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Posts posted by Bluesbreaker

  1. Ah,the ubiquitous Audi Quattro,a much maligned car,ahead of it's time I think,I got the use of a friends one,back in the early 80's, -he went to Saudi to work for six months,and left me his Quattro,to look after,he had to prise the keys out of my hands,when he arrived back in Blighty,I didn't want to give it back......(sorry for going a bit off-topic here)

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  2. Hi Jeremy,unfortunately,it looks like a trawl through different insurance company websites,is on the cards for you-where one might give me a good deal,wouldn't do the same for you,and visa -versa,it's an insurance-lottery out there,if it's any help to you,I get the cheapest deal I can,as it's only a legal requirement to have your car insured,therefore,I don't believe in lining their pockets.-but then,I'm a crotchety,old fart these days,and can't be bothered with all these con-merchants out there any more.

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  3. I've got a solar charger, I used it on my Boat,it measures roughly 300mm x 100mm, I could leave it up against the windscreen,connected to the Battery,and with any daylight,sunny or dull,it would keep the Battery fully charged, I dare say,you can buy them on eBay still,my one cost £20,-well spent.

    Ron-I left a door,not quite closed properly once,on my LS,-it flattened the Battery overnight, it's easily done.

  4. I've always harboured a notion,that Clarkson and Co,have a lot to answer for,in that they influence the general populace,-in Britain anyway,that buying and owning anything 'less',than a Merc, or a Beemer,is considered passé, -not,I might add,a very mature attitude to adopt,and promote,when a fronting a TV programme-but then,whether Clarkson and his sidekick,Hammond,can be considered mature,is a moot point.......

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  5. Hey Simon,you have my fullest sympathy,as Mark mentioned above,this seems to be becoming a disturbingly regular occurrence these days, -not just with Lexus owners,and I have to admit,that like ambermarine,I too,am becoming very selective who I park next to in Supermarket car parks,and the like, our beloved Lexux's are a vandal-magnet it seems, sadly,a sign of the times,and not much we can do to prevent it happening,-cars are for driving,not sitting in a garage,we can't wrap them in cotton wool-I hope you manage to get the damage rectified, anyway,with minimal damage to your wallet.

  6. Makes me wonder sometimes,after 18 months of owning my mark 4, where do I go after this? Given the rising prices of the Marque recently,I dont know if I could afford to buy another one, I do look after my LS,but she ain't gonna last forever,as fellow Lexus owners on this Forum will readily testify, there comes a time,where you have to face reality,and no amount of money,will get your beloved Lexus,through that dreaded MOT test, we're kind of spoiled owning these cars really,couldn't see me 'regressing' back to any of the cars I owned in the passed, -like the Citroen 2CV I used to drive....Mmm ....

  7. I think in cases like the above,a lot depends on what the senior management of a particular store are like-the old adage,that the rot starts at the top,unfortunately,is all too prevelant,even today,I've got an extremely short fuse,when it comes to customer service-or the lack of, I've had similar experiences,like the above ones mentioned, if I get shirt shrift, or f####d about In the likes of B&Q, or wherever,not only do I kick -off,( in a civil manner) at the store, but make a point of taking names ,and telling the staff,I'm getting on their Facebook site later,to complain also, what is galling,though,is in certain stores,when you state this,you often get this ' I couldn't give a #### look,-I remember years ago, if a customer complained about you,as a staff member,chances were,your feet wouldn't touch the ground,on your way out to the labour exchange,to look for another job,signed, one grumpy old man........

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