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Posts posted by vic

  1. ok so ive wired this up and I have taken the power for the lights on the buttons from the green wire on heater controls. It comes on and off with the lights but the led's are really really dim. can anyone advise?? I have tried both places recommended previuosly on here, above the earth wire and next to the red power wire. Anybody got these going well and where did you plug them in?? Cheers!


  2. I had the same problem, sounded terrible, lexus cambridge greased it first of all & it stopped for a day..then they changed the pin in the strap..all sorted now, apparently the securing pin wears after a while...mine started after about six must have had a dodgy one in the first place!

  3. hey :)

    Im vic from cambridge, im 35 years old, I have two daughters one of 3 & one of 5. No longer with their mother..but I have another :) :winky: rachel, who ive been with for over 2years.

    I have owned my own computer shop in cambridge for the past 6 years (More IT!!) but have recently gone into partnership with a good friend and am now a licenced mortgage broker! Winding down the computers to go full out on the new business. Anybody want a mortgage....I can get you it! LOC discount on fees of course ;)

    I also organise all nite parties on boats on the river thames as a hobby, been organising parties for 14 years now!!

    other hobbies include..backgammon, clubbing, eating out & never washing my car :)

    keep meaning to get to a day i'll get there!!

  4. Does anybody know much about the wiring loom in The IS's? Basicly Ages ago I fitted a non standard sat nav in my car & modded an IS console to take the screen. Its all good apart from its not wired up to open & close..I just do it manually. I got the console with the ecu from a scrap yard...& from what ive been told..for the console to work it needs the relays in the ecu to if thats correct then all i need to do is connect the console & the ecu...but i cant find the connections. lexus tell me that the connections arent there..if you wanted sat nav then you had to order it from new & a differnt wiring loom was fitted at the factory. Every auto electrician under the sun tells me that there is no way that a car manufacturer uses a different loom for different models/specs..its too costly to the company, they just tuck the connections away........So can I find the connections?? Like hell i can! :angry: can anybody confirm this to save me more agony in searching????


  5. Has anybody found a soloution to this problem? I Have a 2001 is sport..been great up until about six months ago...could a hear a rattle/knock coming from the sunroof. Took it to lexus cambridge....fixed it..couldnt tell me what it was...opened the sunroof twice..back again!! It is now going in again for the 4th time!!! Ive told them im not happy about this & they have promised to sort it. Even though they spent a whole day on the 3rd visit & packed the sunroof out with anti rattle foam & to my dismay..didnt reconnect the sunroof switch!!! When they did reconnect it...3 sunroof opens later....knock knock knock!!!

    Gutted :(

  6. Well ive had two Is200's my first was an SE Auto & I wound that up to over 140Mph & it still felt like it wanted to do more! My current is a Sport...the best ive had out of it is 130mph....but i thin k speedos are always out at that speed so go by the book! :)

  7. Ive just had a handsfree kit fitted in my is200 (a 7210 version) when i went to collect it they told me they tried to connect it but it didnt work properly as there isnt a real tel mute connection. So a bit cheesed off I went home in looked in the wiring manual & guess what?? There it is marked out on the amp a specific tel mute I went back to my nokia dealer & showwed him the diagram...he looked pretty stupid then umed & ahh'ed and z that he would do it...when i went to pick it up he hadnt done it and z that he couldnt work it out!!!!! so I still have no tel mute : ( gutted! Im pretty disapointed with my kit as i can only really use it when im driving at max 50Mph..after that cant hear it at all!!!

  8. I had my pads chanaged at quick fit once, but this was a couple of cars ago...a mercedes 190E Cosworth. I was gutted because the pads they fitted didnt have the brake pad sensors in & every time I went to brake It sounded like I had a chicken in my wheels sqwaking away. I think after about 900 miles I just couldnt take it anymore and just took it back into mercedes and got originals fitted. I havent been back since.....but that was a good 5-6yrs ago so things may have changed by now & it could just have been the parts they had for my particular car.

  9. Hi steve, I still think the site looks great, I know I havent been on a while but, youve done a top job mate!! As Always. The only change I didnt like is the forum link on the home page, it's too small. For new members who arent that computer literate I think they might notr be able to spot it easily enough. Oh yea, tried to log in the other day & kept getting a screen saying too many people trying to log in???? Was there something up with the server??



  10. Hi guys & Gals!!! Anybody who's wondering...Im still alive!! : ) just been seriously busy & understaffed at work to the end of working all day & most nights & coming home to pass out on the missus! (She hasnt been very happy about that!!)

    Anyway, ive noticed that my hyper muffler, which is only something like 3 months old looks like it's starting to rust at the joints where the pipe exits the box(the bit we see) anybody having the same?????

    Cheers all

    will be back around again soon


  11. I'm Greek cypriot & I'm not taking the P**S. I'll U2U you otherwise this thread will turn political!! every nation has a joke about it, and the way i see things is that nobody is laughing directly at each other but together. Thats what makes the world go round!!

  12. I know this sounds crazy, but did you hear about the guy who created the electric shock alarm on his car? (this isnt a joke by the way :lol:) when someone tried to break into it they had a high voltage high they passed out, bit like a stun gun!!! I thought that was fantastic! The owner got sued for it though I think. But why should he?? It was his property & if more cars had this sort of deterent & it was properly displayed then this sort of crime would be cut right down, anyone agree?? It would probably end up being misused & there would be lots of dead cats around :lol::lol: but i'm sure some clever spark(Boom Boom:lol::lol:) could find some sort of agreeable soloution that would work well!

  13. Originally posted by Playa
    Originally posted by GRiM
    Originally posted by JOHNNY-BOY

    Looks like you need to have a career change, may I suggest "LOC" (Lexus Owners Chippy" :lol:.

    What a peach JohnnyBoy!! :lol: :lol:

    Playa, send your "Cuz" with the CLK230 to this thread, and tell him to read it and weep.

    GRiM and the Mercedes CLK230 Kompressor

    johnny boy that wasn't funny

    GRiM yeah a stock IS200 wnt have a chance against a 230k merc.

    a stock 230k merc wont have a chance against a IS200 with supercharger

    BUT.......... no IS will have a chance against an AMG CLK!!!!!!

    Come on playa dont be a stiff, lighten up!!! I'm greek & I come from a family who owns chip shops & I thought it was hilarious!!:lol: Ok i'm into micro chips(computers) not potato chips, but hey my mum & dad just shelled out £70k on a merc S320 fully loaded with the lot.....I think they are having the last laugh!!:lol::lol:

  14. Ive done about 44miles when on the orange, but i was pumping & gliding. I never run it down but I got lost in one of those twilight zone middle of nowhere countryside places!!! To tell you the truth, I was really surprised to get that far, I rekon the car was running on fumes!!

  15. Ive asked my insurance company too, which incidently is the privilage. They also go on hp increase, for the exhaust it was bugger all about £20 more & about £50 more for the springs & anti roll bars. I think the way they look at it is that you are going to drive faster with these mods on, which isnt really far from the truth!! I know I have!!!:lol::lol:

  16. Originally posted by Administrator

    ahhh shucks

    Can you see my car in the distance? :lol:

    Damn... i can see the cat sitting on my bonnet :mad:

    psssssssssssssssssst :flaming:

    Errr Steve...I think it looks like your cats laughing mate! Maybe he Pi**ed on it before hand!:lol:

  17. Well ive got the following in mine...left over from last weekends roadtrip : )

    1. Renaissance masters series Part 4...Disk 1 Danny Howels.

    2. Kruder & Dorfmeister..The K & D Sessions

    3. Disco Heaven....Hed Kandi

    4. Back to love......Hed Kandi

    5. Zero 7 ........Simple Things

    6. Hybrid ........Wider Angle

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