine that you are having the same problem ?

    Hope it helps ....

  12. hahaha, errr ok peeps, I figured that maybe I should have added the "beer / larger" option ... that seems to be most peoples highlight, drinking beer !

    Oh well ... I don't drink so, I guess that's why it never crossed my mind :whistling:

  13. Alternatively, you could REMOVE windows messenger all together, as I don't use it I have it removed.

    This is a direct LIFT from a web site, and it's the same thing I have done to remove my Windows Messenger, here goes :


    If you prefer to remove Windows Messenger manually, click Start, Run and enter the following command:

    RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

    Note: This will prevent a long delay when opening Outlook Express if you have the Contacts pane enabled. To prevent this, click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT Go to:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express

    Right click in the right pane and select New, Dword value. Give it the name Hide Messenger Double click this new entry and set the value to 2.

    In addition to all of that, I also have SP2, ADAware 6.0, and Spybot. Removes lots of crap, and keeps the PC nice and clean of pop ups !

    Ta ! :mat:

  14. Hi all, I didn't want to start a new topic .... considering this is all the same thing !

    for two days now I have noticed the same problem with my car ... the "clonking" noise ... it is coming from the front near side (passenger).

    I've been into Lexus Woodford, and they seem to think it's the clips around the brakes, or callipers, I can't remember which one they said !

    And I was also told this was "wear and tear" and not warranty.

    Well if this is something that is more of a defect, than wear and tear should this now be covered under warranty ?

    Any help anyone please, who has had this problem, and how they have gone about getting it fixed!

    Replies would be appreciated, .... as the car has been pre booked in for Next Friday !

    Thanks !

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