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L3xu5 Mum

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Everything posted by L3xu5 Mum

  1. Ok Lexus are having the car in next week for a couple of days and have informed the warranty company of the reported faults. I am wondering if the reverse camera issue is related to the relay between the gears and computer as the mirrors also do not tilt down as they would usually do when the camera comes on. And coupled with the radio and windscreen wipers switching on and off whenever they feel like it leads me to wonder about the software which controls the car. I assume that there is some computer type gizmo controlling most of the functions of the car - perhaps it is this that is causing all the odd problems. Anyway, thanks to all for your wise words, I shall report back when the car comes back from Lexus.
  2. With my warranty on a 2010 RX450h due to expire this week, does anyone think that extending the warranty @ a cost of £1000 for 2 years worth having? The warranty only covers 'faults' and not anything associated with wear and tear. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I have had my super RX450h for just under a year (warranty expires next week!) and she has started to play up in quite a timely fashion! It started with the reverse camera intermittently not engaging despite having selected reverse gear. Camera was replaced by Lexus. Still, albeit rarely, the camera doesn't always engage. Enter problems 2 & 3 - the radio and windscreen wipers are switching on and off independently (despite being dry weather)! Car off to Lexus for inspection but as all are intermittent faults I am concerned they won't find anything and when these faults occur after the warranty has expired I will be handed a rather large repair bill!!!
  4. rx450h rolling it normal?

    1. L3xu5 Mum

      L3xu5 Mum

      Having taken delivery of a pre-used 2010 rx450h I am having fun & games getting to grips with her! Forgive me if this is a daft question (I am sure I will ask more!) but is it usual for the car to roll back when on a small incline? Yesterday I was waiting to give way to oncoming traffic and whilst the gearbox was in Drive she started slowly rolling back down the hill and didn't stop until I applied the brakes! My old Merc which I chopped in to get the Lexus didn't...

  5. Hi I have just bought my first Lexus having run my old Merc E230 for the last 14 years - sadly she had to go as like a lot of old ladies the body was failing but her heart was strong! Enter pre-used 2010 RX450h! I have had her now for 2 weeks and love everything about her........... except - is it normal to roll backwards when on an incline (waiting in traffic)? My Merc didn't do this so I was a tad spooked when the Lexus did........ any advice before I take her back to the dealership tomorrow would be greatly appreciated! Also the radio is pretty dismal when driving past buildings, hedges, trees etc. Again, is this par for the course and we should all be listening to our iPhones? Thanks
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