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Posts posted by Bluesbreaker

  1. I was washing the car yesterday,and only noticed that the above mentioned seal,seems to have split,opening-up to leave a gap,where I'm shuddering to think,what has leaked down into the door-shell below,as it looks like it's been like this for some time,I'm going to get the car under cover,in the next day or two,remove the door lining,and check it out,for water ingress/damage,as the old seal, is obviously unrepairable, what are the chances of sourcing a new one,anyone got any pointers on this?

    Sorry about the photos turned round,-I can't prevent images rotating 90 degrees,when uploading to the LOC

  2. Thanks again Ian,for organising this Meet, it's always good to see all your happy,smiling faces again,and catch-up,since the last one.

    As usual,it's all over,before it's even started,given such a relatively short time,for everyone to speak to each other,before we know it,it's time to go our separate ways,until the next one,which I'm already looking forward to.

  3. I think mine might win that prize-I've left it too late now,unless I get up at the crack of dawn,and run a sponge over the car,assuming it's not peeing with rain,-events have somehow contrived to overtake me today,so,you can all give me a good bollocking,for attending the meet,with the car in the mess it's in.....

  4. Over the years,I've pondered often,which vehicle,had I unlimited financial means to do so,would I purchase,having had my LS400 now for over a year,and reading about other LOC members experiences,with their various Lexus models,I know now,I'd plump for a late-model/new Lexus,-no question.

  5. My Father-in-Law has a plate on his 12 year-old Suzuki Ignus, it spells out most of his surname,and is very distinctive,the number( no pun intended) of times, that certain people,have asked if he'd sell it,I've lost count of, -it's worth far more than his cars value.

    Ironically,in the States,and Canada,if you so desire a personalized licence plate on your car,you can have virtually anything printed on it,as long as it's not an obvious obscenity,and it'll only cost you the price of the plate,plus a bit more for the printing.

  6. That old chestnut,about "rip-off Britain" again! An unfortunate fact of life,choosing,as most on this on this Forum do,to live on this Sceptic Isle, putting up,with what in effect,is daily Highway Robbery,when buying most anything,here in the UK.I lived in Canada,for most of the Seventies,where,even then,folks there,expected,and received,good service,( woe betide,any Staff,in any Business, who didn't provide it,they'd soon be out of a job) if you,as a Customer complained about shoddy service/ attitude, or some such thing,they would listen, and hasten to reimburse/placate you, I might add,that they never took complaining,as a personal thing,getting offended,and huffy,which,as we all know,is endemic in the British psyche, in short,we put up with too damn much in the UK,right across the board,we are being taken for a ride,and pathetically,we all bend over,and take it,-here endeth my rant.

    I left Canada,not through choice,they wouldn't renew my Residence Visa,so,I had to return to my Country of origin,I arrived back in Britain,incidentally,the same day that Thatcher was elected into power,-a wonderful welcome -home present,that was,and In spite of what ******* we are going through,living in the UK,I,for one,have witnessed first-hand,how relatively lucky most of us are,compared to other Countries,so,I don't take anything for granted.

    ...and yet you left and have been living here ever since? You're always free to go back... :shifty:

    Grahams post (#4) is excellent - the best explanation I have ever heard for our predicament.

    'The grass is always greener...' is a very apt saying for those complaining about Blighty - we're not perfect but nowhere is and selfish, incompetent politicians are a universal constant.

    Much easier just to not worry about it and...chill... :innocent:

  7. Mmmm ......I've always believed in using a horn sparingly-only when absolutely necessary, Lexus cars,especially,it seems,my LS400, has,what I would say is the closest you can get,to having an American-style/volume horn,on the odd occasion I've been forced to use it,in situations like the first post here,I've scattered pedestrians like confetti,-you don't need to use it a second time,pretty embarrassing really.......

  8. That old chestnut,about "rip-off Britain" again! An unfortunate fact of life,choosing,as most on this on this Forum do,to live on this Sceptic Isle, putting up,with what in effect,is daily Highway Robbery,when buying most anything,here in the UK.

    I lived in Canada,for most of the Seventies,where,even then,folks there,expected,and received,good service,( woe betide,any Staff,in any Business, who didn't provide it,they'd soon be out of a job) if you,as a Customer complained about shoddy service/ attitude, or some such thing,they would listen, and hasten to reimburse/placate you, I might add,that they never took complaining,as a personal thing,getting offended,and huffy,which,as we all know,is endemic in the British psyche, in short,we put up with too damn much in the UK,right across the board,we are being taken for a ride,and pathetically,we all bend over,and take it,-here endeth my rant.

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