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Posts posted by tony_hetherington

  1. Just seen on another board I use frequently this post.....


    We are going to hit close to 89p a litre by the summer

    Want petrol prices to come down?

    We need to take some intelligent, united action, Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

    This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy petrol on a certain day" campaign that was going around last April or May!

    The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for

    them BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read it and join in!

    Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP at 77p

    -80p, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come

    down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their Petrol! and we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

    Here's the idea:

    For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

    If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It's really simple to do!! Now, don't whimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

    I am sending this note to a; lot of people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the

    message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!

    If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it... .. THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!

    Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all.(and not buy at ESSO/BP)

    How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8

    days!!! I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you!

    Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on



    It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Tesco, Sainsburys, Jet etc.

    Boycott BP and Esso.

    --------------------------------------------------------- caused a big (but I still think healthy) debate on the RS owners board.

    My personal opinion - consumer power CAN still exist, it just isn't necessarily utilised with cases such as petrol. The blockades of 2yrs ago may have only been actioned by <100 people, but had MASSIVE country wide support, even though it meant people had no petrol.

    Prices are set to rise, and with no DECENT public transport system to fall back on (which is of course the governments aim in raising petrol prices) I think that protests such as this would be healthy.

    One thing's for can't continue in the way it is going!


  2. oh sorry, i see what you mean.

    I completely took the ash tray out, as in not put it back again (I do smoke, but NEVER EVER EVER in my car). The width of the hole for the ash tray is PERFECT for the width of the display. Conseqeuntly, the wire's go back behind and dont come out over the top (so it looks very neat as well).

    As I say, I have some black felt to put in there just to tidy it up a bit and to stop money rattling (cos that's what I'm going to use it as).

  3. dont worry - I was really careful !!!

    Understand what you mean though.....but it fit through just perfect (you'll see what I mean if you pull up that gear stick cover etc - it's fair spacious down there.

    Though do be careful of that big silver thing with all the wires coming off it underneath where the radio is......that's the airbag sensor !!!

  4. Someone on another post (I forget who, sorry) mentioned about the buffers that you can get from Halfords/Argos etc. etc.

    I've never used one before, and so was after everybody's opinion on them?

    I'm very very VERY careful of my car, and a bit of a perfectionist to be honest, so I'm used to spending hours upon hours getting it just right - but wondered if anyone's had good experiences / bad experiences with them, and if you'd recommend getting one (and if so which one!?!)

    Thanks for any comments at all


  5. I have no pics at the moment, but might be able to get some done at lunch and if I can i'll post.

    It was (relatively) simple to get it in the ash tray.

    take out the ash tray itself

    pull up the whole gear stick cover/platform bit the runs from under hand brake to under radio (it just pulls up, no screws or anything). but dont life it all the way over the gear knob.

    slightly (i.e. dont break it!) turn it upside down and you can see two screws underneath where the ash tray was. Undo them and you have enough leverage to fit the connector through, then do them back up (because it's only the thing cable you have going through the ash tray).

    Then run the cable underneath the steering wheel, and then through the normal route back to the boot.

    If I can find someone with a camera, I'll post a pic this lunchtime, if not, I'll do it over the weekend for you.

    Looks quite good though, though I haven't finally mounted it yet cos I wanted to see how useable/good it looked there, but I think I will.

  6. Wildrnes.......thanks very much for the offer of help, but in the end it went very smoothly so I did not need to ring.

    It took me an awful lot longer than 2hours, but I was being very fussy about the whole thing.

    VERY happy with the sensors themselves and the way they work, the only downside is that the lacquer I used to spray the sensors came out a little lumpy, so doesn't look quite perfect, and a bit of glue squirted out the side of the middle sensor, so it has a small ring around it. I shall try and sort both aspects though.

    I mounted the display in the ash tray. Took the actual tray out, mounted the display at the back of it, and had my mum (thanks mum!!!) line the rest of the tray with black felt so it's now a money holder.

    all in all......well chuffed, and would recommend to many people.

    ....the beep is a bit annoying though!!!

    Just a quick thanks too to those who answered questions I had before I went ahead and fitted - a great help.


  7. Hi romka nice to hear from you but if you want to race take it to a track.

    I understand your comment, and lord knows I agree in some situations, but it's a little naive to think nobody's EVER going to race !? IS100 would be a totally plausable idea!?

  8. Thanks both for your replies - very helpful indeed.

    I think I understand alot better now how the IAM test works, and how you get there. I'm going to give my local group "leader" a ring this evening.

    Ideally I'd like to do the other test as well - I'll have a hunt and read up about that I think.

    Also what I'm going to do is take the Bentley Chaueffeur's course. It's VERY expensive, but recognised world wide and something I'd be really proud to do. SO....I think stuff it, it's only money, and I'm going to do it !! (something I've always wanted to do)

    Thanks again for your comments guys

  9. I'm looking into making some extra money on the side, and getting myself set up as a chauffeur.

    To do this I need certain qualifications, and one of them is the IAM Advanced Drivers test.

    I've been reading their site, and see that the best way to do it is to go to a group meeting (my local one is in Maidstone, Kent).

    Is anyone a member/or passed/ or have any info that would be of use?

    Thanks to anyone who can help


  10. Thanks again gents.

    Ordered them today so they should be with me by the weekend - hurrah! (Incidentally, I didn't know this, but Mike246 from here is Mike from Cleargate who supply the sensors). Top bloke, very helpful.

    I phoned lexus and ordered and spray of granite sky paint (which comes with the lacquer) cos I want to do it properly and make it look as subtle as possible - not bad, £7something + VAT.

    Wish me luck....I'll be taking a black and decker to my bumper on Saturday ( :( :blink::sad::nuke::yawn: :o )

  11. ah ha....

    thank you very much indeed for that.

    The purpose of the PVC board is just to provide a flush finish to the outside of the sensors I assume? Is there no problems with getting paint on any important parts of the sensors - the centre bit which receives the signal back or anything like that?

    And also (probably posed to some of the English guys out there) is the finish of regular Halfords equivalent spray paint good enough, or do I need to go to Lexus for the EXACT colour match? Oh, and do I need to lacquer it!?!

    So many questions.....I'm sorry!!

    But thanks very much for the reply though, Vince - much appreciated


  12. I've just ordered my set of parking sensors :)

    the drill through type. I see that they could be painted (my car's granite sky, so wouldn't look too bad if i didn't paint them, but wanna do the job properly).

    anyway, my question is, what's the best way to paint the sensors? Aersol? Touch up brush? And do I go to lexus for the paint, or just Halfords?

    Thanks for any help guys


    PS: read the article in the workshop bit, VERY informative, I've already downloaded the page to put next to me in my garage !!

  13. I'd have thought the tracking being out by so much would have been easily noticed though? As I said, with wheels 100% straight, the steering wheel was pointing about 10.30 left !! Quite a lot!!

    As for the stone chips - once the check had been done, my dad went there (as he was in Worcester at the time) and it still had loads of very evident chips on it.

    Was a bit dis-heartened by it, as I thought the RAC check would mean that 4 days after receiving the car that I WOULDNT need to take it back to get things sorted - alas, I did.

    What EXACTLY does it cover? You say nothing cosmetic, but they check for stone chips. If it's only mechanical, then they should have noticed the tracking/rusty hubs etc.?

  14. Hi all,

    As I think I explained to some of you at Brooklands, I had a few problems with my car, but am VERY surprised at their nature.....especially as the RAC check was carried out last Thursday!!

    ...the tracking was WELL out (with car driving straight, wheel was pointing at 10.30 if it was a clock)

    ...there were many stone chips on bonnet

    ...the CD player did not tune to FM and had problems with CD's 5 and 6

    ...the hubs were rusted.

    The important one is the tracking, but the RAC should have picked up on the other problems too? The reason I went to a dealer and paid that extra money is because of the check and the quality of the used cars. It all has now been sorted for me, by Lexus, but the question I ask is - "is the RAC check worth anything if these points were not picked up on?"

    Opinions please !

    PS: I'm not having a go at Lexus here. Their service and help has been top. They have slightly let themselves down here, but overall I am very impressed and would certainly buy Lexus again.

  15. Hi one and all

    At long last I have my car (it has NOT been without problems.....doh!) however, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you at Brooklands on Saturday. I've not been posting and bugging you all with questions because I'm away with work, but just to say I will indeed be there!

    Look out for me. I'm 22, have a Granite Sky IS200, and the number plate says A TONY H (it's A10 NYH). How many I will be is still up for consideration.....1.......2.........3.......who knows!?....

    See you all there

    (Best clean my car pronto when I get back I guess !!!)


  16. hi

    it's not st lucia pearl is it? taken from this list from one of the sticky threads in this forum.

    Astral Black.............................202

    Royal Sapphire.......................8m6

    Kensington Green..................6q7

    Platinum Ice...........................1c0

    Granite Sky..............................1c6

    Aztec Fire...............................3n3

    Chamonix White.....................040

    St Lucia Pearl..........................062

    Scarlatti Red...........................3P0

    Damietta Quartz......................585

    Strathcaron Blue....................8N8

    Glenarvon Pine.......................6R4

  17. Hi there,

    I'm glad you've asked this question cos I'm intrigued to know the answer too!

    What I can tell you though is that the tray on top of the radio (I assume that's what you call the lint tray?) is where the Sat Nav goes. There's a screen which folds down flat into it. I've fortunately come across the fitting kit for the sat nav, but without the screen/sat nav bits and so am thinking of putting a tv screen there. The advantage of doing that is that it will look factory fit-because you could use the standard sat nav parts (the cover, the motor, the fitments, the carrier). Also, there'll be space underneath the tray, so wiring and such like wouldn't prove too much of a problem.

    Unfortunately I dont have any pics, but somebody else may do.

    Sorry if not too much help - but good luck with it.

  18. .......I think there's one underlying point to bear in mind here, and that's that IS200's, for example, have a VERY high spec for comparable not much money compared to the likes of BMW's, Mercs etc, and perhaps that is somewhat forgotten when thinking of discounts etc ?

    Compare used prices of IS200's vs BMW 3 series and for same price you get NOWHERE near the same amount of car !!

    Just a thought to leave this -I think very constructive- thread with !

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