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Posts posted by Lmafudd

  1. Around two years ago (I had a 66 plate NX at the time), I enquired about upgrading the system to have Android Auto and they said that I would need a whole 'Head Unit' that would cost up to £2,000 (ish). Clearly I didn't pursue that option as I am not stupid but they did say that if my car had been a 2019 variant then the AA upgrade would be free! 

    Perhaps it is worth enquiring with Lexus directly rather than through a dealer.


    Check-out this page


  2. I'm not certain my car 'heals' I think it must need extra vitamins or something!

    I have something called 'Club Smartguard Cosmetic and Alloys' - has anyone experienced this? Apparently they will come to the house and 'repair' up to 10 small areas of damage for £30.00 - up to 3 times during the cover period.

    I think the time has come to call on it!

  3. 27 minutes ago, Andy444 said:

    I have run Flats on my UX and found they are cracking between tread ( Bridgestone )

    the still have 6mm of tread minimum and I expected more life from them and would like a response from Bridgestone 

    I've had this with other brands and they always put it down to age. 5 years outside in all weathers clearly damages the rubber. I can't recall seeing a length of service guarantee anywhere but I may be wrong.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Don C said:

    Biggest source of greenhouse gas on the planet.  A pushbike with twenty cars trailing behind and every now and again one risks life and limb to pass while using a week’s worth of emissions.  

    Yes, and since Covid they think they're Gods! Worlds gone to hell in a hand cart which is what we'll all be using if the Greens get their way!

    • Like 3
  5. I know that Summer has definitely arrived as my mystery squeak has returned. Must be related to heat/temperature I suppose.

    Last year Lexus Leicester cleaned out the dust from the front brakes and to be fair I can't say that I've heard it since - until today. I doubt I will make a special Journey to complain but it is irksome. It usually occurs when I pull into my street, so driving slowly, at a speed of no more than 15mph. It's not all the time. It's high pitched and seems to emanate from front driver's side of the car.

    I was feeling so good. Coasting around the village, Pink Floyd Greatest hits on the 'bog-standard' car audio that sounds great and now I'm not so happy. Still 90% happy is much better than 90% sad!


    • Like 1
  6. I was in the exact same position and had four (non-run flat) Nexen Tyres fitted by Leicester Lexus. Admittedly I now carry two cans of tyre gunk.

    I, like you thought that I'd made the wrong decision buying the UX but since the tyre change I've had passengers comment on how quiet my car is. The terrible road conditions around the country certainly do not help but I'm sure that all cars are affected the same. Now all I regularly suffer from is the fact that the passenger seat belt clip always bangs on the side of the car as it doesn't lie flat until I reach over and straighten it. Secondly - my tin of Smints rattles when down to the last few in the tin!

  7. Collected my son-in-law from a vasectomy op this morning. I think we may have a new Pothole detector!

    All we need is to get all the Councillors and Highways Officers to have the snip then drive them around the area. Start with the lowest paid and by the time the turn of the 'Leader' comes around the roads will be like glass!

    • Haha 5
  8. I'm not attempting to start a row here and I generally agree with the comments in this thread but I'd argue that 2 Grandchildren and two adult spaces do make it a 'Family' car. We've become used to huge cars that we drag around mostly with just a driver on-board especially when going to and from work. I realise the boot isn't huge but 90% + of the time I use the UX it's more than adequate. I've sat in the back, with a Grandchild in one of these huge modern safety seats, and I had no issue with leg or head room and I'm just over 6 feet tall.

    I moved from an NX to the UX for the very reason that I couldn't justify having such a large but wonderful vehicle that was going to sit around most of the day. 

    Even though there is a view on this site that the UX isn't a 'real' Lexus I think they are an excellent car with many benefits in this modern and expensive motoring age.

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  9. Prices are all a bit eye watering these days! I used to laugh at oldsters saying "Two pounds for a pint"* and now I'm one of them. Still at least we're not matching Turkey's 65% inflation rate - yet! That will be net year under a different Government no doubt.


    *Local pub has just been 'refitted' - Guinness now £6.50 a pint!

  10. When in Adaptive Cruise, (that is when the car matches the speed of the vehicle in front), then it will only increase or decrease in 5's. If you hold the Cruise-on button for a few seconds then you get standard cruise (non-adaptive) and that increases in 1mph increments. Sadly the standard cruise does not have the added safety benefits of the adaptive cruise and I would suggest caution when using it.

  11. On 3/29/2024 at 12:27 AM, Don C said:

    Oh aye, when every other car has a number plate made up to spell their name and people interfere with performance chips, I don’t think reducing the volume of the woo woo maker is going to attract the attention of the flying squad.  20,000 new cops on the street my left foot.  

    You're right there Don. If in Scotland the police now have respond to any complaint under their new Hate Crime Law which is such a wide field that drivers will have no fear of seeing a patrol car as the officers will all be busy checking whether someone saying they don't like Tartan is an ethnic hate crime or not!

    World has gone crazy and this is not the society I thought we would have in the 21st century. Where are all the Gull wing cars, the Nehru collar suits and the Aliens? Hang-on, I've slipped into childhood TV progs again!


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    • Sad 1
  12. I left for a healthy walk and a less healthy coffee at the Garden Centre. It's England so of course I grabbed my Brolly from the car and set off. Whilst just about to pay for my coffee order, my phone pinged to tell me that my car was unlocked! What use is that? I couldn't lock it remotely nor could I dash back the mile and a half home to lock it!

    Ignorance can be bliss but knowledge can be very frustrating.

  13. Maybe the RX/NX owners dare not take them out for fear of theft or maybe my area is less well off and we can only afford the UX! Who knows the reason but when I was out for my sojourn on Saturday I spotted 4 UX pass by and one NX plus my UX on the drive makes 5 to 1. I guess this confirms your final statement that the UX is indeed the current top seller as I supposed.

    Of course this is all said in fun. I realise that there must be lots of old Lexus around but to be honest I take little notice of those in the same way I don't register other older marques. 


  14. 8 hours ago, GMB said:

     PS - less road noise too.  I am sure that someone on here will point out the error of my ways very soon😝

    I ran mine at a higher pressure until I swapped the run-flats for ordinary tyres for that very reason. Tyre noise significantly reduced which makes sense as there would be less contact with the tarmac, I assume!

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