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Posts posted by GMB

  1. 1 hour ago, Spacewagon52 said:

    France is a wonderful country ............ just a shame the French live there! We should not have given it back!

    Absolutely agree David.

    We lived there for 18 years and it is a beautiful uncrowded country. Our idea was to send all the French to live in the UK and vice versa.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Malc1 said:

    Then of course the known reality that Brazil holds the majority of the world potential oil yet to be extracted, from its ownership of the seas within its jurisdictions …… the Brazil Govt is possibly merely awaiting the pricing algorithm to get correct to then flood the world with all that black stuff ….. and keep the price sensibly high enough 

    Democratic Brazil just might improve its nations financials and obliterate a few other countries in the process ….. now then, which Oil-igarks / Companies might it use to do this dirty deed …… Exxon. Bp. Shell ……. then maybe link into the Falklands HUMUNGOUS oil reserves too ….. oh, they’re British and would be OURS to reduce OUR dependency on OPEC+ or whatever and fill our Govts coffers with spondoolies £££    😂👍

    Then we could enjoy almost zero cost( ex tax ) fuel at the pumps …….. hahahaha that will NEVER come about 

    Heaven knows when any Govt will allow us to economically run our cars ……. Probably never 👎 ….. whatever the fuel ! 

    Cest  le vie


    Hi Malc Sorry to be a pain but Life in French is feminine - C'est la vie. Maybe that is why life can sometimes be difficult?

    Another funny French one - If a woman gives evidence in court she is female but if she is a witness she becomes male!

     I.e. le témoin.  Cars and vans are females but trucks are male.........  Don't ask  😇

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Malc1 said:

    And if they  don’t see reason then I’m happy to put my £££££ into Lidl and Aldi which don’t sell fuel and we know aren’t taking us for a ride in that way whatever …….. 

    damnable fuel prices eh …. And it’s the financially hard pressed that will be suffering the most ….. where’s your collective consciences Supermarkets and Issa Bros ( is it )  ???? 



    For many years I was under the impression that price fixing and cartels were illegal or at least frowned upon, but now it seems like our leaders in parliament see fit to throw us to the dogs and let certain companies fix their high prices, make obscene profits and give virtually no customer service. All the time making vast payouts to their already wealthy patrons.

    There really is not a lot that we can do about it apart from trying to get someone  in charge who actually cares about the majority of us who have "normal" or limited means.

    With a full service due at approx £750. Insurance at approx £800 ( if not a lot more!! ) and road tax at £700, all to be paid in October, then the IsF is going SORN for the first time. £2250 + or - for winter use of maybe 200 miles is just a step too far.


    • Sad 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Dippo said:

    You never owned a Scorpio then!

    Lucid Air sapphire beautiful? And they are not even chinese. They are from Arizona designed in California. I want one.

    Lucid Air sedan gets a 42-city tour to fan interest | Automotive News

    Ford scorpio ugly. Made in Germany just like the new fugly BMWs

    Are these the 23 ugliest cars ever made?

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Shahpor said:


    The styling is important, but I don't think it is the primary reason for the sales issues, mainly because I believe it doesn't look that bad compared to its rivals!

    By way of example, I saw this posted on Facebook recently:


    The M3 and 760i prove two things to me:  First, BMW peaked in the early 2000's! And second, people will buy anything with a BMW badge no matter how it looks!

    Now, I should say that these are M cars and the driving experience of the new ones is by all accounts very good, but the styling extends to the standard range as well and they are still selling like crazy.

    I remember the shock and outrage when the new 3 series was introduced, but it doesn't look like it has stopped people purchasing them, so it seems people will still buy them regardless of how they look.

    Absolutely right. The new BMs look truly ugly especially compared to their earlier models - even the 2002tii was a looker

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  6. 49 minutes ago, Notamech said:

    @rayaans whats with the anger and personal attacks on Linas dude? Theres no need for it. He is entitled to his opinion irrespective of however ill-informed or unbalanced you think it is. Providing a blanced opinion just to please you wont change the fact that the ES doesn't sell much. I think he did a good job of explaining why that might be. You can choose to ignore things you don't like rather than being petty on a public forum. 

    Well said.     It is nice to see Teddies going back into prams. We all need to be able to take criticism. The clever bit is actually listening to it for good or bad. It is always better to be informed. Take it or leave it.

    BTW If Linas is looking for a bargain I will knock 10% off the retail price of my Lovely Is200t just for him. The problem is that if he did buy it ( the moon would leave orbit first ) I would not find much that I liked to replace it at the price.

    In an ideal world I would buy a 20 year old naturally aspirated V6 or V8 that just had a spark and petrol to worry about - no computers and nightmare systems just plain and simple. 427 hemi V8s with Holley 4 barrel carb is my dream.....🤡💔


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  7. 4 minutes ago, e-yes said:

    I think that kind of sums it all up 🙂

    For a majority of people, status and some kind of statement that "they are doing well" matters a lot.

    To me it doesn't tbh. I would love to fly under the "social radar" as much as I can.

    Flying under the radar is the sensible choice nowadays. We are all being watched by the system - HMRC DWP etc.

    They want to know where your money comes from and how much tax they can screw you for.

    The biggest danger is social media. Idiots showing off their cars, holidays, houses and so on. The thieves love all the info.

    The same with cars - wolf in sheeps clothing is the ideal. Garage the Isf and the harley fat boy 114. Keep the daily driver in the driveway.

    This truth is evident when you go to some European countries. Shoddy exteriors of houses, older cars outside but lovely house interiors with a few cases of Romanee Conti in the cellar.

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  8. This might set off a tizzy. Is the ES too cheap?

    No. It's an overweight boring slow car that looks sporty but is not.

    But, it is certainly well made and reliable and good looking.

    I think some of us want a bit more excitement in our driving experiences.

    Could I recommend any new car at £40K ish today. No, they are mostly overpriced rubbish.

    Buy a five to ten year old ICE V6 or V8 if you really want some value for your money. A 5-10 year old Lexus will be better made than today's cars anyway.

    Please direct all abuse to my account. Thank you.

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  9. Hi everyone ( back from exile )

    This forum site is just a simple place of amusement to express one's opinions and then look at the comments from readers good and bad.

    It must not be be taken seriously as there are some right doughnuts on here. I know, I am one of them.

    Give Linas a break. I bet he's a nice person really. I enjoy reading some of the more extreme comments on here and I forgive Linas for hating my lovely Is200t which is also an eccentric thing.

    Does anyone else get a picture in their mind of what any commentator looks like or how old or how eccentric they may be.

    I know I certainly do.

    Visual Manifestations - THE WISE OLD MAN



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  10. Do not wrap it. No-one will want it afterwards. They also look a bit "chavy"

    I had a Megane 2.0 dci convertible in France and was very impressed with it until after 5 yrs the electrics went to pot. Got banned for speeding in that one, it was a bit nippy.

    Anyway all this cosmetic entertainment Takumi Tacoma Taco stuff is irrelevant; all you need is the RcF. Forget the pretenders. Get a grip.

    Ekanoo racing RCF: worlds fastest doorslammer -

    • Like 1
  11. Interesting article in Auto express this week backs up what we are all suspecting:


    “BYD overtaking VW in China signals a tectonic shift in the global car industry” | Auto Express

    “BYD overtaking VW in China signals a tectonic shift in the global car industry”

    Dr Andy Palmer sees the dramatic rise of BYD as just the start of huge, China-driven change on the car manufacturing scene

    His final paragraph is interesting: 

    Ultimately, the rise of BYD as China's best-selling car brand signals a fundamental shift in the global auto industry. With state subsidies playing a crucial role in bolstering domestic EV manufacturers, it is clear that China's automotive ambitions extend far beyond its borders. As the balance of power in the global auto industry tilts East, the ramifications for both the industry and geopolitics could be profound.

  12. I know what you mean. My FZR 1000 Exup de-restricted and tuned by V&M racing had similar performance.

    One fine day I tested the top speed and stopped trying at 175 mph before I chickened out and it was still picking up speed.

    Then I saw the range rover hiding behind a motorway bridge. He never caught me.😁

    Thanks to Queens park motorcycles for the dodgy rear number plate😛

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  13. Well someone has rattled Linas' cage!

    In an attempt to pour oil over troubled waters may I say that you both have valid arguments and very interesting too.

    I have lived and worked abroad for many years ( I even get a French pension which is a damn sight better that the pittance you get here in the UK )  and have friends in other countries, and that has taught me a few things about freedom of speech and Government censorship of the truth in the UK.

    One last "friendly 🙂please" comment. I cannot remember who told me this but; it is the winners that write the history books.


    BTW - Just think even today Nurses strikes illegal - Sounds a bit like China to me.

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  14. 13 minutes ago, Mr_Groundhog said:

    our "governments" are only legislative arms of private corporations. They largely write the laws the parties pass in parliament, oiled by the mass media in convincing the population that going against their own interests is a good thing. Governments do not have your interest at heart and if they ever do, they'll be brought down quickly as it happened many times in the past.

    Have the recent Whitehall scandals (and there are many to choose from!) not been enough to clarify how "blurred" the lines between private corporation and Government are here in the UK? And how corrupt both sides have proven to be?

    Well said Mr_Groundhog. I thought that I was the only one who realised this, especially when all the evidence is there. Such as The Truss budget debacle instantly trashed by big business pressure.

    The sad thing is that no-one will do anything about it. We are too deep in the proverbial for that.

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  15. Similar issue here. Clunk infrequently nearside rear just on ridges and small sharp bumps. 2 x MOT passes later, 2 x Lexus checks= no problem found. Everything looks ship shape and tight. 2 years later...Still doing it! At first I thought it was exhaust or something loose under the back seat or in the boot.

    I just have to wait until it gets so bad that it gets spotted. Nothing else can be done without replacing expensive suspension and brake components bit by bit and probably spending money for nothing.  Maybe something will eventually drop off? On the car I mean!🥶

  16. I have a cat 7 approved tracker professionally fitted and certified which is accepted by all the Insurance companies that I have spoken to. I only get about £45 reduction for it so it is not worth paying £170 pa for it. I have not renewed the subs this year. My premiums also went up 16% this year despite more no claims bonus added. The companies blamed cost of repairs and medical claims.  BUT have you noticed the increase in bad driving. Why do some people like to drive 2 feet from my back bumper when I am doing the max speed limit 30, 40 whatever. Also why is it usually a range rover with a tiny person ( I will not say what gender or anything non-correct ) behind the wheel?

    Insurance companies are a necessary evil and do not treat us fairly. I pity anyone who has to try and get "justice" or make a claim from these "people".


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