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Can anyone tell me where to locate the ECU in my RX300 (2003 model). I need to send it off to get it tested. From what I have heard, once found, its just a few bolts and then unplug it ??? Also, does anyone know of a trusted testing/ repair centre which I can use, as there are many on the internet !! Thanks

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Hi Barrie,

According to Lexus, my ECU needs replacing because they said that was the reason for my Engine and VSC dash lights being on. They did loads of tests, including changing a sensor, which I now understand did not need changed !!

Anyway, I took it to Waleed at UK Tecniks and he said it was one of the Cats, so that has been changed and all is good so far. He has said that he cannot understand why Lexus changed a sensor and then said that the ECU needs replaced (maybe, I got the junior technician !!).

So, a few quid (well, a lot of quids) later, it seems to be sorted.

So glad I did not go down the ECU route, that would have been thousands, unless I took it to a ECU specialist that can either repair or replace for a fraction of the cost of Lexus. But Lexus informed me that if they did change the ECU, they could not guarantee that this would sort my problem.. well, that is just not good enough from the so called experts and my expectations of Lexus main dealers has dropped of the radar !!!

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Hi Bobby,

Many thanks for the information, very interesting. Waleed came out trumps then, nice to know that we have technical expertise in our area. When you say that he replaced one of your cats, would this be the exhaust system catalytic converter or a sensor?

Would the Lexus dealer (with the junior technician) be located in Bracknell?

Glad to hear that it worked out well for you.


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It was the catalytic convertor at the rear of the engine manifold , apparently the RX300 has three in total !!! Lexus Bracknell has been closed for many months now and it only leaves Reading as my nearest choice. Both Lexus Bracknell and Reading were part of the Octogan group, but were bought out by the Jemca Group, since then , it has just got worse !!! I think I'll stick with UK Tecniks from now on, albeit a bit further and I have to stay and hangaround in Maidenhead whilst my car is there !!

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