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Posts posted by Greedy80

  1. Ok first of just to let you all know I am no mechanic and any and all works that have been made to my car were one so by a trusted local Japanese specialist garage.

    Basically I too suffer from clunky, creaky breaks like many others on here but the reason I didn't just add this post to one of the other topics is because I also am having disc warping issues. Sure enough the breaks clunk when I come to a full stop or a combination of breaking at low speed or breaking and turning at low speed. Breaking to a full stop is not only usually a clunk but that sound is also accompanied by a creak. I have actually had the brake noise problem (both creaking and clunking) go away previously when I have in the past changed my discs and pads but the noise has returned some miles later, I would say about 2000 miles after they seemingly had been cured. My belief is that this combination of noises is likely down to shims and springs not being replaced but instead the garage have no doubt packed the brakes up with copper grease. Then naturally after a period of use the noises return as the grease wears away. I really don't think the issue is suspension related as such because of the way the noise was previously cured during the pads and disc change. This said because of the age of my car I will slowly but surely of the next year start replacing suspension parts as time goes on starting with the lower ball joints, they aren't causing any problems at the moment but I'd rather replace them before they do. First off though I would love to sort the current issue I have with the brakes.

    Ok, in addition I would like to go over my warping issues I've had, first off I'm no racing driver and I'm careful when braking at all times, also I always allow new discs plenty of time to bed in and be naturally heat treated by use. I originally had my OEM discs and pads replaced due to simple wear, having read the forum for months I opted for the much loved Mintex Brake box which came with both Mintex Discs and pads, no mixing of brands here. Once fitted I had no problems other than initial clunking (no creaking at this point) so I went back to the garage and they checked them over, i.e greased them up better and the clunking was gone. Then after a couple of thousand miles the discs had warped and the clunking was back (not at the same time just approx)so I took the car back to the garage but because I bought the discs myself I couldn't have them changed there and then and for £30 had my front discs skimmed. Interestingly the near side front disc was in a worse condition than the passenger side front, not quite sure what that means but the garage inspected the calliper and couldn't find any issues. So happy motoring for another few thousand miles and bam warped discs again. So I was a bit disheartened and was beginning to think I should have opted for the Mintex's after having read all the people on here who just accepted the knocking as the norm for Mintex brakes and my warping experiences. So this time determined to sort things I bought a suggested brand of disc from the garage and had those fitted, no new pads as I enquired if these would need to be replaced and under inspection they were deemed unnecessary. I wasn't completely sure about this but thought I would just put myself in the hands of this trusted garage and if there were any issues I'd be back and just get them to sort it.

    So anyway we are now almost up to date and my car just about two and a half months ago I had a whistling sound coming form the front right, under inspection it turned out that I needed some new bearings and initially looked like the hub assembly was warped! Later it was actually confirmed that parts of the hub assembly namely the flange (talking as if I have a clue what that does) were causing the problem. I enquired tentatively if this would result in me also needing new discs and possibly pads, I was told no. Again I thought that those would have needed to be replaced as I assumed the warped hub (hub parts) would create warped discs? But I collected my car and all seemed well although I still had knocking from the brake pads, by now having paid out I was no less determined to sort this problem but had to save some cash for a while first.

    Ok so now we are up to date, about a month ago (I have been busy with work) my discs were showing early signs of warping and sure enough as of today the brakes are clearly warped braking has once again become a jittery affair. Also of course the knocking and creaking are still ever present. So now I have soo many factors in the air it's hard to determine what exactly is the cause of my warping this time. Could it be that the discs were effected by the warping of the hub assembly parts? Could it be they simply just became warped as a result of my driving (unlikely)? Could it be that there is something more going on with the brakes and caliper that might cause this? Again I'm no mechanic but my thoughts are leaning to the discs having been harmed by the warping of the hub.

    I guess why I'm posting this is too give you guys a look into what I've been going through. I also wondered what you guys would do next? I'm gonna go back to the garage again I think and get them to replace or skim the discs again, hopefully replace because when I had the last set of discs I did enquire what might happen if they warped again and I was told they should easily be able to replace them if they do I will pay the extra and have new shims and new spring clips fitted at the same time, although if the pads aren't OEM it could be hard getting proper fitting clips I believe.

    There is a big part of me that sort of thinks whilst Lexus would be expensive, just take the car to them and get them to fit new discs and pads and then if this happens again immediately go back to them and get it sorted. The hope is here that they would sort it or at least secondly if they don't sort it straight away as a result of their customer care they will rectify the issue for little or no additional cost. I would like to do that but I have already invested so much money and time into the other garage and the process so far that possibly I'm only £20 or so pounds away from a sorted car is skimming solves the issue.

    Anyway guys as always your help,advice and thoughts will be greatfuly received and I will of course post back with an update....

    P.s thaks for reading all this :D

  2. I can't help you with the alcantara seats, mine were too badly marked for it to be worth doing lol

    how long did the clay stage take you?

    Tyre Dandy Tyre foam is a good one for engine bays apparently, I just give mine a regular wipe over with a slightly damp cloth tho

    Claying didn't take too long nut mine had been clayed about 6 months earlier by a professional and it'll take a little longer or indeed less time depending on how rough the surface is at the beginning. My car took me about 50 mins to an hour I'd say, the roof boot lid and bonnet are the areas that get most effected by surface contaminants because they are upward facing. The flanks of the car tend to take less time, except for perhaps around the wheel arches where you may have stubborn break dust or tar. Personally though I think it is the part of the process that has the biggest impact on the end result. You'll be amazed at just how smooth the paint work is after you've clayed.

    Let me know how you get on! :winky:

  3. Hey guys also does anyone here have a good suggestion for what I should use on my seats? I have a half leather interior and whilst cleaning the leather is no problem I've never been fully sure about what to use on the alcantara stuff, I believe on our cars this material is called escaine or something like that. Anyway just wondered what to use somebody on here suggested using a light use of vanish upholstery cleaner. Anyway any suggestions would be greatfully received.

  4. hehe i'm the same with mine. Spent 7 1/2 hours on friday with a wash and first coat of wax (turtle wax platinum) followed by the wheels and tyres (carplan used), Leather cleaned (turtlewax platinum again) & Hoovered the inside. Saturday was 5 hours with a 2nd coat of wax and the windows (Meguiars window cleaner). And finally just 4 1/2 hours 2day using a new product i found, its the Turtlewax car wash (platinum range), cannot remember if this is its name but its used for after a wax (a glaze if you will) and it is brilliant stuff to give an extra shine. Quick to apply and quick to rub in, i would really reccomend trying it if you have been using any other other platinum range - i will edit the post later when i have a look at it.

    Got work again monday, so sadly the dashboard and other plastics are going to have to be spread out with an hour each night.

    Then next weekend it's a quick rub in of Meguiars Ultimate Quick Detailer, engine bay cleaned and a second cleaning of the leather, pictures will follow :D

    What do you clean your engine bay with?

  5. ill put some pics up maybe - gearknob was £32 from lexus so cheap really - i may keep em or see if a couple of people on here who have been a big help to me need em and just give them to them if they need em tbh - not sure really as never seen keyrings like em but too nice to let go with the car,look oem to me - taxdisc holder is the proper lexus engraved oem one which you have to undo 6 allen key bolts to change the tax disc !! also got a set of plastic mouldings for underneath the car if anyone has a set which are cracked and need replacing , free to collecter if anyone wants em

    Hi buddy I have been reading your post about leaving the lexus and getting your es, I'm glad to here you found a good one and have done the deal so to speak. As you mentioned your gear knob is looking for a home I wanted to express an interest too, my current one is scratched and I'd love to get an oem replacement.

    I take it that the knob is the kind that has the shiny ball on top and the grey bottom half. Just asking because this is what is currently on my car and I'd like to replace like with like. Anyway if you let me know that would be great I could pay via paypal if you like.

    Anyway whatever happens I'll be sad to see you as an IS200 owner leave the forum, enjoy your Disco!

  6. the reason the autoglym bug remover did nothing for you is that you didn't follow the instructions on the bottle. it's not a spray on, hose off product, and as such isn't meant to work as one.

    looks like you did a good job but a couple of things i wouldnt do, one is use the ice polish on the trim (its got petroleum jelly in, it dries out rubber, same reasons you dont use vaseline to lubricate seals).

    i presume the meguiars purple stuff is hot wheels spray on wheel cleaner? it's pretty good stuff, i actually dilute it down one to 2 with water because it's strong enough that you can do this.....

    and as for tyre shine, meguiars gold class gel tyre shine, enough said. genuinely the most long lasting tyre shine i've used.

    i hate talking about detailing cos it has a tendency to make you sound like a *****, so apologies if this post does. i'm not a professional and you'll never see me give it the whole "that wax is rubbish use this one you're clearly wrong" opinion... just letting you know the best products i've used that you can buy in halfords with no trouble.

    I'm not sure we are both thinking of the same product when it comes to the Autoglym bug and tar remover, the one I used specifically states an apply and rinse method.

    As for using Turtle wax Ice I didn't use it on any rubber surfaces just the outward facing black painted surrounds of the windows.

    Other than that though thanks for the feedback I'll try the maguire tyre shine in future... :winky:

  7. Hi just though I'd share the process I used to detail my car, first off sorry for the quality of the photo, it's always hard to show how reflective the paint of a silver car is and even more so when the pictures comes from a rubbish Iphone.

    So I got my butt outta bed and made a start at 6am last Saturday, the products I used were Autoglym Bug and tar remover, Maguire's Gold car shampoo, Maguire's Super Towel, Autoglym fine detailer kit which included Autoglym clay bar and lubricant, Autoglym Super Resin Polish, Turtle wax platinum polish, Simoniz Original Carnuba wax, Simoniz Alloy cleaner with break dust repelent, Simoniz tyre dressing, Maguire's Glass cleaner and finally some Turtle wax Ice Polish.

    So for the process I firstly rinsed the car thoroughly with clean cool water to wash down any dust or loose surface contaminents. Then I sprayed about half a container of AG bug and tar remover onto the front bumper, I had a big build up of dead flies as I my drive on a daily basis is made up of country B roads and at this time of year it's just ridiculous trying to keep the front end clean. So I sprayed the front end and allowed it to settle and react for 30 secs before hosing it down thoroughly. To be honest I was pretty unimpressed with the AG bug and tar remover, it did very little to remove or loosen anything. So I repeated the process but it really didn't have massive effect, I really need to consider a better alternative than AG that said perhaps leaving it a little longer to settle than the recommended 30 secs might help. Luckily when I later used the Mag's shampoo they come off with out much pressure.

    Next step was to rinse the car thoroughly once more with the hose pipe. Now I started to give the car a really good shampoo, I've found Maguire's gold to be really great for this. I used the two bucket and and hose pipe method so I had my bucket of shampoo which was mixed with warm water and my bucket of clear cool water with a grit retainer inside to draw any grit or debris from my mits as I rinsed them and finally a hose which used to rinse each panel individually as I shampooed each one.

    Now I proceeded to dry the car all over using the Maguire's Super Towel which has a waffle weave and it did a great job only really requiring the towel to be lifted and then patted on each surface of the car to dry it completely. I next used a real leather chamois to clean the windows as I still believe this is the best way to get a really clean glass.

    The next step and in my opinion the most important and impressive one was to clay bar the car using the AG fine detailer clay and lubricant. I was until this point always interested in cleaning my car and doing a fine job but I'd never used a clay bar kit before, I have to say it has an amazing effect on the paint work bringing back shine and just creating an absolutely glass like finish. Needless to say I was so impressed and I can't recommend it enough. The thing that impresses as well is the fact the car is already clean to the eye but when you see what the clay pulls from the paint it's quite amazing. Sorry to go on but this is good stuff!

    For the next step I Polished the car using AG Super resin polish which is another great product and left a deep shine to the car. I also onced over with some Turtle wax platinum Polish which further deepened the shine.

    Now I moved on to the black surrounds of the windows where I liberally polished them with Turtle wax Ice polish, the reason I used this was because it leaves now residue and makes a good job of clear and black areas of the car and trim. For example it works well on headlights.

    Next I waxed the car thoroughly using Simoniz Original Carnuba wax. Now I picked this wax because I had heard very good things about it's durability and this is very true but it can be tough to use in too high a temperature. I waxed first of all my roof boot lid and bonnet using straight lines of wax first then going back and working in the opposite direction across the applied wax to make sure an even application of wax was distributed. I worked in probably 30cm area chunks because it was getting warm and removing the wax would have been tough. Naturally I didn't want to use an abrasive action so I decreased the area and worked the wax off lightly. In cooler conditions though it's a great wax to work with.

    Next I moved onto the wheels which I rinsed clean (previously washed with the car) I applied and rinsed the Simoniz Alloy cleaner twice for each wheel which does a fair job I'd say but again I'm looking for a better replacement for this. Although it creates a great shine it finds it hard to deal with tougher road tar and break dust spots on the alloys. In fact since I cleaned the car I have picked up some Maguire's Alloy cleaner (purple stuff) which I have yet to use. I'm a bit weary here though because of course our beloved IS200's do tend to get corrosion on the wheels and mine is no exception so I don't want to use anything that will encourage this.

    Then I dressed the tyres using a spray from Simoniz just to give the tyres shine. Again I am aware of some better products that do this but to be honest I'm not sure how much I want to spend on tyre dressing. If anyone has any thought on this though I'd be glad to hear them.

    Then Finally I used Maguire's Glass cleaner just to shine and gloss the windows.

    Job done!! :winky:

    Next time if I have time I'm gonna by some glazes from Poorboys and see if I can get an even shinier result!


  8. Agree 100% with Kam, no point wasting money on anything other than an HID kit as the difference is immense! It takes about 15 mins to fit a kit, and if you know how to change a light bulb you won't have any problems.

    I had 8000Ks on mine for ages and never had any problems with the police or the MOT. And now with 5000K on they just look like any other car on the road with OEM xenons, pure white light so just blends in nicely.

    Just go for it, it's the only option that makes sense :winky:

    Thanks for the help guys I'm going to look into getting the HID's are the any you would recommend perhaps on eBay, equally any you might avoid, simplicity of fitting is key for me.

    Thanks again.

  9. Hi all I have an IS 200se, 51 plate and although I have had it for a while and have often considered HID replacement bulbs as the standard one are as dim as everybody states I've never felt particualrly confident about a) fitting the HID's and B) Their legality with regard to an MOT (normal ones I don't want any crazy blue ones or anything.

    SO the question I want to ask here is what bulbs are an improvement on the OEM's without going to HID's? Also approximate cost would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance!

  10. I know it's a small thing but do you guys have any decent recommendations for screen wash, I've been looking into it and there are so many. I've been considering some of the more expensive rain repellent ones but I'm not sure if they are any good. If you guys can give me some suggestions then I'd appreciate it.

    Also just paid my tax today and can't quite believe that I pay the same road tax as a Porsche Cayenne driver £245!!!



  11. I was going to ask whether it was the whole mirror or just the painted cover as they're quite cheap but as I got to the bottom I noticed you've already solved it - good result overall.

    Well Guys just to finish of this thread I got my wing mirror cover from Lexus Poole on Wednesday and they were extremly helpful, Steve the parts guys there sadi he followed this forum and had seen this thread so he gave me a discount, top stuff! He even fitted the part for me there and then. Brilliant stuff! Just a shame I clipped in the first place but what can you do?

    Glad to help except its Andy not Steve :winky:

    Ahh thanks Andy sorry about that.

  12. hi all, new to this forum, recently purchased an is200 sport (waited a long time to get one so want to keep her mint), only just noticed in the last week a very faint whistling noise from the rear wheel driver side area whilst cruising at 30 or so, and when you speed up it gets quicker so its a wheel bearing I think, im not a mechanic so this is a rough guess, is this a common fault etc???



    I wouldn't say it's that common but it's likely to effect lexus cars of a certain age or mileage, my se is a 51 plate and has developed this symptom from the drivers side front but it was more than just the bearing and I need a whole hub assembly now. I hope it's not that for you but I'd get it checked out as soon as you can the longer this goes on the more potential damage I believe could occur.

  13. I've just reread your original post and you might have a slightly different problem to me - my bearings are only being replaced because you have to when replacing the flanges, but there is no fault with the bearings.

    But seeing as everything is being stripped off anyway may as well have the flange replaced too as if they do have a problem you'll have to pay to have everything replaced all over again.

    That's a very good point and I'll make sure they check this too.

  14. bit off the topic,

    I noticed a few times when I am parking my car into the garage (slow turning with gentle breaking) I can hear the "click - click - click" noise from the driver side front wheel.

    I hope this is no the same issue with this post, if not what should I check?

    many thanks


    Actually this does sound similar to the noise I was getting at low speed, although I'm no mechanic i do know that if you jack your car up you can then grab the wheel from its sides and the basically try to wiggle it. If there is play in the form of lateral movement then something needs replacing whether it's just the bearing or the whole assembly you wont know but it'll give you an idea. I hope it isn't this though mate.

  15. No that quote is actually from WIM - but the price from Lexus was pretty much the same. Just prefer to do it at WIM as they've been really helpful, they stripped everything down and inspected everything completely free of charge so I want them to do the work too.

    It's apparently not that uncommon on the IS200 - they've done at least one other car (and maybe even 2).

    Basically the problem I have is that the drive flanges have warped on both sides, once this happens you have to replace everything or the problem will re-occur.

    So need new hubs and bearings to go with the new flanges - and obviously the discs need replacing as they've been warped by the flanges, and new pads go with that.

    It sounds like you're having everything I am but just on one side, hence half the price.

    I wish I could have this all done through WIM too but the guys are just too far away for me to be able to drive all that way with this problem. It's a shame because they did my geo and they were a great bunch of guys. I will be talking to my mechanic and I will double check that the price they have quoted me includes the new flange as nothing was mentioned about this.

  16. im guessing parthibian is having his done at a main dealers for both sides ? - greedy are you having both sides done for £500 - either way its worth a call to lexus to ask if they can inspect and quote and if thet would charge you to do so

    It's just the driver side front causing the probs so that's all that is being fixed. Sadly lexus couldn't compete.

  17. I have written a previous thread about my car producing certain noises when steering and breaking well I had it checked out by the garage and I am informed that it has dead bearing. This I suspected to be honest and was ready for the potential cost however I have also been informed that my hub assembly is warpped and needs replacing!! :tsktsk: £500 for the parts fitted! I can't belive it.

    How does a hub even get warpped?

    Anyone else had this issue?

    I've got the same problem, planning to get it done in the next few weeks. Need new hubs, flanges, bearings, discs and pads - gonna cost almost £1000 to fix! :crybaby:

    Oh mate i'm sorry to hear that I was taken aback by £500 but £1000 is a lot of money. You say 'hubs' have both of yours gone? Mine is warped but just on the drivers side so mine is the hub assembly plus the bearing. What actually causes this warping? I've got the guys at the garage to order the parts and I'll get it done asap I don't want more damage occurring as a result of driving it around. I wish I was a mechanic and could fit this stuff myself. I checked with Lexus and they couldn't really compete on price as their labor cost is 85 +vat per hr, the service guy was very helpful though I have to say.

  18. when you say checked out by a garage do you mean a main dealer ? if not it might be worth getting a 2nd opinion as i have found independants to be less then knowledgeable and competant besides as expensive as main dealer or more so - your main dealer might give you a free check and quote for the job

    It wasn't a main dealer but it is a trusted local that specializes in japanese cars, plus the guy working on the car runs an IS himself. I am tempted though to get the lexus dealer to take a look if it's likely to be free. I'll have to see how long those parts will take to arrive.

  19. I have written a previous thread about my car producing certain noises when steering and breaking well I had it checked out by the garage and I am informed that it has dead bearing. This I suspected to be honest and was ready for the potential cost however I have also been informed that my hub assembly is warpped and needs replacing!! :tsktsk: £500 for the parts fitted! I can't belive it.

    How does a hub even get warpped?

    Anyone else had this issue?

  20. Right guys well my pride and joy is going to be taken to my trusty local garage tomorrow but since posting this thread a new noise has developed along with all of the others. Again I believe it is coming from the nearside front wheel and the noise can be described as a high pitch whistling noise that is most audible at around 45mph. So now I'm thinking perhaps a bearing is on its way out, my question is does this sound right and also what do those that now think this will cost to fix? I've found this part on eBay

    Is that a typical price and a typical part or are there better (suggested) types available?

    Thanks again guys you are my source of knowledge! :shifty:

  21. have you try'd checking the ball joints top and bottom?

    I have to say I haven't but I also have to say I'm not sure how to. Any chance you can give me some pointers? Also if this is the problem what sort of cost is this likely to be to get fixed.

    I'm no mechanic I'm afraid. My father said it might be a bearing issue and that I should jack the car up the tug the wheel top and bottom to see if there is any kind of play.



    Ps. further to this the noise is now apparent when I come to a full stop, provoked by the motion of the car lurching as it stops completely and it's more of a creak sound. Technical huh?!

  22. Hi all once again I turn to the lexus forum for my first opinion.

    I have had the discs and pads replaced on my car at a garage about 3 months ago and they have been working absoloutley fine and still are. However I have noticed over the last couple of weeks that sometimes when I break I can hear a sound coming from the drivers side front wheel. At first it sounded like the pads moving in the calipper slightly, like people have described on here before, however upon further listening and experimenting the sound is most apparent when steering and break at the sametime especially at low speeds in first gear. When doing this the sound seems more than just pads clunking in the calipper too.

    This said when your breaking with or without the noise the car is slowing as it should be and the breaks appear to be doing a perfectly good job of stopping the car, so there has been no deteriation in performance at all. Also when driving at speed and breaking the noise doesn't appear to occur. This morning when I set out for work I drove with the radio off and wanted to listen out for the problem and despite driving slowly up to junctions and steering I couldn't provoke the noise into happening. However about 9 miles into my journey I pulled into a friends road and had to perform a 3 point turn and the noise was back, so I'm thinking it could be something that's happening as the breaks warm.

    Quite honestly I park on a gravel drive and live in a village, so I thought perhaps something could be obstructing the action of the breaks, either some small stones from the drive or a twig or small branched trapped in the wheel well. Like I said it's not just a clunking sound, anyway I just wondered what you guys thought it might be or if it sounded like something else seen here before.

    My concern is that it'll be a ball joint or rubber bushes or something like that, that are causing the issue. hope not! :(

    Anyway I hope you guys can shed some light.



    p.s the car is a 51 plate se

  23. I was going to ask whether it was the whole mirror or just the painted cover as they're quite cheap but as I got to the bottom I noticed you've already solved it - good result overall.

    Well Guys just to finish of this thread I got my wing mirror cover from Lexus Poole on Wednesday and they were extremly helpful, Steve the parts guys there sadi he followed this forum and had seen this thread so he gave me a discount, top stuff! He even fitted the part for me there and then. Brilliant stuff! Just a shame I clipped in the first place but what can you do?

  24. Ok well an update I have managed to get a quote from lexus for the body coloured shell on my wing mirror which a crazy woman driver broke. It's not too bad at 30.24 +vat, I honestly thought it would be more I went to a non lexus body shop and they were charging 30 for the part and the same again to paint it so I have opted for the Lexus option which comes pre-painted. Good stuff!

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