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John Adams

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Posts posted by John Adams

  1. 14 minutes ago, FredD said:

    I may also take the plunge but will probably wait September for the following reasons: (i) the 300z if and when available in the UK may be a better option for me because of the increased range and (ii) the UK elections in July - a new government will hopefully not increase the BIK rates that are currently very good on electric cars- I cannot see this happening as this would destroy the electric cars market but who knows

    I wouldn't bank on a Labour Government not raising taxes on ev's. They have got to get money from somewhere and my long experiences of Labour in power suggests they are very good at finding more inventive ways of taxing you. My DB pension is proof of that!

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ClaireC said:

    Interested to know if you did need to take it in for support and what was the fix. Had my RZ for one week and even though the cable clicks when connected to the car and the green circle comes on the home charger, it's hit and miss whether it charges. Takes lots of taking the cable out putting it back in etc before it works. Had the same thing using a charger at work. Despite the schedule set the same in the lexus app and the home charger it's only once clicked in and charged. Having to do manual mode and keep messing with the cable until it clicks and starts. Haven't tried public charging or fast charger yet.

    Get it back to the dealer. I had repeated problems from new with clicking and not locking in place and had to keep taking the cable in/out to get it to work. It was a right faff. At first, the dealer said there was not a problem but months later admitted they had problems with their demo cars.  To cut a very long story short, they eventually changed the socket and I haven't had a problem since. The fact that it took 7 months to acknowledge the problem and fix it is the most annoying thing.

    • Sad 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, Gadget Man said:

    Wivenhoe- Mine was initially booked in for the update in Feb too, but pulled on the day of appointment, spoke to dealer and Customer Service this week but still no idea when I will get it -really frustrating.

    I presume your Takumi has a HUD and the update has worked ok for you?

    Economy mode alters the response parameters for maintaining the set temperature - more buffered. Range mode actually switches off the heating system as well as affecting the 4 wheel drive performance.

    I have heard about Lexus Reserve, sounds like a good offering.

    My software update was done in early February as well as other work. Along with Bob, we were pushing Lexus for this update since last year and I am very pleased with the result which has  significantly improved the range. I have the Takumi and have had no issues -touch wood- and I hope it stays that way. 

  4. All I can say is I have done plenty of long trips in my RZ since the update and haven't had a problem. Sure, I have to stop every couple of hours to charge but I also have to stop for a cuppa and the loo so 30-40 minutes is not a problem.

    Each to his own but I am sold on ev's but not the way Lexus introduced the RZ. My next car will definitely be an ev, but not a Lexus

    • Sad 2
  5. 1 hour ago, DavidCM said:

    Why don't you consider a car with a proper more hand wringing about a few extra miles,and less depreciation.

    Well, from my point of view that is easy. An increasing number of councils across the Country are either making it difficult  for non ev's to drive in city or town centres or banning them all together. I expect this to get worse once Miliband is in charge.  In my local city, they want all non ev's to park out of town ( 4 miles away) and catch the bus in which for me at my age, I don't want to lug shopping back on a bus. I would rather park in the centre. As from, next January this will be compulsory. 

    Whether we like it or not I am sure the next Government will make it more difficult and expensive to drive non ev's  because we have to save the world from our less than 1% emissions. So for me it's a no brainer and to be honest, it will make my life easier and to me ev's to me are nicer to drive.

    Before I get shot down, it's my opinion and others will disagree. My disagreement with Lexus is nothing to do with depreciation just that they shouldn't have sold the car without the updates and all the other problems I have had.

  6. 11 hours ago, wivenhoe said:

    I think the economy drive mode switches off heating or aircon, but I may be wrong.

    Bob, I keep mine in eco drive mode all the time and the ac/heating still works but in reduced mode. I went into normal mode yesterday to try it which is a rare occurrence for me and the range dropped by 7 miles (142 showing before I switched) but I did notice the aircon got a bit cooler as it was a hot day. Switching back to eco mode and the range went back up

  7. Bob,  with regards to regen, I've been using regen from day one but haven't really looked into it to see what -if any- difference it makes. I think it must  improve things at slower speed because you can see the energy going back into the Battery. I only use it around town now because I have seen a lot of You Tube videos where people suggest it is better to coast if you can because as they say it uses more energy to get back up to speed if you use it to slow down from higher speeds. As I say, I don't really know but I do use it around town.  Perhaps others on here will have a better view of this.

  8. 18 minutes ago, kieron 77 said:

    Many thanks for your reply, yes I have the Hud so guess there is no update anymore. Just charged it up to 100% and range showing 194 miles. Let's see how it does. Yes I have selected the concierge climate and have s flow selected so think that's all good. 

    So much safety tech in this car not sure what to turn off or keep on as some of the noises and warnings can be distracting at times. My last car was the isf so big step up in refinement 

    Many thanks again


    Just to confirm what @wivenhoe has said, they have stopped the update for cars with the HUD due to a serious software problem. Not sure when it will be reinstated. I have no problems with my update which shows a significant improvement particularly to range. Charging mine to 100% with current temperatures is now showing 212 miles which is fairly accurate. 3.4miles/kwh is easily obtainable even at steady -60mph- speeds on the motorway. A significant improvement to what we originally had.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, GSLV6 said:

    Long time since I posted on here, due to moves/illnesses in my family, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on the RZ which I was fortunate enough to have for the day yesterday, after leaving mine off for it's 100K service (despite having only covered 45 miles) returning it today, courtesy of Lister's Lexus, Cheltenham.  I was thinking of changing our ten year old RX3 and wanted to see of the RZ floated our boat.  I'm not a big all electric vehicle fan but decided to take one out with an open mind.  Had my RX3 from a few years old, so just under 8 years now and whilst it's not been without the odd issue, by and large, it's been excellent and electrical glitches aside, dependable.

    Our RX is an F-Sport with most of the options boxes ticked, so ML sound system, roof bars, LEDs, HUD etc etc.  The RZ borrowed was a top spec Takumi model.

    I'll keep it brief, ignore things that don't really matter and just get into the knub of things.

    First thing:  It's not physically quite as large or spacious as the RX, the boot in particular is quite modest and it's sleeker, no doubt for bettering the drag coefficient to help range.  This in mind, they've also omitted a rear wiper (a bit no-no for me) as it added too much to drag apparently (Can't see it had to as the RX's cleverly hide them under the rear spoiler, but there we do).  I quite liked the looks, in fact I prefer the RZ over the new bulbous RX which I'm not a fan of on looks.

    Interior is very pleasant.  Seats are comfortable, supportive (better than the RX3 imho but not quite as supportive as the RX4 F Sport Takumi) and have adequate adjustment.  Rear pillion space is ok too, but looked a little more cramped than the RX4 I also looked at.  Fit and finish is all top notch as I'd have expected.  I'll get onto controls and things a little later.

    Drive:  I wasn't really sure what to expect but found the drive in busy town work was exceptional.  Silent, cosseted, smooth and the suspension better tuned than the RX3 F-Sport.  On A roads, it handled well enough but push it a little too hard and the weight becomes obvious in the bends. The steering was slightly too under weighted and direct for my likes too with very little feedback from the road.   It's not a car I'd want to push on twisty roads, as it suits a smoother more gentle approach to keep things from getting out of hand especially given the lack of feedback. I wasn't sure what to make of performance, having never driven one and published figures I guessed were pessimistic as with most Lexus performance specs.  I simply was not expecting it to be as fast.  Acceleration in sport mode is simply phenomenal!  It would easily show a clean pair of heals to many mid sized motorbikes, never mind ICE sports cars, in a straight line at least.  It isn't just quick it's genuinely fast, by any standard, on acceleration and this would make for effortless, if eyebrow raising overtakes.  You definitely need to chose the time and place, and watch the speed to avoid racking up points.  On the motorway, the feeling of a luxurious ride continued, with very little tyre or wind noise.  They've absolutely nailed the aerodynamics on this model.

    However (there was bound to be at least one), I did find that the high pitch of the motors became monotonous at motorway speeds and could see this becoming yawn inducing, like listening to one of those white noise audio files which are designed to help induce sleep.  I was watching the range keenly, and noted that as I left the showroom, air con off, and in standard mode, it read 193 miles of range on close to 100% battery.  By the time I'd covered 27 miles, that was down to 163 miles, but as some of those were motorway miles driven at 70, I expected a little less than normal bimbling.  The info told me it was averaging about 3.2 miles per KWhr so range left was probably about right.  A few miles had to be put up later on taking my son to cricket and back, then returning to Lexus this morning via the same route taken yesterday.  This time the chilly 7am start meant I had to use the rear window de-mister for a fair few miles and had the heating up a little, as well as the radio on.  I was shocked at what a difference this made to range.  Navigating pre-rush hour traffic saw a busy motorway trip followed by a not too bad urban crawl back by which time the range indicated I think 127 miles left.  It seems for the average driver with heater used, A/C on, radio on and lights was well as rear screen demist, the more realistic range before range anxiety would set in is an honest 150 miles, well short of the 270 odd advertised.  To get that, you'd have to be doing a steady 55mph, on flat uncongested roads without anything switched on other than the motor working at a guess, so my prejudices were founded.

    Overall, I was very impressed indeed with the RZ but could I see it replacing the RX?  No, not a chance.  Until the UK has way more working charging points it would become a headache.  For commuting work, it's simply too expensive an option when you could have an ES, NX plug in hybrid or similar for less and for utility, the Rav 4 Hybrid is a better option imho.

    Whist I'm on dislikes, a major one for me is the electronic ICE system including controls.

    I found the controls unintuitive, difficult to figure out until I'd had an hour or two with it, and even then simply couldn't get on with a touch screen for some options, and steering wheel controls for most of the others.  I got really fed up with all the bing bong warnings and interruption of the navigation screen (once I'd figured out how to access it) for messages about my phone not being connected and when rear passengers were taken, the message "check rear seats" comes up after switching off (apparently due to an american lady leaving a child in the rear whilst doing hr shopping and then trying to sue lexus when the child overheated!).  There was too much nannying going on behind the wheel with too much superfluous information, a bewildering array of options within controls and over reliance on a touch screen, which if that ever went down would render the use of the car very difficult. 

    Likes:  ride quality was superb, quiet and  comfortable.  Performance was blistering when demanded. 

    Dislikes:  High pitch sleep inducing motor noise at motorway speeds, infotainment system, controls, bells and other bing bong warnings, constant messages popping up on screen, tyre life very limited.  This one has 6K miles from new and was looking like tyre replacements were shortly due due to the weight and torque on tap.  Taking into account, tyre life and frequency of recharges, I doubt whether overall, it would be much more economical an ownership prospect than the RX. Range really not that impressive in real world driving scenarios.  It would make for a comfortable and luxurious option for a chelsea tractor, or commuting from the sticks to town providing you had a charger at home.

    Whilst there, I also took a look at a Takumi spec F-Sport RX4 a few years old, the last of the 3.5 V6 models.  It was roomier, to my mind a little more comfortable and supportive with far more sensible controls not as reliant as the giant tablet screen on the RZ.  It was also roomier and had more compliant adaptive suspension over my RX3's standard set up.  I have put myself on a list to exchange mine for a 2020 to 2022 F-Sport Takumi as a result.  For anyone interested I am now looking for a new owner for my excellent RX3, still within the ten year warranty, fdsh from new and absolutely anything needed has been done including the big service.  Underneath it's clean as a whistle as I've lanoguard treated it and has a good 200K miles left in it.


    Hi Paul, just to answer a few points.


    Since the software update I have seen a significant increase in range. Over the weekend I just completed a 410 mile round trip mostly motorways. Travelling at 70mph with ac on and an outside temp of 17-18 deg I averaged a total for the journey of 3.3miles/kwh. On a 80 mile stint between services stations it did an exceptional 3.7mile/kwh. As a long term critic of the RZ, I have to say I am more than pleased with this. I had no range anxiety and no problems the 2 times I stopped. 

    Have to say I have never experienced any high pitch noise at motorway speeds. Indeed it is very quiet at 70mph. I have though switched off the acoustic noise or whatever you call it which probably helps.


    The various bongs were annoying at first but you get used to them and I don't really notice anymore.

    Finally, if it needs new tyres at 6000 miles it has obviously had a hard life. Mines done 5500 and the tyres are in excellent conditions and I would expect at least 15000 if I were to keep it.


  10. 1 hour ago, VFR said:

    Should it not be the customers (?)

    As Stoke would be at the bottom & Snows of Exeter at the top from my experience.

    Exeter? From my experience they would be bottom. Service department is dire. As I say, my experience but based on a lot of poor service.

  11. 10 hours ago, wivenhoe said:

    I’m going on holiday to Jersey later this year. On the island they seem to have only 2 Ultra chargers. - the majority are only 7kw - I’ve booked a RX 450h Reserve car ! I’ll find out on Monday whether I have secured the booking or not. 

    Bob, how did you book this. I was thinking of doing it for a longish trip in September but my dealer hasn't a clue. Did you just email Lexus Reserve?

  12. 12 hours ago, Dylanlewis2000 said:

    This is my personal feeling, but I feel as if this is a half baked attempt by Lexus. I fully appreciate that this is a big, heavy car, but a 200 mile range is not great in the grand scheme of things. I'm not sure about the battery chemistry, but if it's the case that you are keeping it between 20 and 80% and people are getting 200 miles out of a full charge then 160 is what you might expect. 

    When you have Kia, Tesla and many others claiming more miles, I'm not sure how Toyota, who were one of the first to dip their toe in the electric market with Hybrid batteries are so far behind. They haven't got anything which can do 300+ miles. 

    For most of my driving, yes 200 mile range would be good, but for the times we go to Southampton, we would potentially make it there, but then have to charge on the way back. Recently, we went on a cruise from Southampton. I am glad that we didn't take the EV. On the way down, we stopped at Leigh Delamere services to find their chargers were all in use. Their fast chargers were labelled as 25kw on Zap Map. There was a queue of EV waiting to use them too. On the return journey, in Membrey, the electric charge points were out of action for some unknown reason.

    If you are using the M4, there a lot of chargers just off the Motorway. Bristol for example have many but  Ionity at Chippenham Pit Stop is literally 1/2 mile of the M4 and only a couple of miles or so from Leigh Delemere is usually good and I've never had to wait. Leigh Delemere eastbound only has 4 and usually full or not working but westbound has 6 or 8 and never had to wait. There are many chargers just of the motorway which are a better bet when you are on a longer trip.

  13. 25 minutes ago, wivenhoe said:

    John & Tickedon - I just received confirmation from Reserve that the 3 years cover does start from the purchase date. I sent this response 


    Thanks for your prompt and helpful response. I think it is very unfair for Lexus to limit this to only 2 years in my case as I was one of the initial owners in May last year - and had a significant number of defects. 
    If Lexus insists that the package is only 2 years then presumably I still get 42 days of alternate cars. 
    Please let me know who I can complain to about this and by the way - I paid significantly more for my car than is available now complete with 3 years reserve. 

    Bob, just spoke to my dealer who confirms I could have a car for up to 2 weeks each year. As I bought the car last June he said I need to get a move on if I want one for 2 weeks before June comes around. He said they only found out 2 weeks ago  about this scheme which I find hard to believe.

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  14. 43 minutes ago, Tom, said:


    Holding the trip button resets whichever trip meter is selected, A or B, but doesn't reset the Miles/Kwh indicator on my car.

    Go into the menu for trip information and press update. This resets it.  I always do it before a long trip to see what the car does. Also, after a trip when you switch off if you look at the centre screen it always says what your current trip is in miles/kwh irrespective of whether or not you have reset the trip meter. Doesn't stay there long though.

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