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  1. Hi Julian, I love my mirrors! 🙂 I am tech nerd. Like the zoom out effect, really useful in tight spaces, and I like the looks. Resolution isn't an issue as the full resolution is a zoomed our resolution. Now I barely notice they are digital. Although, I don't think it's normal to drive with heaters on all the time. It looks it gets worse after a pressure wash or during a big temperature drop, like sudden rain. Had one recently, UK weather, you know, 15 degrees and sunny and then 6, raining, and dark as hell 😂.
  2. An update. Lexus Reading got back to me very quickly, the next morning 8:00am. They have booked me in for investigation (200pounds 🙂). They will then decide if this is a warranty case or not (won't pay in case replaced under warranty). The only available slot was the 4th of June! I bet the condensation will disappear in warmer weather by then 😁. Let's see...
  3. Hi everyone, Got an es300h with digital mirrors last October. The transition from conventional mirros was painful 😄 but I got used to the location of the screens in a few days and now love all the benefits. But... I know, a lot of people will say "I told you guys". I started noticing that on some occacions the colours would become washed out, mostly in the middle of the screens (when zoomed out), and this would also affect night time view. Heating would somewhat eliminate the issue but it would become the same after the heating goes off. I finally found the cause of it. There is condensaate INSIDE the cameras! That is why heating wasn't really working and the issue kept coming back as when it runs off the camera cools down very quickly, resulting in condensation on the camera lens. Dear digital side mirror owners, have you experienced anything like this? Will be contacting Lexus tomorrow. Let's see what they say...
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