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Posts posted by TheDon

  1. One has come up with a q for one to answer if one can, so if one may be so bold as to ask....was does statemented mean?

    Well technicaly statemented generaly referes to children of a school age that have a form of dissability that needs or requires a child to have special treatment at school.. such as my semi nephew who has dyspraxia...

    but for the purposes of my first post it was a funky word that kinda fitted into what i was saying..

    basicaly it was worded so that no admission of guilt was neither expressed nor implyed... as it would be very wrong to download something like that from a torrent.. if you knew what they were..

  2. if one may have potentialy and completely free of illigality obtained a copy of the toyota EPC catalogue.. how would one go about getting a password should one require it for no apparent reason to access the lexus parts section for reference...

    i by now way condone the acutal idea of obtaining illigal software for personal use... as its immoral and very bad...

    but if someone did know hypertheticaly.. could they please let me know..

    thank you

  3. Autoglym engine and machine cleaner works well on a wetted enging bay with a brush... leave it for a while, was off with a watering can and do it once more.

    i then use a product called finish (from autosmart range) and it rejuvinates all rubber and plastic components to a new like state.

    Be carefull about getting water in the spark plug tubes though.. not a good thing!

  4. Free choice... nah... give me stalin any day.. lol

    Free choice leads to complete and utter chaos... people dont know what to do with free choice and take it for granted..

    for example.. by free choice i could give up working, get everything i need from the council and pop out 20 sprogs and get a huge house and £6k a month for being a breeder...

    but by accepting my role in society i dont, and conform to a social genre that helps guide through a veil of non acceptance.... and its that path that will lead to propper society.... and

    if were lucky...

    one day our own nuremburg ring.. lol

  5. Cheers everyone for all the responses

    I have no intentions of passing and then jumping onto anything over 500cc.

    I do and dont agree with the hp restrictions, i do as it probably will stop inexperienced people jumping straight on to something that they cant handle but then i dont agree as i believe you should have the choice.

    @TheDon - if you fancy teaching me how to ride a geared bike, that'd be great!

    Well there are about 150 miles between us.. so that might make it a little difficult... would be cheaper to do the CBT than to drive down lol

  6. i agree with ells with regards to why the limit should be there.. in the end 10 years ago if you had over 100bhp you had a serious bike... now 100bhp is entry lever 600cc teritory.

    with bikes easily pushing over 150bhp on a bad day i can just see more people getting killed weeks after direct access.

    I full heartly would say that if i had bought my ZX12R 8 years ago i would be stone cold dead, as in the end the bikes are missiles.. and the warhead is the person riding... biking is about experience.. judging that next corner and knowing when and what is safe.. finance deals allow people to bypass the traditional routes of saving up, trading up your old for new bike that used to be the self imposed restrictions.

  7. And then its due to get even harder combined with more restrictions on how long before you can ride full power bikes...:(

    Could never understand the logic on that one, unless its the same for new car drivers as well....which i doubt!!

    i know it is a joke, i can semi understand... but most of the problems are caused by born again bikers who passed 30 years ago and jump back on a bike paying only £100 for insurance then smash the fook out of it as it has a few more than 30hp....

    i do agree with a bit of a limit on HP for a few months.. i started out life on a restricted licence and do believe that if i didnt i would have died.. something to do with the initial feelings of imortality that come with youth and power! still managed to fook my body up with ony a 650cc vtwin! crashed in 2001 and still feeling the pain today

  8. i have a few other bikes you could have a go on.... bandit 600, gsxr 750, R6 or a ZX12R if your brave and have a few quid for new panels..... lol...

    have ridden a DNA 125, felt a little underpowered but was generaly a laugh. that yamaha 4 stroke racer looks good although it is exceptionaly skinny.. love the tail unit.. want it for a streetfighter project.. but cant find a decent one on eBay..

  9. how long are you going to leave it between getting your cbt and full licence?

    as everthing is changing (and not for the better) meaning that as of october/september this year you start to have to use the super centres... which are normally further away and use stupid non road based testing methods.

    And then its due to get even harder combined with more restrictions on how long before you can ride full power bikes...:(

  10. personaly 125cc and under i would say stay twist and go

    Why?.......if you have no experiance of gears then a 125cc geared bike will teach you a lot.

    a day on a 125cc - CBT would teach you all you need and then move up the chain, as for anyone over 10 stone a 125 just isnt enough for a full weight geared bike. a 500 is a safer alternative in my opinion as the 125cc bikes just dont have the power to ride safely (i.e. keeping up with traffic etc)

    But then thats just my opinion from 10 years of biking, having ridden everything from a 50cc to a 1.8l harley.

    The bikes that tought me most about gear changes etc were all above 500cc..

    For just riding to work short distances the benifits of a 125cc geared over a 125cc twist and go are negligable.. would say that the twist and go would be more relaxing. and some of the new 125cc bikes are exceptionaly capable

  11. well i can certainly say that of all the cars we have here you can not conventialy break into a lexus...

    the door frames are too solid to pull back, they also deadlock...

    the boots are near impossible to open up if they are locked (we have to use a forklift to prise them open)

    so the only option to get into the car is to smash the window! so if you get em tinted or some film... you should be pretty safe


    i watched an RAC man get into a gs300 (loz's) using conventional method, took him a matter of minutes and no damage done !

    admitidly the deadlocks were not activated, as he had shut the keys inside

    at JAE 2005 an is200 was entered, with no damage done

    at JAE 2006 an is200 was entered, with no damage done


    Unfortunately i have only ever dealt with deadlocked LS and GS models.. never had to do an IS..

    admittedly when cars are not deadlocked you can easily pop em open with a slide tool... or in the case of some ford focus by taking out a certain bulb and shorting it temporarily to open locks.. dont know if they are supposed to do that?

  12. well i can certainly say that of all the cars we have here you can not conventialy break into a lexus...

    the door frames are too solid to pull back, they also deadlock...

    the boots are near impossible to open up if they are locked (we have to use a forklift to prise them open)

    so the only option to get into the car is to smash the window! so if you get em tinted or some film... you should be pretty safe

  13. have owned a tomtom, a navman and a garmin...

    the tomtom went in the bin... the awful navman was stolen (thank god.... he is now probably lost and dead somewhere) and the garmin has been a dream... its a Nuvi 300.

    the main bits...

    Simple to use... even on the move :winky:

    Full postcode imput that is quick to get to.

    Quick connection

    Small and portable (fits in coat pocket)

    Customisable icons etc.

    Some of the others complicate with loads of functions that you just dont need.

    if you keep it simple you dont crash...

  14. Right... everything is now installed.. and working great! had the assistance of Evoelf from here today..

    We managed to create a complete plug and play solution for the head unit install that is completely free from any wire cutting.. which is nice if i ever want to reverse it. When i remake MK2 version tomorrow afternoon it should take less than 20 mins to install..

    Couldnt use the amp itself to output but was easy enough to put a signal to the sub from the head unit, which will do till i install the amp and new sub (when i choose which one - Want to run a 10" free air sub in place of the the stock one to keep boot space)

    Also the Pioneer PHBT20 is an excellent headunit and the handsfree capability is awsome.... so many features to learn...

  15. well last night i took a standard Toyota ISO plug harness and popped all the pins out, and within 5 mins had re-ordered them to work directly with the lexus configuration... so when the head unit arrives it will at least have power and speaker output. we will see how it goes.. need the head unit on there to determine which pins are for the airel up and down wire and which are for the illumination wire... but i have a good idea.. will produce a PDF if people are interested in it on how to adapt the ISO harness and install the stereo... as i know i couldnt find any decent info out there

  16. well here are the photos i took... starting with the back of the head unit


    here is the permanent and switched 12V



    here are the plugs for the back of the head unit


    here is the amp on the left hand side of the dash with imputs for the head unit and outputs to the speakers (top)


    and finally the orange plug to the right hand side of the glove box underneath the CD changer that heads back to the speakers and sub from the amp on the left of the glove box.

    Also note that there is a 12V power point arrowed on there


  17. a combination of a flat bladed screwdriver and a 19mm ring spanner is the first start.

    Gently prize open the top of the door frame with the screwdriver to allow the spanner (ring side up) into the gap.

    remove the screwdriver and put it into the ring of the spanner and turn it 90 degrees. this will force the door open enough to allow free movement of a coat hanger or the best thing in the world is a bonnet stay... as they normaly have enough strength to open the door handle from the frame and some can operate the lock itself.. practice makes perfect.

    If it can get into a 5 series BMW in under 15 seconds it can do a pug.. only ones that are buggers are vauxhauls that are dead locked.. they are a break the window type of car...

    BTW im not a car theif.... i just have to get into some of the cars that we have on site to get chassis numbers etc for the police and DVLA..

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