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The Editor

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Posts posted by The Editor

  1. It's very good, no signs as to what they have painted out. Looks to me either a cable above or wheels on his feet and cables or planks. I checked the shadow but no evidence there :)

    It's a proces called vector painting/cloning where you can effectivly 'paint' out/in what you like from a frame previously or subsequently from any part of the frame. It's so good that if you filmed an F1 race and you thought the footage wasn't dramatic enough you could use the technique to move cars closer together so as to create the illusion they are in much closer proximity to each other. It was even used in the later Star Wars films during light saber duels to move the actors closer together in some shots to make the fight scenes more intense.

    I'll be quiet now just in case I've ruined the 'magic' for some people... sorry... :P :P

    The Ed

  2. Fantastic thing Camera angles... :winky: then rotoscope out the cable from the crane/helicopter

    Oh.... and don't forget to have all your 'spectators' carefully chosen and in on the act !!

    There again.. he may have just levitated across the buildings !! :P :P

    The Ed

  3. I went to Birmingham today and when I got back to my car I see that some f :tsktsk: keyed my car! Four panels on the passenger side are affected.

    Where were you in Birmingham mate. Was it a back street somewhere or was it a puplic open area like a supermarket car park etc? If it was, do they have CCTV?

    I really feel for you - That's what terrifies every time I leave my 'baby' parked somewhere. It get's a LOT of attention which unfortunately is a double edged sword ! :angry: I went to Peterborough yesterday and was happy cos I got parent and child space :P so at least that cut down the chances of some ignorant ***** opening their door onto my car. It doesn't stop the mindless jealous f*@ckers who do what they've done to you though.

    I hope you get it sorted ok..

    The Ed

  4. I had exactly the same dilema at the end of last year.

    I'd already made my mind up it was going to be between a new E-Class or the new GS. I took both out on extended test drives WITHOUT the dealer sitting next to me. Then I did the same again with Mrs Ed. Now Mrs Ed is one of these people who is totally disinterested and unimpressed with cars. We took out the E-Class (E-240 with the six speed auto) and she said "Mmmmm.. it's okay I suppose" We then took out the new GS and after getting 300 yds down the road I got a "Wow, this is nice.... better than the Merc !!"

    I ordered a GS 300 SE-L in Astral black and took delivery on March 1st. I love it and am glad I went for that over the German marque.

    btw - Although I didn't buy thr car from Leicester, the dealer did say to me "What car are you going to compare it against" I told them an E-Class and they said "That's fine, just let us know what day and we can have an e-class here for you to drive and do a side by side comparison - Take the E-class out then come back here and jump in the GS and take that out" Couldn't ask for more than that !!!

    Happy shopping.... Go on... Go for the GS... you know you want to :winky:

    The Editor

    P.S I already have a Merc and quite frankly it's had more than it's fair share of time back at the dealers

    P.P.S - The other thing the GS gets is loads more attention !! E-Classes are two a penny and nobody gives them a second look. You won' believe the glances the GS gets !! :D

  5. Errrr guys...

    Just use a decent Quick Detailer product like Sonus after washing and drying (don't use a chamois - Only use a microfibre towel designed for the purpose!)

    The whole process will take you ten mins tops (And that's on my GS so an IS would be even quicker in theory)

    Have used this method for a long time and..... NO WATER MARKS !!!

    The Ed

  6. I now couldn't live without both - however if I had to make a choice I would go for sensors front and back rather than just a camera at the back.

    Totally agree with the above comment - Takes that guesswork out of "I wonder how close I....." BANG "oops :tsktsk: "

    The Ed

  7. Sounds like a leaf or something in the ducting vibrating as air is forced past it

    That's what I was going to say !!... Had the exact same thing in a Saab 95 and it turned out to be a leaf !!

    Dealer wanted £1,000,000,000,000,000 to strip down the system and locate it so I did it myself with a torch and a coathanger ! :lol: Okay it cost me a metal coathanger which I was upset about but I found the leaf !

    I couldn't dislodge it so I gave it a stir with the coathanger and mashed it to bits. Then turned the fans onto indestrial wind machine setting and received a faceful of leaf !! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Problem solved !

    The Ed

  8. Thanks Editor for that. So we still need to go out and buy an AA or RAC road atlas then :blush:

    Well I haven't picked up a road atlas for around 4 years and relied totally on sat Nav (both portable and built in). I've driven over here, France and The Netherlands relying totally on GPS and it has ALWAYS got me to where I wanted to go. So I wouldn't panic too much but it probably never hurts to have a map in the glove box :blink: .

    One thing I will say though - Navigating using the Sat Nav is sooooooo less stressful than having the other half trying to read a map and shouting directions like a rally drivers mate :P :P :P

    The Ed

  9. On my lexus ls430 sat nav screen, whilst i am driving some of the touch screen controls become disabled....?

    They're supposed to - It's a safety feature. Anything over 5 mph and they will blank out.

    You will still be able to hit 'Home' and your 5 favourite programed locations as well as use the voice command but inputting addresses etc while on the move is a no -no. (Quite rightly too !!)

    The Ed

  10. ALL Sat nav mapping software has errors in it and nearly all mapping data is anywhere up to three years out of date (sometimes longer)

    It all depends where the data is sourced from and how often it is updated. Once the software house has the mapping data it then has to be converted into something the system can understand and again that takes time.

    If you bought a brand new DVD Sat Nav Rom that was released today. It WOULD have errors on it and it WOULD be out of date !!

    That's life I'm afraid. Having said that, a GPS based system will get you to where you want to go (it may not always chose the roads you would) and the Sat Nav on the Lexus is one of the best around.

    Having said the above there will always be someone that jumps up and says "But my Sat Nav has a road on it that was only built 4 hours ago etc, etc" but at the end of the day it all depends at what point in time the 'snapshot' mapping data was taken.


    The Ed

  11. Ouch !!... Not too an inflamatory issue this one eh ??... :lol::lol::lol:

    I totally agree... It's daylight flaming robbery...

    I work my nuts off and pay tax ( a LOT of tax !)..

    I buy a house and pay Stamp Duty on my purchase (another Tax)..Then anything I purchase to fill my house I pay VAT on.

    Finally when I pop my cloggs and decide to leave my accumulated empire to my kids they get clobbered again for this extortionate tax. (Oh - and don't forget the estate WILL NOT BE RELEASED to my kids until the bloody government has had it's fourth slich of the cake first !! :tsktsk: :tsktsk: :tsktsk: )

    Don't get me started... Oh... I already have :blush::blush:

    The Ed

  12. MB - the same company who used Vacuum locking, which you could unlock by covering the door lock with half a tennis ball. On my dads old 230e (1981), you could punch the ball and ... the doors would unlock!

    Must be the emergency exit/evacuation procedures!

    YUP - Always carry a tennis ball and a Stanley knife in the boot :blink: - You're right though, it first reared it's head on the 230's I think. Cover the Petrol cap lock with half a tennis ball and whack hard !!.... Watch all the other buttons pop up !! :lol::lol:

    Mind you - not as bad as Fords..... Get youself a small club hammer.... walk round to front of vehicle.... strike front tow loop with hammer.... watch air bags deploy and central locking system unlock all doors :P

    Or of course there's the Bentley Continental and the two pence piece... no... I wont go there !!!

    The Ed

  13. Can't believe this, that seems to be the second irritating feature of the new IS that I've read about within a few hours :blink:

    I've no idea why they would carry this stupid way of locking the car forward - in the almost 4 years I've owned my car, I've never locked anyone in the car, however, I've had to press that lock button twice everytime I lock it :angry:

    I don't see why they choose to do it this way round, it only seems to be Japanese cars that do this, other cars all deadlock with the one press and you have to do some weird procedure only when you want to switch it off - IMO that makes far more sense...... ;)

    Try Mercedes !!.... My Merc (2004) has no deadlocks. In fact NO MERCEDES has deadlocks. The manufacturer still sticks by it's principal that they are dangerous in the event of an emergency/accident. They have never fitted them and never will (so they say). At least the Lexus gives you a choice !! :D

    The Ed

  14. Hi Barry,

    Well I have the new GS and I would guess the IS is the same.

    First press of the Remote or button on the door handle will lock the car, press either button again within 5 seconds and the deadlocks will activate.

    You can also close any windows or sunroof with a long press on the first press and then fire the deadlocks on the second press !!

    Hope this helps.

    The Ed

    P.S. You can also open the windows and sunroof from the remote (to let any hot air out of the car in the summer as you walk up to the vehicle. Just press and hold the 'unlock' button on the remote)

  15. There is also a 'safety strap' attached that prevents the boot flying open violently and smashing the rear window in high wind

    The Ed

    I think the strap is actually used by the auto-closure to pull the boot lid shut. It might be used as a 'safety strap' as well though.

    Nope definately not (I've got the new GS) and the strap is only there for safety. The power close mechanism is nothing more than a 'soft close' i.e you manually lower the boot lid until the latch touches and then the power motor takes over and pulls the lid shut. It's designed (or so the blurb says) so as not to have to slam the boot shut (wouldn't want to upset the occupants of the back seats who have become used to being wafted around in style with a silly thing like a boot slam !!! :D )

    The Ed

  16. Doesn't on the new GS either - Just unlatches - Then slight pressure back down again activates the auto closure.

    The GS has hydraulics though doesn't it?

    Well gas struts (as does the bonnet) - Just had to go and check :D :D but it only unlatches, it doesn't pop fully open. It's not supposed to. There is also a 'safety strap' attached that prevents the boot flying open violently and smashing the rear window in high wind

    The Ed

  17. If something that you can fix it easily yourself or can live with it, don't let your baby suffer, they won't take good care of your baby as you do.

    Oh... how true those word are !! So many times I've taken cars in the past into the dealers and my first instruction is always "DON'T VALET IT" what happens... it comes back washed and pressure washed and with scratches on it !

    Now I've got my new baby I'm going to make the dealer mark on the service record that I don't want the car cleaned whilst in for service (don't want them ruining my Sonus SFX3 and Klasse SG finish !!)

    The Ed

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