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Everything posted by SteveLS400

  1. Hi again. Glad to be of any help. Please note that if yours is like mine, it will eventually squeal again although probably not for 6 months.
  2. Hi Wez I haven't time to plough through them, but on fleabay there are ususally a few breakers advertising. Try contacting them for the bumper. Also, I have found this site to be helpful If you've not used them before, you tell them what you are after and you get emails from breakers giving you a price.
  3. Hopefully the squealing this morning was whilst the brakes were settling back after being disturbed.
  4. PM me your chassis number and the parts you require and I will tell you if they are still available :) and how much. parts still available but dodgy dealers will rip you off....... Sorry but what is that supposed to mean??? are you implying that I fall into that categorey or are you just making a sweeping generalisation of your low opinion of dealers? Hi I wouldn't worry about it, see a couple of the posts here It would appear our friend had a mad hour or so to spare!
  5. Read an article today about the new Shogun, it has a viscous fan! I had a couple of new Shoguns back when I had more money and even more kids. Wonderful vehicles. Love the LS400 more.
  6. You should have had the lager immediately after doing the brakes, then you could have topped-up the pond via nature whilst cutting the grass, thereby giving you time to have a driver drive whilst you stuck your head out to listen to............................... The sound of silence :winky: Fingers crossed.
  7. That sounds more like I was looking for. Did you keep the instructions?
  8. Whoa, slowdown a minute Firstly welcome to LOC Secondly, what are you wanting to achieve? This could help a reader help you. For example have you got a problem with the unit, do you want to fit an extra function etc etc. Thirdly, have you made use of the search facility on here? Its a great resource and gives you a chance of finding your requirements without waiting for someone who does know, to log-in. Use the obvious search term and then expand the terms if you do not get a hit the first time. And please come back and let us know how you are getting on.
  9. Hi John. I think our friend has joined today with the sole aim of rattling cages. He's done you and me. He also appears to have a model I'm not familiar with; the LX430. Perhaps this model is capable of hosting a ten-bob LPG system, never suffers a flat battery due to the dilithium crystals and has a programme which automatically avoids Kwikfit depots. 17 posts in the 1hr 15 min since joining is pretty good going, nothing after that so far. Can't help with the viscous fan question but it is an interesting point as it is true that they do sap power. I've changed them on other cars but my LS still has his. I like the roar the fan creates on start-up and I hate the electric fans which run on after the engine is turned off. However, I can see the benefits of the electric-only option if high mileage is involved. I thought the viscous fan used significantly less fuel than the old belt driven fixed fan. I have never seen any stats. maybe I'm "barking" :winky:
  10. I know what you mean about the wind, but its started to die down here now. Look forward to hearing progress.
  11. Hi Steve I suspect that the problem is with the pin that secures the pads to the caliper. Did you recently post that you had bought new ones? I have a similar problem as a result of one of my pins been slighty bent. I never replaced it because I was quoted £35. From time to time the bent one starts squealing in reverse and eventually it squeals when lightly braking going forward. And yes, like you, its rather embarrassing as of course it only happens in traffic when everyone has their window down, pedestrians etc. The only "cure" is to strip it out and gobbo around with copper grease and rebuild. I think that the bend in mine (front n/s) allows the unit to move fractionally, which causes the squeal. I am almost certain that your problem is similar and nothing to do with the pads or discs. If you did fit new pins, did you keep the old ones? If so refit these and see if this helps. If you didnt fit new ones, check, if you can, that you re-fitted them in the same place and that you havent bent them when refitting.
  12. Hi John. I think our friend has joined today with the sole aim of rattling cages. He's done you and me. He also appears to have a model I'm not familiar with; the LX430. Perhaps this model is capable of hosting a ten-bob LPG system, never suffers a flat battery due to the dilithium crystals and has a programme which automatically avoids Kwikfit depots.
  13. Hi again Loads of brake dust usually means that cheap pads have been fitted. I don't want to be alarmist but I do hope your mileage is genuine. I would expect to see only the slightest of disc wear after 25000 miles and would also think the original pads would still be good. The twin issues - worn discs and non-genuine pads - are clearly linked and at least suggests hard braking. What does the brake pedal rubber look like? Wipe-off any dirt, it should be mint after 25k. As I said before, the disc wear didnt seem excessive but that was before you told us the mileage. I think the stickiness you describe could be the problem here. Cheap pads are not up to the task but if they are OEM then even they will produce excessive dust if they are binding. Assuming the dealer will not play ball, I think you would be well advised to seek the services of a specialist in your locality and get the brakes set-up properly. They will also advise re skimming. Please dont grind it off yourself.
  14. No I dont mean that stuff. Its purely a lubricant designed for use on fabric. Its incredibly slippy, clear, odourless, not sticky and it doesn't attract muck. The only time I would use it near a tent is to spray the table and sewing machine if I was going to repair a tent. I wouldn't spray the tent unless I wanted it to b have frictionless properties and as a seasoned camper, I cannot think why I could want such a thing.
  15. Hi and welcome. As Malc says, there are threads on here. Just use the search facility at the bottom left. Use exhaust as a term but use others too, flanges, cats etc. There are no pattern parts available, so nipping down to Kwikfit is a waste of time. I very much doubt you will need a whole system and If you do, Lexus would want a very large sum. The options are to find a sound used system/part system to replace the flanges and the odd other bit buy a new one - if you can find/afford 1 have a specialist make a system/part system. See the older threads and then come back here.
  16. Spray the sealt belt, not the wife! One of the uses of silicon spray in industry - and I have used it for this purpose - is to make working with fabric easier. So her best frock may have already been exposed to the stuff.
  17. The minimum thickness will be stamped into the disc itself. It may be on the inside. 2mm doesn't sound too bad. Its also unlikely that the discs will need replacing before 70k miles assuming that the system is working correctly and the car isn't driven hard all the time. Assuming that they are within tolerance, you could have them skimmed. Other than the wear described, are there any signs of cracking, twisting or overheating (bluish tinge and/or lining materialstuck to the surface)? If so change them anyway, irrespective of the thickness.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that whilst the benefit of LPG is that its much cheaper, the downside is a much reduced MPG. Also, it intrigues me that the addition of LPG is so horribly expensive. What do they fit that costs so much?
  19. Love it. Just the opposite but tell her that and she will want to sit in the back:sorted.
  20. Hi Yes, and the clasp fitting (plastic part) which the belt slides through. Basically the silicon reduces the surface friction which takes the strain off the tired retraction spring. Incidentally this isn't a Lexus fault - they all have this problem from usage. Your wife isn't unique; anyone in a rush just throws the belt off without thinking. I don't know if the silicon is going to let the belt retract when its twisted. I think you will have to have words! The only permanent cure would be to fit brand new belts, or let the wife sit in the back and make use of the fairly mint belts.
  21. I would try and jump it first but either way you are likely to have the usual issues with resetting security and radio codes (unless your code is disengaged) but you will definately have these issues if you take the battery off for charging. You are obviously disheartened and any other issues are likely to :tsktsk: off all the more. The problem you are having finding a willing motor engineer is not unique - many of them can't be bothered to fetch the vehicle. Round here there are a few who do everything possible to help. How competant are you with a spanner? Doing it yourself will save money and provide a sense of satisfaction on completion. Here is a link for the removal of the master cylinder You can sign up and ask about the replacement of the seals and/or Google for the answer. I suggest looking on fleabay for seals/replacemnet cylinder and contacting Benfur as previously suggested. If you send him a private message he will get back to you - give him your email address.
  22. Everyone who comments on my MKIII remarks as to how quiet the engine sounds and, when I tell them its done 188k, they are gobsmacked.
  23. Hi Like most older cars the front seat belts don't retract fully on the old girl. After her bath time, I got round to doing something I've been threatening to do for a while; I tried a possible solution and it worked! :D Pulled out the belt and sprayed it and the clasp and mouting with silicon spray. Marvelous. Job done.
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