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Posts posted by Ellz

  1. Nice one matey its crazy how the bikes are holding there value, you can get a lexus IS200 for that price.

    Must say be careful out there ive been on my scooter and my dads honda Blackbird all winter and had some very scarey moments its so effing greasy out there and last week when it was -2 to -8 all week didnt matter how many layers i put on i still was so cold i could barely use the brakes.

    I have got something you could be interested in.;pid=177&p=

    got these bought for me last year when i tried to fit them last week they dont fit on my scooter, the straps arent long enough and they cover the indicators doh. Drop me a pm if your interested.

  2. had the pleasure of watching this the other day at my own private cinema..

    great great film..

    Not seen it yet but want to. Its a little annoying though as the kid ****** me off in Skins when i used to watch it, is he still in it ?

    Went and saw "Yes Man" the other day was nothing like the book but still really funny easy going film. But bloooomin hell Jim Carry's looking old.

  3. Sounds like the card is goosed, you did format it in the camera didn't you?

    Try reading it from the camera using the USB connection.

    The shots info is from the EXIF data, you need something like KUSO viewer (free) to see it. 10,000 isn't a problem I would have thought unless he was sold it as new :)

    Yeah have tried that as well, really ****** off then as loads of nice cars on there :tsktsk:

    Yeah he got it second hand from clock tower cameras in brighton with trading in his D70 so no problems there.

  4. Does he know it has done about 10,000 shutter activations?

    Cheers for that, nope i guess not, does that matter ? How did you find all this out ? Just click photo and properties ?

    I tried shooting in RAW at the Autosport show some of the photos where very very similar to the jpeg normal but the odd 1 or 2 you could see where very different. Only problems is I had a 2gig chip in to begin with about 40 shots in and it wont take any more saying card needs formatting. Is there anyway i can get the info off the card, when i try and go into it on the computer it trys to format it saying all data will be deleted.

  5. You need to add some +ve exposure compensation (+2 maybe) with bright scenes like snow otherwise the snow comes out a bit grey as in your examples.

    I'll try and remember that next year :)

    Just gone down stairs and snapped a few Jpeg fine + Raw takes the photos from this 1gig from 168 on jpeg fine to a mean 44 on jpeg fine + raw.

    Because its low light im having to use a flash but thats what tomro will be like as well.

    The RAW images im loading in photoshop CS2, soooooo much to adjust afterwards, but to be honest just the raw photo itself is crisper than the Jpeg image, as long as the brightness is right they look better.

    Is photoshop a good program to be using with RAW, im just seeing how quick it is to save all RAW images to Jpeg as tomro i'll be taking a good couple 100 photos.

  6. Well a couple of weeks before xmas dad went out for a works night out. He never drinks too much as he hates hangovers. Anyway he gets in at 3 ish as we're almost always the last drop off in the taxi. At about 6.30 am he needs a wee a gets up, still half asleep going from the carpet to tiles bathroom floor he trips.

    Now what is one of the most unassuming objects that all of us have many of in our house ????????

    As he hit the ground and a massive flood of blood started to cover the floor he quickly grabbed a towel, mum jumped up after hearing the thud and rushed to his aid. A quick call of 999 and off to hospital.

    Anyone guessed the object yet ????

    Well the very unlucky fall sent my Dad straight for our bathroom door handle which slipped nicely into his mouth and ripped his lip a fair inch or more. Kinda chelsea smile but lower. I wasnt in but saw him that morning at 10ish and shocked doesnt justify my reaction. The metal door handle is pretty bent and the hook on the back of the door has been bent double from slamming against the cupboard.

    Anyway before you see the photos just to let you know hes all fine and the scar is very thin and cant be seen under his beard which he is fasioning at the moment.

    First photo not for the faint hearted

    In the hospital laying on his back pretty drugged up. Mum said when he was standing the lower lip flapped down to his chin showing all his teeth and gums.


    At home after being stitched up


    Rank close up


    Only 1 week later stitched were out and this is him on holiday over xmas and you cant really see it.


    People at the hospital said that they see all kinds of random accidents but this was a first for them. Anyone else had anything like this happen to them or someone they know ?

  7. Parthiban how did you get on ?

    Very randomly dad sneakily exchanged his old Nikon for a D200 just before we went away Skiing over xmas. Didnt get to use it much but when we got back going through the photos and they are fantastic, the image quality is much higher than the old D70 he had, it also takes 5 frames a second which i like :D

    Im going to take it out tomro to the autosport show at NEC so i'll let you know how it goes.

    As i did my A level with a SLR i havent done any shooting in RAW so will look into it and see how it works etc. As i've never done it before would you recommend doing it all tomro at the Autosport show or not as i dont wanna F up all my photo.

    Heres a few my dad took, just in Jpeg not sure what settings, as the D200 doesnt have the pre set "landscape, sport" etc




  8. forget using Diesel truck turbos, most of our kit uses Holset, there designed for engines ranging from 5.9litre cummins to 32litre cummins/RR

    the compressor maps are all wrong for use on track, they with some manipulation make good drag turbos, but your talking 1500-2000+ hp engines.

    just buy a ****** normal turbo and stop trying to over complicate your project ;)

    I know someone who works at Ricardo's hes checking out the possiblitly of it working with the 1jz as the car will be revving all the time the possible lag it may produce shouldnt be a problem unless its really high up the rev range.

    Its a T4 flange so if it doesnt work i can just change the turbo and the beginning part of the exhaust system, which will be pretty easy. If it saves me £700 i'll give it a try :)

  9. Any new updates yet mate?

    Starting on the engine mounts this week. Gotta get the right steel and thickness etc then make them up.

    Got someone at Ricardo's seeing if the Holset turbo will be ok for the application.

    Nearly order a manifold from the US the other day but im too skint. Even buying limited pressy's this year and i'm still out of pocket LoL

  10. So was it a case of new turbo/new engine internals using a lot more oil than usual, and running out ?

    With any new engine, and one running so much power, you should keep your eye/check your oil, not wait until the oil lights on :D

    Agreed on checking oil but, Sam only had the car for a week or 2 before this problem came up. Sam did you notice any drips on your drive/where u park at work at all ? If there's no leaking from external then the engines burnt the oil itself which could be much worse i.e. Piston rings or Turbo oil seals where already shot when the turbo went on. But to be honest if your engines burning oil you should really notice due to large amounts of smoke out the rear LoL.

    Hope its sorted soon for you mate.

  11. I've had a D40X for about a year now and I love it (although I am lusting after a D90 body....). I bought a 70-200 lens to supplement the kit lens and then got frustrated at the Festival of Speed because I always had the wrong lens on. An extra £400 later I've got the 18-200 lens and life's great. I would like a macro lens though. Have a look at

    When doing my Photography A level i brought a macro "add on" for about £40 worked really well, also had really wide angle bit one that give the bowl type effect

  12. As far as im aware Nikon havent changed there lense swapping tradition, Both the lenses we've got where from our old SLR Nikon. Its amazing at the price of those, DSLR have dropped massively. To give you a comparison. My Dad payed £900 for the body alone, for the D70 and that was in Maylaisa so was cheaper than here in the UK. This was a fair few years back though when DSLRs where a new thing.

  13. My dads got the D70 and still using his old lenses as they are all interchangable with Nikons SLR's. We've got a 18-70mm and a monster 70-300mm. The photos on auto come out great, but once you start playing with the f stops, shutter times etc you can start getting really good shots, just read up and take you time.

    Another thing thats really handy is a gorilla pod, really handy when out and about and want a long exposure but havent got full size tri pod or a good surface to set up on.

  14. Computers tend to transfer files with e-mail not Bluetooth...

    That is incorrect, we use the internet to transfer file, but many uses for Bluetooth, lots of phones/printers/headphone etc etc use Bluetooth to transfer data,audio,visual etc.

    You really have to give in sometimes mate, its a function that SHOULD be on the phone.

    Your comment on apple users not wanting to hang out with people from the 90's is such a typical comment from an apple slave like yourself, again you really have shown how much of a apple slave u are, its really quite worrying and pathetic.

    Back to topic of which phone to get, go try them all out and choose for yourself. Ive tried a few out really liked the HTC touch HD (the short go i had) like the look of a few others but really waiting for the next google phone. The thing with the Iphone is you have to pay for it, then pay monthly, then get dragged in to the whole app's thing which makes you spend more money buying them its good marketing from apple but i'll hold off paying them for it as long as i can.

  15. Good stuff, look into Nippon Challenge theres hp/weight classes next year so really even racing :) We had TV coverage on motors TV if anyone caught it. Would be some good advertiment for Prolex if you took part next year ;)

    Not interested.

    Its a shared drive/ownership so not fair on the others..............its also Janeys daily driver

    Fair do's just an idea, you can do split drives in most race series.

    nippon thing is a bit micky mouse as well.............

    You have your own opinion but how can you say that when you compete in what is basically a very expensive track day ?

    Nippon should have MSA recognition next year which will launch it into a massivly covered series, with quite a few time attack people already racing this year and more joining next year things can only get better, but thats a bit micky mouse isnt it :whistling:

    I do indeed but I did it. You have yet to start your car and even enter :whistling:

    I hope it goes well for you and the massive coverage gets it on BBC1 or ITV...which I doubt.

    Its unlikely I'll be doing Time Attack in 2009 as the cost/track time ratio was ***** poor as was the TV coverage.

    I'll be running the Vitz with janey and my IS350 in the Toyota Sprint Series with the odd track day trip to the Nurburgring thrown in.

    I'm not sure how either series will do in the current economic climate..........I'd say owner drivers may do better as the tuners are struggling to make ends meet.

    One dealer has seen his containers costs increase by £15000 yet can't pass the cost on to customers ..............that can't go on.........

    No bbc yet lol motors tv already covered Brands and one of the other rounds but costs are pretty high. If it gets MSA recognition eurosport isnt off the cards but as you said not the best time for it. We're having trouble getting donnington for some reason which is a pain as i would love to race there before its changed for the F1.

    My course and other cars have taken up much of my time at the moment, but broken up for xmas already so work will be going soon. Ordering manifold from US this week hopefully.

    Might do a sprint round if there are any close, do you have to run toyos still ?

    All the best to yourself an the other for next year.

  16. Bluetooth handsfree is like any other phone - just turn it on and pair it to the kit - it's just that the iPhone can't do file transfers over Bluetooth or let you listen to music through stereo headphones etc - it just works with headsets and carkits as that's the only profile it handles.

    Saw a shot of a new Nokia UI earlier, looks quite nice, no idea what they're going to implement it on though!

    So is there differnent types of blue tooth then like audio and data ? I find it odd that it can do one but not the other ?

  17. Good stuff, look into Nippon Challenge theres hp/weight classes next year so really even racing :) We had TV coverage on motors TV if anyone caught it. Would be some good advertiment for Prolex if you took part next year ;)

    Not interested.

    Its a shared drive/ownership so not fair on the others..............its also Janeys daily driver

    Fair do's just an idea, you can do split drives in most race series.

    nippon thing is a bit micky mouse as well.............

    You have your own opinion but how can you say that when you compete in what is basically a very expensive track day ?

    Nippon should have MSA recognition next year which will launch it into a massivly covered series, with quite a few time attack people already racing this year and more joining next year things can only get better, but thats a bit micky mouse isnt it :whistling:

  18. Havent seen anything on N97 yet could be interesting.

    THis is what pi55es me off with apple they make a product that can do things and then dont let people use them until they pay an extra charge.

    Blue tooth that again is a joke lots of things use it, and again its a fundamental thing that most people would "expect" on a phone and you dont get.

    Like Stav said how do u connect to existing blue tooth device like car kits etc.

  19. Good stuff, look into Nippon Challenge theres hp/weight classes next year so really even racing :) We had TV coverage on motors TV if anyone caught it. Would be some good advertiment for Prolex if you took part next year ;)

    Not interested.

    Its a shared drive/ownership so not fair on the others..............its also Janeys daily driver

    Fair do's just an idea, you can do split drives in most race series.

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