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Stuart Aspey

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Everything posted by Stuart Aspey

  1. I still haven't stopped for petrol since Stafford Services. 493.2 Miles ago. Okay, so the light has been on for 40 miles now . . . I'm gonna try for another 12 miles. . .
  2. Well, I've got to be in work for 8:30, there are a couple of stations on the way if I get scared, but Morrisons is who I'm aiming for. CF83 3EE - NP10 9SA is my planned journey 9.2 miles. Shorter than I thought. Edited again, via Bassaleg, the route over the mountain is closed. 12 mile . . . . lol
  3. Hi and welcome to Lexus ownership. If you drive your car like an LS owner . . . you will achieve the MPG claimed by Lexus. As you see from my Fuelly, I am achieving above what Lexus' official figures claimed since taking ownership of the vehicle in January.
  4. Have you done the search on to check decibel levels? I'm using Hankook Ventus Prime K115's as they are only 70dB, but it depends on the road surface itself, the roads down here in South Wales are patchwork and terrible, the newer tarmac'd roads are really quite, but some are atrocious . . .
  5. I know!?! I need to get a trailer and a secret garage so the wife wouldn't know. . . .
  6. Nice new signature mate! I've calculated that I've used 66 litres of petrol so far, judging by how far I've let the needle go down in the past and at 493.2 miles covered on 66 litres of fuel, I'm traveling at 7.479 miles per litre. I should be able to get 21 miles in before I start bringing up any sludge, though because I run the tank so low, there shouldn't be much there.
  7. I last filled the car up with petrol when we left Blackpool, last Thursday. I've since completed 493.4 miles and the low fuel light has been on since 452.3 miles. The needle is practically resting on the bottom, but tomorrow, I am going to attempt to drive a further 13 miles to the petrol station in Newport. . . . . . WIsh me luck guys.
  8. No further update at this moment in time. The vehicle is still there and NHS are refusing to respond to my request for permission to pursue this matter . . . . .
  9. I've done 10k since Jan. . . . I better let the insurance people know, I told them I only do 10k a year . . .
  10. Again, I reply to BarneyTT. When I went to have them looked at, I was told that they were not original Lexus parts and that they could fit a new set of non Lexus sensors using the original holes, or put original Lexus sensors in, but new holes would have to be cut into the bumper, as the current spaces are not where Lexus put them, and then fill the other holes. So I went with colour coded non original parts and paid Lexus fitting rates (£85 per hour)
  11. £300 including fitting by Lexus Cardiff. Working brilliantly now.
  12. I appear to have a problem uploading photos. I thought it was the pc, initially, so I transfered the photos onto my phone and I tried again. The photo uploader would find the file and begin to upload, but after 1min, the 'choose file and loading timer dissappear and do not return. The file is only 3.32 mb in size, so it shouldn't be an issue. . . .
  13. We have been booking this since my wife found out she was pregnant. We've never been to Scotland and we also felt that this would be our last big holiday for a while. Freshly washed and raring to go, but I'm not sure where to start.
  14. I don't know, it's on a Q plate, so it maybe a kit car, but the state of the engine makes me think it maybe a legit AC Cobra Shelby. It looks great in the flesh. The garage also has a V8 MGC GT
  15. We stayed at the Big Blue by the South Pier. It was only for the one night and, yeah, the weather in South Wales is fantastic too. I cleaned the car today.
  16. I filled up at stafford services. The fuel light came on at 491.8 miles and I stopped at 506.0 miles as I wasn't entirely sure how far away the next services were. 62.37 litres went in. There was still nearly 8 litres left in the tank. I could've gone a further 50 miles. MPG was 36.9 for that journey.
  17. Just leaving Blackpool for the last leg of the journey back to Wales.
  18. Ayrshire was amazing. My wife booked a night at Enterkine House. The car has been brilliant and there are many photos. We're currently in Blackpool and with 430 miles completed, only just on the last quarter notch, 500 miles will be achieved this time!
  19. Stopped off at Ayr to enjoy the beach while the sun is out. It's been a great holiday.
  20. Hey Barney. Glad you're loving the SportCross. It is more like an estate, once you start using it as an estate. The wing mirrors are cool, I don't remember when I first realised they did that. . . Yes, if you have not pressed the button and put the mirrors in by hand, when you next put the key in the engine, they will automatically pop back out, but if you press the button before the engine is turned off, they will pull in. Turn the engine off and then press the button again, when you come back and put the key back in, it will appear that they open automatically again.
  21. This photo was taken as we waited for the ferry from Kylerhea in the Isle Of Skye.
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