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Posts posted by Upex

  1. Not a clue, I'm going off 2 kind folks here chipping in, but lots on web about similar issues, but obviously very difficult and subjective to describe noise via text.

    I believe the abs is electronic not hydraulic, so possible to have electric noises going on when not braking I guess.

    Could do with this like a hole in the head at the moment lol.

    Wonder if these abs pumps starting to go would throw a code?

  2. On 2017-4-16 at 9:33 PM, NemesisUK said:

    The other thing it sounds like is the electric pressure pump for the brakes? Similar to MB's SBC

    So, more digging and this looks like a potential cause.

    The abs units are a potential weak point, and very expensive! From other threads on the web, some dealers have wanted more to replace than I paid for the whole car!

    Several folks have commented that Lexus wrote to them offering to fix, or repay costs if they already had replaced, but I can't find any actual evidence of a recall or such. Anyone know of it? As I hold no hope of Lexus offering me any help given their decline of my rust claim without reason.

  3. I once arranged an exchange of a motorbike for a car, went from Manchester to the very bottom of Cornwall on the bike, to get there and find was nowhere near nice as described.

    The journey had been freezing, wet and I'd had enough, so took the car anyway so could have an easier drive back lol.

    Have made many 8hr+ round trips for cars and bikes, always worth it if it's the one you want, as settling for one that's nearly want you want, only bites you in the ***** as soon as your home and everyday there forward until you sell it.

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  4. On 2017-5-15 at 5:42 PM, Farqui said:

    ... you should also be able to coast gently on batteries up to about 35mph...

    What impacts whether engine kicks in or not?

    I often think my engine kicks in far too soon. Drive same commute every day, often on the same flat road, I'm using very little throttle just to move along with traffic, and engine kicks in at 5-10mph. But now and again, I get up to 25-35, once upto 40mph before engine kicked in, but 85/90% of time it's walking/jogging speed when she turns on. This is always with a good charge in batteries, always get to that point in green top 2 bars, so not kicking in early due to low power.

    I think it's why my mpg is rubbish (I struggle to get 30, can get 32 if gentle during a longer run on a constant dual carriage way). 

    Welcome and enjoy Martin, they lovely and I felt same as you, cracking bit of kit for the money.

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  5. Could be, but up until 2 years ago, only ever went to Lexus, and the rust is older than that, so presented during Lexus being the only service people, thus I'd have hoped they would have said, or been the ones to inspect and perform such repair....

    Either way it's very short sighted, as was going to get them to sort issues out, do full service, investigate and fix whatever noise I've got and whatnot, which would earn them far more than the cost of a bonnet spray or replace!


  6. So, they declined my warranty claim after many weeks of radio silence, and only when i chased but didn't say why.

    I've pushed back and asked for official reply including rationale and evidence but anticipate they will say it's due to paint depth variance as it did show some when depth checked.

    It's not been painted previously that I can tell, if it has it's a bloody good job well done. And why would someone pay when its covered? Seems like a cop out to me.

    What recourse do I have?

    Who has had successful claims?


    Not very happy with Lexus thus far to say the least.

  7. I've never known of fitting different pcd wheels to any car, and think it'd be dodgy and weak if even possible. If the holes don't line up, surely they be ill fitting and lacking contact area and grip between wheel and bolts.

    Sounds very dodgy/dangerous to me, unless your able to change hubs to match the pcd of wheels... but, they have come up with some funky workaround stuff, so perhaps there is a way?

  8. That sounds like a possible culprit John, as seems to be in the right sort of area.

    Any ideas on what's it's called, as I'll look on the parts diagrams, although they a bit rubbish as don't show 'the car' just the bits, so no concept of location lol.

    If you have a pic, that be ace, but if you need to remove stuff to take it, it's ok, don't spend your time specifically on that (many thanks though, kind offer). I'll pull the liner as soon as get chance (had a major mishap with wifes car last night, all electrics freaked out when running code scan, so have go battle that today lol)


  9. Hi Giles,

    I think the noise happens whenever on ready, and slows down when in Park but still on (running if it were normal petrol). Speeds up when in drive and more so when driving/under load. I'll have to double check if there when cold, and check the coolant (not had chance to whip the covers off yet as wifes car is in pieces on drive).

    I though noise was from front offside wheel area, but thinking about it, I've not checked the other side as it got louder when stuck my head near front offside wheel so I assumed it was there.

    If you know what the coolant pump would sound like, I have a vid from front wheel area with sound:

    It does appear to have got worse of late, but it's also warmer, so perhaps your on the right lines, but my anxiety is also increasing lol.

    Thanks, Upex

  10. A bump, but, would these bearings potentially cause a pump type sound to come from under the front of car when the ele system is in ready mode?

    I've got a weird pump noise that is getting worse, and which having posted on here (different thread of course) no one seems to have any ideas what it could be. Horizon kindly offered some guesses, but insight has been short coming. I saw this thread and as it's a pump, and it linked to the ele system, I wonder if perhaps this pump and potentially ropey bearings could be the cause?

  11. On 2017-4-24 at 11:12 PM, AmbroseJohn said:

    Bought this thanks John.

    Anyone got any tips / inital direction for using it?

    I.e, is it cable in, software on, ignition on, link up sequence? 

    Also, is it intuitive on how to find and get to the sensor bit? As got to get this flashing lights gone, think it's burning a hole in the back of my eye! It's so anoying

  12. I see, cleaver old gizmo!

    I like the idea of your backing to stop it inserting and ejecting etc.

    I'm thinking of a hinged bracket that comes further out so can angle back a fair bit, that has a magnet to hold it up, but can then be lowered (pitched forward) so phone not in the way of cd slot. This is before I've tried for fit etc, might not be needed I guess.

    Good work Jason, although the recent 2 pics aren't showing, so not sure what they show lol.

  13. Genius, been struggling for ideas with a mount for wireless charging holder and this may well be on the right path, thanks for sharing.

    I assume then that the tape doesn't fully go into the head unit and drop/lower itself, otherwise the l bracket will jam and chase issues?

    Now just need to find somewhere that sells tapes lol. (Edit just saw link) and watch it go in and out to confirm it'll not jam.

  14. You are right Jon, that there is no substitute for power to weight ratio, hence why it takes one heck of a car to even try to keep up with a run of the mill mass produced sports bike, and that fwd offers all those benefits plus the one you forgot - it's cheaper for the manufacturer to produce (just fwd vs rwd) and thus consumer to buy (minus mark up 😑). Also, all the gizmos make fwd far far better than it was 10 years or so ago, if not less.

    But, the most of the cars that use it properly ain't cheap (all those electrics cost more than a diff and some prop shaft, especially when they break lol), ain't big and comfy (as they need to keep weight down) and most aren't that nice (clearly a subjective personal view).

    Personally I'd much rather a big comfy fancy powerfull rwd any day (I'm not arguing or looking to start a debate etc, as I don't technically disagree with you on any point apart from rwd being a thing of the past. Try selling the fancy civics and whatnot to drifters, drag fans, or try to sell the concenpt to the heavy vehicle market. It's hard enough getting grip on a heavy vehicle in a lot of conditions (cough most crappy non motorway/main roads) as it is, and that's with all that weight adding traction to the drive wheels. Large tractor units, earth movers and such wouldn't move at all lol. Appreciate they aren't alternatives to a new lexus, but they illustrate the other end of the spectrum). 

    Everything has its place, and a decent fwd will be killer on the tracks and lovely roads and for 99.9% of most 'daily' driving, but as they say, no replacement for displacement, and drifting a big rwd is just plain fun, especially when coupled to nice big v8! 😃 I wouldn't have one of the tech tornadoes in place of my car, but would have one alongside it!

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  15. Front wheel drive sucks on powerful motors, but is easier and cheaper for use in smaller output cars.

    I once had a stupid car that had lots of money spent (not by me) making it a beast with pushing 400bhp and front wheel drive. Net result was a waste of previous owners cash and an almost pointless car. Nearly got sides swiped by a lorry 20s into owning it as I tried to cross traffic and it just spun up the front wheels and didn't move far. RWD or awd for anything with over 250bhp I say.

    Hopefully the next lexus won't go fwd and lower powers, that's just boring and falling into line with all the others.... 

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